Why did we start Happy Monday? It’s in the name.

Jon Taterka
Happy Monday
Published in
3 min readDec 2, 2019

When we first started working on Happy Monday, we were motivated by a shared observation: the world sucks at hiring. We had all experienced the unfortunate effects that this shortcoming has on everyday working people. Each of us had spent time at jobs that initially seemed like perfect fits but turned out to be soul-crushing mismatches. We know all too well the damage that the standard hiring process inflicts on job seekers, causing them to quickly trade their hope for disillusionment. We resolved to fix this broken system on behalf of the billions of working people in the world.

We wake up each day and meet up at the Happy Monday office to make every single person happy at work.

Happy Monday exists to improve people’s lives by connecting them with work they’ll love.

So why did we build free hiring software? How does this help us fulfill our purpose? These are fair questions. To answer them, let’s take a step back and look at the beliefs that led us to this point:

Whereby: Happiness at work is incredibly important

People spend roughly one-third of their lives at work. So it stands to reason that their experience at work has a huge impact on their overall quality of life. We’ve all seen friends and loved ones suffer anxiety working jobs that didn’t make them happy. We’ve also witnessed the profound satisfaction of someone who truly loves their work.

And whereby: Happiness at work is achievable

We looked around and realized that at virtually every miserable job, there was at least one other person in the same or a similar position who seemed to excel at and enjoy it. Therefore, we reasoned that there are no bad jobs. There are only bad matches between jobs and people. If we could crack the code and discover what makes a job great for a particular person, we could build a company that delivers happiness at work.

And whereby: Everyone should be happy at work

We wake up each day and meet up at the Happy Monday office to make

every single person

happy at work.

Therefore: Everything must change

This means that we need to rebuild the hiring process, end-to-end. That’s why we built end-to-end hiring software. And because we want everyone to benefit, we made it free.

This is only the beginning

We are incredibly proud of Happy Monday, and we think that you will love using it to hire. But we aren’t stopping here. In order to make everyone happy at work, we will need to transcend the very notion of hiring software (and of hiring), and it will take time. Come with us on our journey as we explore what makes a person truly happy at work. Join our adventure and be the first to experience innovations that will allow companies and people to match with one another at the click of a button and begin working together with unprecedented speed and happiness.

Join us, and help us realize the dream of a Happy Monday for everyone.

