Amazon Vice-President & CTO visits HARA

HARA AgriTech
Published in
2 min readSep 26, 2018

This Monday, none other than the Vice-President and CTO of Amazon, Werner Vogels, joined us at our offices to learn more about HARA.

The visit to HARA was Vogels’ first stop in Jakarta, after an earlier meeting with president Jokowi and giving a key-note speech at the AWS Startup Day. On his twitter profile, Vogels’ made sure to let his followers know he was impressed with what he what he was seeing.

During the visit, Regi Wahyu (HARA CEO) and Imron Zuhri (HARA CTO) explained the concept of HARA, and how our ecosystem works. The trio was followed by a camera crew that AWS brought along, as they made their way touring the office.

Vogels’ took note of the close cooperation between the different divisions at HARA, which Wahyu explained is necessary to be able to create the best product for our end user. Vogels remarked that the lay-out was very much like Amazon.

Amazon Web Services is leveraged extensively to make HARA a success. The cloud services allow our engineers to fully focus on developing our product, instead of having to deal with things like server management.

Sharing a laugh on the recording monitor used by the AWS team

Following a day in the office, on Tuesday, the Amazon CTO joined Wahyu and Zuhri as they made their way to the rice fields near Bogor.

In the field, Vogels’ was given a demonstration on how HARA’s technology is being put into practice to best serve the rural communities of smallholder farmers.

Vogels, Wahyu, and Zuhri follow two HARA field agents as they tag a rice paddy

Together, the executives followed one of our field agents as he walked around the border of one of the rice paddies, showing how the process of land tagging is carried out.

We are honoured that such an influential figure in the tech world took an interest in HARA. With the help of AWS, we will continue our efforts to create a real social impact for all small holder farmers in Indonesia.

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HARA AgriTech

HARA is an agriculture blockchain company which empowering farmers to digitize the unseen become visible.