HARA facilitates workshop for the Indonesian Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing supported by World Bank

HARA technology could be used as a tool for land certification

4 min readSep 18, 2018


Regi Wahyu (HARA CEO) speaks at the Disruptive Technology for Affordable Housing workshop

Hi, this is Regi. I wanted to share some good news with you.

Today we have already registered 6000 farmers in the HARA ecosystem, and I am confident we will reach 10,000 by the end of September. The exponential growth is driven by the clear benefits for those farmers, for example from the loans distributed by the banks that have partnered with us, and the great work by our field agents who are incentivized to help farmers come onboard.

We already have commercial contracts with banks and insurance companies to deliver benefits for the farmers. Through HARA, farmers get access to financial institutions for working capital loans and insurance coverage for their crops.

We really care about the farmers’ livelihood. That is why we always think about how our partnerships can give the best benefits to the farmers. We talked to the farmers about what is on the top of their wish list and what their dreams are. One of their dreams is to simply have decent and better housing.

Yesterday was a historic day for HARA, as we got the opportunity to share and facilitate a workshop for the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing on the topic of disruptive technology for affordable housing. We’ve been discussing with the ministry on how we can help people on the bottom of pyramid to get affordable housing, and how technology can accelerate making the dreams of these people come true.

HARA with its blockchain technology can deliver a simple solution to land certification, which is the foundation to making affordable housing become a reality.

We have gotten the full support from the World Bank in this workshop, where more than 200 people attended from different sectors like the Financial Services Authority (OJK), banks, developers, and the ministry itself. We are also very pleased to welcome our friends from the United States, Malaysia, the Philippines, India, and Europe, who are formidable players in housing sector technology.

The event was attended by representatives from a wide range of sectors

Imron Zuhri, CTO of HARA, and I are in a great position to share about how we use our technology because of the great progress that we’ve made in the deployment of our project, both on the technological side as well as the on the ground execution.

On the technology side, we have already established our private Ethereum test net on Amazon Web Services. By the end of this month, we will have a beta version of our own HARA Block Explorer and a beta version of cross-chain modules that will act not only as a bridge from the side chain to the main net, but also allow HARA to utilize and combine any future protocol or platform from outside our private Ethereum network.

As for our ground deployment, we have already trained 400 fully qualified HARA field agents, each of which can now help an average of 50 farmers come onboard every day. Our field agents execute our mission by putting our technology to use in the data collection process and through the close interaction with the farmers and rural communities.

Also, we are helping to revitalize the local farming culture via our field agents. Our field agents are young farmers and other young people from the local villages that are interested in agriculture. They help us create a social impact for farmers and facilitate sustainable development for rural areas.

Non-existing land titles are a big issue in developing countries, and solving the issue requires a big investment in time and money. It is estimated that Indonesia will require up to 150 years to certify all of its land. Now imagine that HARA, with support from the Ministry, the World Bank, and other stakeholders, will drive the land certification process in Indonesia and other developing countries. The process will be faster, more efficient, and it will ensure that the benefit will go to all stakeholders in the HARA ecosystem.

We are exploring the possibility of using HARA’s data acquisition apps, which are currently being used to acquire data on farmers’ identities and their geotagged land polygons, as a basis for land titling and registry. This will support the farmers directly. For example, when their land is certified, the farmers could put it up as collateral to apply for loans. The other benefit of utilizing HARA blockchain technology to speed up the land registration process is that this will help government programs to provide affordable housing in both urban and rural areas.

More and more real sectors and real economies are becoming involved in the HARA ecosystem. Together, we are creating an unstoppable flywheel effect that grows stronger with every person joining our ecosystem. Together, we will put blockchain technology to good use in making a real and lasting social impact for millions of farmers around the globe. Together, we will change the world.


Regi Wahyu, CEO of HARA

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