May Recap: All about promoting financial inclusion in East Java!

HARA AgriTech
Published in
4 min readJun 26, 2019

It’s only May 2019, but we have been on a roll. From signing a continuation of our partnership with BNI, improving our loan origination features, and organizing Buka Puasa’s (break-fasting) for our farmers and field agents, the HARA team continues its commitment to promotefinancial inclusion through technology. Check out what we have been up to in May!

HARA and BNI launch KUR program in Bojonegoro

In May 2019, HARA and BNI officially launched the Digital KUR Program (Kredit Usaha Rakyat). In this program, HARA will work together with BNI 46 (BNI’s agents) to digitize the KUR process and ease farmers access to nancial assistance. In addition, to the launch and endorsement of the collaboration between BNI and HARA, several HARA eld agents were also specially appointed to be the Collecting Agent (CA) to assist the payment process from farmers. Now farmers no longer have to travel long distances to process payments. The program starts from the rice and corn sector in Bojonegoro and will develop into several surrounding areas such as Tuban and Lamongan.

Tech update: improving features for loan originating

In order to improve and ease the loan originating process, the HARA technology team has been working hard on the launch of several new features this month. We launched a new feature that shows the summary of every loan application status, and a pop-up page for contacting farmers before registering the farmer for the loan. From the data input side, a new feature was launched that allows automatically letter input in capitals and a link between valid polygons and loan applications.

Technology socialization with BNI

In order to prepare HARA eld agents, BNI 46 and CA (Collecting Agents), HARA organized a Tech socialization in Bojonegoro. A full 2-day training program to guide all the agents through the application, especially land tagging and loan application features.

Welcoming Ramadan month

In Indonesia, Ramadan is always the most special time of the year. The Ramadan falls in the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, and this year lasted from May 5th until June 4th. The focus of the month is all about fasting, praying, reection and being good for your family and community. Together with the BNI team, we organized a big Buka Puasa in Bojonegoro for the farmers and eld agents. Over 200 farmers andfield agents joined us!


HARA is featured in Tech in Asia regarding our partnership with BNI for the digitization of the KUR.

HARA is featured in Liputan 6 to help BNI to digitize the loan origination process regarding the KUR.

HARA is featured in Bisnis Indonesia as the platform that works together with BNI to promote financial access in East Java.

Plans for June

It is only May and we already disbursed more loans than the total of last year. Together with BTPN-Syariah and BNI, we will originate loans to another 1,182 farmers with a total value of 2,6B (182,000 USD). Stay tuned for more updates!

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HARA AgriTech

HARA is an agriculture blockchain company which empowering farmers to digitize the unseen become visible.