HARA releases HARA Chain with cross-chain capabilities

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3 min readOct 22, 2018

HARA announced the release of the HARA Chain at the Blockchain Developer Friday event, hosted by the Indonesia Blockchain Hub. The tech event featured an international panel of speakers, including HARA’s CTO, Imron Zuhri, and Sr Blockchain Developer, Arkan Gilang.

In his presentation, Gilang spoke about the new products HARA was revealing and how they would work in the HARA ecosystem. Apart from the HARA Chain, he also spoke about the HARA Token Bridge, the HARA Block Explorer, the HARA Wallet, and the HARA Data Exchange itself.

“Why did we build HARA Chain? Because on Ethereum main net the transaction throughput is very low. Imagine if all the farmers using HARA token are updating their data; we have had this kind of throughput, so we built the new chain with more throughput,” — Arkan Gilang, HARA Sr Blockchain Developer

The throughput on the Ethereum Main Net is around 1.5 transactions per second. On the HARA Chain, this rises to 500 transactions per second. Gilang continued his argument that apart from the number of transactions, using HARA Chain also greatly reduces costs as internal transactions are free, and the chain can be fully customized to suit HARA’s needs.

HARA CTO Imron Zuhri speaks at the Blockchain Developer Friday event

The HARA Token Bridge connects the HARA Chain to the Ethereum Main Net, and allows token to transfer from the HARA net to the main net. But in the future, as CTO Imron Zuhri explained, the bridge might also give HARA increased flexibility to optimize their operations.

“For example, if in the future we would want to change, instead of doing it in the Ethereum main net we want to switch to EOS of Cardano. Instead of doing a hard fork, what we can do is just create another bridge to that token.

In a way HARA Token can be a chameleon. Right now, HARA token exists in Ethereum, but if it is necessary, if there is a better solution or if something more mature is there, HARA token can move there. Nobody can guarantee that Ethereum will be the winner of the chains, that’s why we built that technology,” — Imron Zuhri, HARA CTO

The event attracted a full room of people interested in Blockchain technology

The next additions the HARA team will be working on are integrating the HARA Data Exchange on the blockchain, and creating the recently-announced HARA Wallet. The creation of the wallet is in line with HARA’s aim to spur adoption with as many people as possible.

“One of the main obstacles in blockchain is that it is very hard to use. I mean for the lay person when you want to buy something with Tokopedia, you just log into Tokopedia and buy it. But with blockchain you have to have a wallet, and then you have to have a secret key; it’s very hard so we’re trying to make that easier by creating our own wallet,” — Arkan Gilang, HARA Sr Blockchain Developer

The HARA Wallet will increase the ease of use of HARA Token, and will provide a user friendly interface through which people can access the data exchange.

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HARA is a global & open blockchain-based data exchange enabling everyone to make better data-driven decisions. https://hara.ag/