How Michael van Kerkwijk creates space with creative concepts

Happyplaces Stories (video)

Marcel Kampman
Happyplaces Stories
9 min readJun 15, 2016


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Michael was my very first ‘victim’ when I decided to start to film people om how they create space. I remember it was a funny moment. We were working together on a project and the next moment we sat down to film, to have a conversation, talking about this subject matter. I was still figuring out how to properly record a conversation, capture the audio somewhat reasonable and meanwhile Michael was really calm. He was quite comfortable with the situation while I wasn’t really. Those first times, always painfully stressful. But as soon I switched on the camera, he also switched on and started to speak while he was thinking, and to think while he was speaking. Exactly what I was hoping for: no preparation, no rehearsals, no filter, just honest, rough and uncut thoughts and ideas. Fascinating. What followed was a collection of ideas, about his role, the advertising business, creativity, dreams, change and the creation and facilitation of space to be creative within.

During the day, are you capable of believing in your dreams? And do people recognise something of this dream of yours? This is not about what you have created or won. It is about what you believe in.


When a question comes in, you start thinking about it. At this point, you start to notice your own development. The way you were when you started working. A long time ago. When your working place was just a tiny room with two machines in it. You had to put a piece of paper in it and then something different came out, which made you something like a mailman posting letters. Someone would read your letter and respond to it, without you being in the room.


These days, you can be much more involved in the process. But how do you make sure you get the most out of people? By physically creating and offering space. What kind of place would that be? Is there good coffee and are we friendly? Do people feel safe here? But also, what do you need to get something out of it?

I do not come up with things myself, but every time an idea is created I am over the moon. Because I only have an idea about which way things have to go, not about how they should be. I think it is magical when things are created while talking to others about their ideas. This is such a special occurrence. And it happens again every time. I do not understand where this comes from. Unfortunately, some people get stuck trying to create things. You brought these people in because you considered their work and ideas as interesting. But sometimes, their ideas just do not come out the way you had hoped they would. This is inconvenient for me, because I want people to grow. But for these people, being stuck at one point for years is not a pleasant feeling either. It is not good when you are 32 and still doing the same thing every day as you did five years ago. Especially when you know that these people could achieve so much more. This comes mostly from fear of being successful. Fear of having to be responsible for your success. I cannot take away this fear because I am not a psychiatrist.


Nowadays, the branch of communication and advertising is mainly about who to recruit at which moment. In stead of doing things alone, you want to create a team to work with. This is much more dynamic. But also more difficult to control, and harder to make money with. But when the products succeed, they will be better than ever. To me, this shows that we are still capable of achieving more.

The problems have become much more difficult, so the solutions need to be more simple. There are no tested methods anymore. The requests of our customers are beyond advertising. And the solutions are beyond advertising as well. But what you could do, is to use creativity to solve these things. There is such an opportunity here. It is no longer about lacking a reputation or an image. Just help me to create something, even though I do not know which way this is going yet.


Thinking about something and creating something are two completely different things. Every single day you should ask yourself whether you still believe in your dreams or not. mAnd do people recognize something in this dream of yours? It is no longer about what you have made or won, it is about what you believe in. Why are you in this company? What role do you wish to have here? In particular, the talent that is looking for this does not care about your previous work. They mainly care about what you believe in and why you are here. For them, this is interesting because it means they can still change things.


The promising of this time, is the awareness that what we have done up till now was good but these things might not work anymore. So we have to look for new solutions. Why are we here? Yes, we have seen that our branch is changing. And yes, our roles should change. We do not know how to do this yet, but we are going on a journey. But where do we stick to? Do we have values, client messages, and such? However, it is not in these things. Maybe it is a case of the spirit of the times. But people are completely aware of the fact that this is the one and only question. What keeps us busy these days? Maybe, fifty years from now, we will look back in time and think :”My god, we were trying so hard.”


Are our people capable of keeping up with today’s technological developments? For example, this phone is capable of doing a lot more. But this is only possible if the battery is able to follow up. If you take this example back to our store, everything is possible. You only have to come up with an idea that has got it all. The human battery, defined as creative, is not up to it yet. Or it never will be. So how are you going to mobilize that talent around this problem? At this point, you have to look for other people. Look for other batteries and capacities. Try to find out what is possible. That is what we do here as well. How do you handle things? How do you make sure I understand what you are trying to explain? The next step is letting other people react to your ideas. Let them work with what you came up with. I do not worry about the things I cannot reach. And I do not worry about things that are not on my path. I will just have to see what I run into. I do what I like with the things I come across.

Naturally, I am just another eighties product. I grew up with Miami Vice and Sonny Crockett. When wearing a shiny outfit made you the man. And nowadays, it is more about being a good policeman. I have discussions with myself and my family about doing what you love and trying to become really good at it. Take for example this boy who became World Champion speed ice-skating last weekend. Nobody expected him to win, especially not in comparison with all those turbo Koreans. But still he became the new World Champion. How? Because he loved speed ice-skating and he just wanted to be able to skate as fast as possible. His goal was never to become a World Champion. This is the perfect example of doing what comes on your path. When you are on track, try to stay there. In the meantime, give your love and attention to everyone that comes across. Make every single day into a bright one. This does not always go fast, or fast enough. But still, I believe this is the crux.


In twenty-five years, I think I have never enjoyed my job as much as I do now. Even though everyone around me is always fairly negative about advertising. Long live new opportunities! There is so much space for ideas, creativity, and different solutions. We are not able to make everything succeed, but this is the time when guts and intuition can help you immensely. We have only just begun. Every day I see things and think: “Wow, they did a great job. I want to do the same.” “He is an even better tennis player, will you just look at that backhand! How does he do that?” This is what I think every single day. And I think it is so nice. The most important task I have is showing this to my own people. There is always something to do or to improve. Something exciting, something special, inspirational, or better for the world.

Take the case where Häagen-Dazs made an appeal at the American congress because the honeybee was going to extinguish. The marketing director had no problem speaking to the congress and explaining the problems and consequences for humanity if the honeybee would extinguish. That is amazing. We live in a time where we can provide companies with these ideas. As a company, you have a certain responsibility way beyond having a marketing alibi or social responsibility. We have got some budget left over, so let’s do something for a pitiful group of people. No. It is about trying to sell your product within the role you are playing. Not simply to sell your products, but to sell your range of ideas and thoughts as well. If this makes the world a better place, you are doing great. You are looking, but you cannot not see it. You are listening, but you cannot hear it. Am I not listening carefully enough, or is the message given to me in the wrong way?

That is the role I play within this company. How do you inspire people when it comes to toothpaste, tea, an accountant, or a web-shop? You have to tackle these things with ambition and spirit as well. Think of it like this: “I am going to do something for this company which will make them worldwide fucking famous. Do not think: “Yuck, I have got to make a two-times 15 second commercial”. That is the end of the production line. When someone has got to put an ashtray in it and the headlights need to work.



Marcel Kampman
Happyplaces Stories

Creates space and matter, and places that matter, in the universe of infinite possibility. Founder of Happykamping & Happyplaces Project, author, sense maker.