HARA and the African Business Institute move toward deployment in Uganda

HARA AgriTech
Published in
3 min readAug 15, 2018

HARA is pleased to announce a new partnership with the African Business Institute (ABI), an educational institution based in Uganda and Malawi. The ABI will represent HARA in Africa and will serve as a bridge of communication between various key stakeholders as HARA prepares to deploy to Uganda.

At the ABI, students are provided with both the academic and practical skills to start their own business through a combination of classroom courses, workshop exercises, internships, and team projects. Over the years, the institute has developed an extensive network of local businesses and professionals.

“ABI is excited about this partnership with HARA because of the clear synergies we see between the vision and mission of both organizations, that of strengthening communities by focusing on the people that will benefit from this endeavor.”

— Marcelo Viera, Vice President of ABI

Regi Wahyu (CEO of HARA) during his visit to African Business Institute (ABI)

Last May, HARA CEO Regi Wahyu came over to the continent in a visit that was organized by the ABI. At the time, Wahyu already expressed his interest in returning to work together with the African Business Institute to create a positive impact for the smallholder farmers in the region.

The team from ABI will help to find partners and advisors that can contribute real value to HARA’s project, as well as prepare the different stakeholders that are necessary for a successful implementation of the HARA data exchange ecosystem. The collaboration with the ABI will initially focus on the deployment of a pilot project in Uganda, which will be the first African country where HARA will be rolled out.

“Africa is ripe for real life innovative initiatives such as this and we at ABI are ready to do what we can to bring this to fruition in the East and Sub-Saharan markets.

This collaboration will pave the way for newly minted entrepreneurs with a drive for sustainable development to go out in the field and help implement the HARA project in East Africa.”

Marcelo Viera, Vice President of ABI

This partnership is in a unique place to bridge the divide between big development projects and the many smallholder farmers and cooperatives in the region. The combination of HARA’s and the ABI’s experience will no doubt lead to new levels of economic growth that can really make a difference for the livelihoods of those that need it most.

HARA is looking forward to work together with the ABI to bring HARA to the African continent and to start creating a real social impact that will empower millions of smallholder farmers in the region.

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HARA AgriTech

HARA is an agriculture blockchain company which empowering farmers to digitize the unseen become visible.