Harassment Zero.

Farnaz Nasrullah
Harassment Zero.
Published in
2 min readJun 5, 2022

What Motivated The Creation of this Newsletter.

The United Nations Agency for Women defines Sexual Harassment as “a form of violence and discrimination rooted in historic power imbalances, and male-dominated culture, which permeates governments, the private sector, international organizations, and even areas of civil society.”

Sexual harassment exists worldwide. In India, 44% of women have been groped in public, according to a survey. Similarly, 84% of women in Bangladesh have reported experiencing derogatory comments, or sexual advances in public. 99% of Egyptian women have experienced sexual harassment in one form or another. 8 to 9 women out of 10 in Mexico have experienced sexual harassment.

Victims of sexual harassment face significant psychological effects. This includes anxiety, depression, headaches, sleep disorders, weight loss or gain, and nausea, according to The Advocates for Human Rights. Financial consequences include a loss of wages due to sick leave, or unpaid leave. In one country, women are 9 times more likely than men to quit their jobs due to their experiences of sexual harassment, and three times more likely to lose their jobs because of it.

Sexual harassment is a consequence of imbalanced power structures, attitudes towards gender, as well as legal imbalances in rule of law, and legal mechanisms for redressal, prosecution, and sentencing. It is also a consequence of socio-cultural attitudes towards violence, namely misogynistic views about women in the workplace, in the home, and as individuals.

Harassment Zero is here to share stories and research about how to eliminate sexual harassment worldwide. The term “Harassment Zero” is used to denote the vision of this newsletter — to help create a world where there are no cases of sexual harassment. It is aimed at people of all genders, in all areas of work, living, and activity. It takes a particular focus on the global South, as Least Developed Countries (LDC’s) are more likely to have such harassment present within their societies.

Harassment Zero welcomes contributions from writers. To write for Harassment Zero, do reach out to the Editor, and mention your topic of interest, supporting research, and base. We do not re-publish content that is copyrighted, or that has been published in other blogs/websites. All content is published in English, and must be verified for facts prior to submission.



Farnaz Nasrullah
Harassment Zero.

Writing about advocacy & action for humans & animals. Read current, historical & Pakistani prose & poetry. Speak English and Urdu.