HARA and Its Journey in Empowering Female Farmers in Indonesia

HARA AgriTech
4 min readJun 29, 2021


One of the core ideas and missions of Hara is to introduce ourselves as a tech company that is dedicated and driven towards creating social impacts, especially in the Indonesian Agriculture. Hara has been very vocal and active in working toward the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with one of them is to achieve gender equality and women empowerment (Goal #5). What differentiates HARA is that we integrate the use of tech innovations to facilitate and benefits the communities on the bottom pyramid.

After months of preparation and planning, we are glad to announce The Pancasila Ginger Project (Projek Jahe Pancasila), the brain child of HARA’s vision, which was officially kicked-off earlier this month!

No Poverty (Goal #1) and Zero Hunger (Goal #2)

Talking about The Pancasila Ginger Project in the long run, it’s important to note that it has the potential to affect and bring changes to more than just female farmers in Indonesia but also to Indonesia’s agriculture sector as a whole. But it does need to start from the very core of the issue, which are poverty, and the decrease of business optimization in farming households that preserve this cycle. According to the Farming Survey done by BPS, one of the reasons for this is the low quality of human capital and the narrowing of farming lands.

With the Pancasila Ginger Project, farmers’ housewives are being educated that farming doesn’t always need to happen in large lands but can even be done through existing resources, such as utilizing the farmers’ very own backyards. The ginger commodity does not need to require a huge amount of space to grow, thus they are the perfect fit to bring farmers’ housewives in increasing their productivity, food security and additional income. The project also invests in invisible assets, such as helping these women learn about the high selling and high demand ingredients that are practical to grow through a series of trainings and to further optimize household waste to create fertilizers that can be used for the husband’s crops or to sell to other parties, which can both cut spending and also to acquire more profitable income!

Empowering Women Farmers and Housewives by Creating Inclusive Economic Opportunities (Goal #5 and #8)

Female farmers are one of the backbones of Indonesia’s agriculture sector. According to the Inter-Census Agriculture Survey done by BPS back in 2018, women farmers account for 24% out of the 25,4 million farmers, and that 2,8 million farming households are headed by women. This goes to show the vast population of women farmers in the agriculture sector. Unfortunately, the percentage of poverty in these households are higher (7, 82) compared to men headed household (7, 79%). Their challenges are even more pronounced during the Covid 19 pandemic, where they must balance their work on the field with the responsibility to educate their children due to the home schooling programs.

Here’s where the Pancasila Ginger Project can help. By giving them an alternative access to farming land (which they already own), the choice of planting ginger due to its high demand and selling value will give added benefits without having to pay extra money for land management. And this is backed up by 2018 data provided by BPS, where Indonesia’s ginger production reached 207,412 and 3,203 tons being exported abroad. In addition to this, due to ginger’s various usage in household spices, herbal medicines, and beverages, the demand and interest for ginger are still high. This is what the Pancasila Ginger Project is trying to achieve, not only providing women in farming communities with the necessary capital, guidance, and valuable crop but also giving them the agency to grow and manage those produces in a self-sufficient manner. The Pancasila Ginger Project also goes hand-in-hand with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals #8: Promoting Inclusive and Sustainable Economic Growth which is to create more inclusive economic opportunities for these women.

“Alhamdulillah, this month we reached the target of planting 15,000 ginger seeds in female farmers’ houses to be nurtured for the next 7 months.” — Regi Wahyu, CEO of HARA

This month, Hara has reached the target of planting 15.000 ginger seeds in the back yard of farmer housewives in East Java

Together with the Pancasila Ginger Project, we can combine the need for more gender inclusive participation and contribution in the Indonesian agriculture landscape, especially for housewives that holds dual roles in their household, and the urgency of eliminating hunger and poverty for all farmers in Indonesia!

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HARA AgriTech

HARA is an agriculture blockchain company which empowering farmers to digitize the unseen become visible.