Drama is a Journey from an Idea to a Story-line

Rajat Dangi 🛠️
Hapramp Studio
Published in
2 min readApr 17, 2017

This article was originally written by Ayush Pandey.

Shakespeare once wrote a famous phrase, “All the world’s a stage” and here I am sharing my experience of 20 years on the planet and 20 years of acting.

Dramatics is not just my interest, for me, it’s like living another life. I can live two lives in a single life span. Our lives are hasty and we don’t have time to think for a second that why are we doing all this? By getting involved in drama, I am able to inspect my personality better and to know what I am actually capable of. I would have never done whatever I have done during a drama. I have a totally different personality and I get deep down into it during the performance.

Drama is the whole procedure of nurturing a raw idea to a complete story-line with the dialogues and the final enactment. It’s not just a mere process of execution of acting, but to feel and understand what life means. Everything that we do, affects our life somewhere down the line. It makes us value the efforts that we make in our life.

Drama helps me express myself and again it’s not just in the act. It can be anywhere in the whole procedure or we can say that ‘Drama Development Life Cycle’. I always loved to write scripts, and when we usually do meetings for script writing, the flow of innovative ideas are a treat watching even at late nights and unusual times. I like to be simply observant about people that what all they are doing and what exactly is their thought process or what is their body language while performing the drama.

Drama, according to me makes people more aware of their surrounding and can help them control their emotion. When people are in a situation where they feel that they want to be free then they tend to allow themselves the room to express by performing the drama and enacting roles which they could have never thought of doing in their real life. This is where the real beauty of the dramatics lies.

At last, I would like to end the article with a very famous poet’s quote which sums up the dramatics and my dedication for it:

“Drama is based on the mistakes.” — W. H. Auden

Originally published at hapramp.com on April 17, 2017.

