HARA partners up with PT Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI)

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2 min readJul 20, 2018

HARA is pleased to announce a partnership with BNI, the Indonesian state-owned bank that has branches all across the archipelago. BNI is the fourth largest bank in Indonesia and is one of the banks that the Indonesian government appointed to disburse the microcredit Kredit Usaha Rakyat (KUR) to smallholder farmers.

The KUR is a subsidized microcredit and is one of the national economic initiatives aimed at improving access to finance for small to medium enterprises in Indonesia. In order to grant the microcredit loans, BNI needs data from the farmers ranging from their ID to the land they own and what crops they plant. However, getting this information has sometimes proven difficult.

“It can take up to one week for manual data acquisition, because we have to visit the locations. It can be quicker for locations that are easier to reach, but for ones that are further away and remote, it takes longer to finish.”

Allan Bambang, Branch Manager of BNI in Situbondo.

How HARA can help

The data that HARA provides will make this process a lot faster, as the bank will only need to do sampling from the data instead of collecting it all themselves.

“By providing data on the farmers’ identity, HARA basically helps BNI to the data they need to provide microcredits. Before, they only have data from the government, which is neither sufficient nor reliable in these remote areas.”

Lisa Irawati, Head of Operations at HARA

HARA’s data collection model helps ease the administrative process for the loan applications. The data gathered in the HARA data exchange will equip BNI with the relevant information for risk analysis in the loan approval process. The first phase of HARA’s pilot project already resulted in 90 loan applications from 2 villages in East Java.

Group photo of the HARA team with BNI

HARA is glad to receive the endorsement of an institution like BNI. We look forward to continue working together with BNI to help improve the service to the people in the remote areas of Indonesia.

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