Git Your Head Up!

Ivan Afandi


A thousand years ago, in a far far away land, there’s some creatures called Designers. Some people said that they all look the same, some people said that they are like to create their own habitat and when everyone is look the same. What they do is just bragging about the new pencils that they have or the new sketch book with some unnecessary features in it.

Suddenly things changed (because that’s life right, even our skin is not the same skin from before) There’s also some creatures called engineers, and it change the whole things to the whole perspective of creativity, they are the one who pushed it and turn it into something real.

For some reasons they crossed paths together, being a symbiotic creatures. They complement each others. They are like the right brains and left brains. They support each others, they are like spoon and fork.

And then designers start to look up on engineers, they like how the engineer manage their works manage everything about their little labs. Designer amaze on how something so very structured but giving a results that also very creative and remarkable when they are work together , all of the layers start to tell the story, all of the individual components that feels very strong, all of the interactive elements speaks for themselves. This is too good for the designers, everything start to comes to life.

After a couple of decades, designers start to adapting the engineers, want to be like them (but it’s hard for sure, especially when you sucks at math)

They start to copying the process on how 100 engineers can work on the same things and then giving a tremendous results.

First of all, the designers start to analyze on how they do the work. They always say something about “pull” and “commit” and “push” that sounds really interesting on designers ears.

So designers start to ask on what that shit is all about. Earth is cracking, the sky fall down and wind stop the motion when designers heard about that. Because that something that will solved the problem that they are facing everyday for every years.

It’s Git!

For you who don’t know what Git is,

Git is a distributed version control system, it can be used as a server out of the box. Dedicated Git server software helps, amongst other features, to add access control, display the contents of a Git repository via the web, and help managing multiple repositories

Managing multiple repositories! whaaatttt!!!

This solve the problems when some designers can’t continue someone else work because their files somehow in the Google drive or dropbox or hard-disk (that unfortunately Tom bring it to his home because there’s a lot of movies in there) and maybe in the cloud. Cloud? What cloud? Even tho the file can be shared, it’s not the latest version.

And Git have the answers the question that we always have in our head. So without further a do this is the process. All you need to do is only to follow these steps!

1st step:

Brew some shit! Go to and install Homebrew to your computer. What is Homebrew? (Homebrew installs the stuff you need that Apple didn’t.)
Open your terminal and paste this to your terminal:

/usr/bin/ruby -e “$(curl -fsSL"

Tap enter and then wait for the brewing! Just wait!

If you still confuse, go to this page:

2nd steps:

Install your Git through Homebrew. Don’t know how to install it? Keep your terminal open and paste this to your terminal:

$ brew install git

If you still confuse, go to this page:

3rd steps:

Pick where you want to install your Git.
Now it’s time to install Git-LFS! What is Git-LFS?
Git-LFS is where you want to save larger files to your repository. This can be audio, video, datasets, graphics and other large files.
You need this because it will optimized your workflow if you are a designer.
How to install it?
Keep your terminal open, and then type:

brew install git-lfs

And wait for the dark magic!
After the Git-LFS is installed, type:

git lfs track “*.sketch”

this for tracking the type of files that you want Git-LFS to track and detect as a larger file.

Then type:

git add .gitattributes

because you need to make sure .gitattributes is tracked.

4th steps

You can use bitbucket for your git repository management

The other option is GitHub or GitLab!

Create your project inside the bitbucket and then you good to go!
For some of you who are scared of command line in terminal. You can use

5th steps

There is no step five. Just commit and push to BitBucket/GitHub/GitLab as you normally would.

git add file.psd
git commit -m “Add design file”
git push origin master

This is just the beginning on how designers can collaborate with tech people. We are at HappyFresh always learn on how to improve our workflow.

Until all of this is setup. We will tell you another magic that you can do with Git. We currently have a secret project, where you can push Git repository to the limit where everything can be connected.

Stay tune! Just another day at HappyFresh!

