July Recap: We’re going places!

This month we were… kind of all over the place. After all, we got to grab both the world’s and Indonesia’s, attention on our cause! Here are all the wonderful, exciting, yet busy things that got us winded this month:

HARA AgriTech
5 min readAug 9, 2019


Winning the World Bank Group’s Agri Insuretech Challenge in India

HARA BD and Marketing Director, Larisa Sidarto (left) receiving the Innovation Challenge Award from World Bank Group GIIF Program Manager, Fatou Assah (right)

The Agri Insuretech Forum, hosted by the World Bank Group’s Global Insurance Index Facility (GIIF) and Intellecap’s Sankalp Forum, took place in the Taj Mahal Hotel, Mumbai on July 8–9, 2019. Panel discussions brought together agri-insuretech stakeholders, such as innovators, academia, fintech service companies, and governments to deliberate on how technology can disrupt traditional insurance models and create meaningful change.

GIIF created the Agritech Insuretech Challenge, to identify promising entrepreneurs who are using technology to address challenges in providing agricultural insurance to farmers. Winners will collaborate with GIIF to develop their solutions and improve their uptake. HARA, alongside ICT 4 Agri (Nepal) and HF Mlong, have been recognized as the Sales and Distribution winners. We are humbled by this award and are looking forward to this new partnership! Read more about our experience here.

Solve Education Partnership

Solve Education is a non-profit based in Bandung, West Java, that aims to provide accessible, quality education for everyone. Through this partnership, we hope field agents will be able to gain knowledge through gamified activities, all accessible via their mobile phone. HARA is working together with the Solve Education team to give more added value and benefits to field agents. As field agents, not only will they earn extra income, but gain quality education as well.

Halal Bi Halal in Bojonegoro

Eid Al-Fitr passed quite some time ago, but we are still in the mood and spirit to host gatherings! We decided to do communal gathering in three different villages in Bojonegoro, listening and understanding updates from our field agents. Aside from updates, we also held a sharing session and played some mini-games to tighten our bond! Exciting isn’t it?! Our field agents shared their creative ways to acquire farmer data. For example, Sugeng from Dander, formed a team of 3 to collect the data. Meanwhile, Pudjiono, gathered the farmers in the community hall to socialize what HARA is and start collecting the required data.


Grow Asia Hackathon 2019 — in Singapore (July 22)

HARA joined Grow Asia Hackathon on July 22, 2019 in Singapore. HARA was one of the 10 finalists chosen from Southeast Asia. In the event, Larissa Sidarto (HARA Business Development Director) showcased our idea to tackle broaden financial inclusion with the topic, “Enabling farmers’ ecosystem to access formal and affordable financing through a positive transformation of the role that existing intermediaries play?”.

Indonesia Development Forum (July 22)

Imron Zuhri (CTO) was invited to speak along with Utari Octavianty from ARUNA and Narno Fortasbi in Indonesia Development Forum (IDF) on Developing Globally Competitive Micro Small Medium Enterprise. IDF is an international conference organized by the Republic of Indonesia Ministry of National Development Planning (BAPPENAS), where development practitioners in public, private, and non-profit sectors meet and exchange ideas. This forum encourages new thoughts and approaches to facing various major development challenges in Indonesia.

Bank Indonesia Blockchain Workshop (July 3)

Imron Zuhri (CTO) was invited to host a workshop on Islamic economics and finance and how blockchain plays a vital role in it. Indonesia, being the largest Muslim-populated nation in the world, has the incredible potential to capitalize on halal goods and services. Halal is what is permissible for Muslims to consume. For example, meat that is not slaughtered appropriately is haram, or impermissible, and thus should not be eaten by Islam practitioners.

Tech in Asia’s Product Development Conference 2019 (July 4)

Imron Zuhri (CTO) was a speaker at the biggest annual conference for technology product enthusiast in Indonesia, regarding decentralized data exchange. Zuhri discussed the importance of user data privacy and security in today’s age.

BNI 73rd anniversary (July 4–5)

Our representatives showcased how data utilization can better aid credit-assessment for micro-loans in rural Indonesia in the HARA x BNI Rumah Tani Indonesia Project during one of BNI’s biggest events of the year. Moreover, the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises, Rini Soemarno, paid a special visit to our booth!

Learn more about HARA

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HARA AgriTech

HARA is an agriculture blockchain company which empowering farmers to digitize the unseen become visible.