You need to know these tools if you are an HR

Anurag Khandelwal
Published in
5 min readMar 30, 2018

You will be astonished to note that tools like Zapier have made things so seamless that one SMS from your mobile can create a new contact in Gmail, a new contact in your phone, schedule a meeting with that person via Google calendar and send a custom confirmation email via your CRM to the other person. All it takes is literally one SMS.

The significance of your Job is much, much higher for you to spend your time on things that just don’t make your workplace further conducive to work. While you are busy at making your organisation a little more productive every single day, I picked up some of the tasks from your day to day schedule as an HR and have tried to make them look as if they can happen on their own.

No matter what size your organisation belongs to, if you are not using these 5 tools, you might be missing a lot of things big time.

ZOHO People 3.0: This has to be the very first pick on my list. ZOHO people is not just a hugely inexpensive enterprise tool, it’s a habit.
People 3.0 not only covers the very basic utilities (such as attendance only on a certain IP and leave tracking module) but also go to advanced features including assigning hours per project, tracking performance appraisal 365 days a year, approval request by employees, time logger for employees, compensation management, training module, linking projects to invoice and a lot of other features that just can’t be written down.

And the best part is that if you are an organisation of 5 employees, you can literally forget all of your people management for FREE of cost. And even if you are someone with a high volume of employees, you can get it for not more than 2 USD/month.

Google Calendar: This is one of those tools that have been around for some time, have been known to us but we don’t bother much to use it.

As an HR you need to meet a lot of people every day. It can be a fellow worker, a candidate or someone from the other organisation you wanted to meet for a very long time. And while you are busy with all your routine, you can neither afford to waste time on followup nor you can afford delays.

Google calendar not just send follow-ups to all the involved parties in the meeting via email but also buries down this schedule right to their smartphone. And, if your calendar is configured in a certain way, all the involved parties can access link to the map of the location, phone number of the organiser and can even place a reschedule request.

While this is an advanced offering, you will be astonished to note that tools like Zapier have made things so seamless that one SMS from your mobile can create a new contact in Gmail, in your phone, schedule a meeting with that person via Google calendar, send a custom email via your CRM to the other person and send a follow up SMS exactly 30/20/10/x minutes before the meeting. All it takes is literally one SMS.

Recuriterbox: How does it feel like to manage 10+ job portals, postings over these platforms 10+times, doing recruiting under isolation from all the members and having no uniform hiring framework across the organisations? That’s exactly what Recuriterbox solves for you. While it not only post the job on LinkedIn, Glassdoor and Indeed (along with a lot of platforms), it can also be placed quietly under the careers section of your website to work seamlessly across the channel.

Recuritbox is much more than just a utility. It’s a system. Not just it adjusts itself to your policies, it integrates seamlessly with your hiring team, your evaluation methods and allows no room for happening of anything that you don’t want to happen.

If you belong to an organisation that has a strength of 200+ employees, it’s one of the must-have tools.

Udemy or edX: In a scenario where organisations spend lacks of rupees on training their employees, I wish that they would have known these super cost-saving resources. While edX can provide a lot of courses for free, Udemy can provide some excellent professional skill-based courses for as low as 1000 INR with a certification of completion.

On one hand, Udemy is just great when it comes to gaining knowledge that is more applicable to hard skills. On the other hand, edX is an amazing resource for skills that pertain towards developing the expertise of an employee.

Both these resources have proven efficiency from the side of both the instructor and platform. As per a study by MIT, MOOC students end up leading a little more than university students. Considering the monotonous nature of off the job training, this is a finding that should at least be just enough for you to consider them as a valid option for replacing them with your current training methodology. You might have often heard a phrase called “AI in hiring”. Plum is how it looks like. This intelligent integration attaches itself to your hiring methodology and figures out the most suitable candidate for you even before you can have a look at the resume. is most suitable for jobs that demand decent interpersonal skills. The architecture of plum is such that it not just judges a person as per the requirements of the job but also concludes a score on the basis of verbal ability, aptitude and personality.

Now that we are done streamlining your routine, it’s time to change the way relocations/transfers happen at your organisations. Get started now at Happy Locate Enterprise tool

About the author:

Anurag is the Asst. Manager- strategic digital marketing and communications at Happy Locate and loves creating content that helps one of the other people. If you think there is something he needs to know, drop him a message on LinkedIn. No matter whatever it is, he always chooses to respond!

