Bank Indonesia Invited HARA to Discuss About Blockchain at Large

HARA AgriTech
Published in
3 min readJul 11, 2018

Hi, it’s Regi here.

This week, I was honored with an invitation from none other than the Central Bank of Indonesia (BI) to come and meet with Executive Director of the Regional Department II, Bapak Dwi Pranoto, and his team.

In the invitation, they expressed that they would like to discuss with the HARA team how blockchain technology can be implemented in the digital economy of the agriculture sector in Indonesia. Of course I was a bit nervous, but I gladly accepted the opportunity to share about the decentralization in food and agriculture with regulators.

Together with Imron (CTO) and Anatasof (Senior Product Manager), we held a very productive and informative session, explaining the concepts of blockchain and the real impact it can have, as opposed to many of the projects we have seen in the past.

The BI team showed great interest when they saw the virtuous cycle on the HARA data exchange. We had a great Q&A; it was clear to us that the BI team was excited and fascinated in how this technology can really create a positive social impact.

The meeting at BI had some very promising and productive results:

1. I was very impressed by the knowledge BI already has about blockchain technology. It was very clear that they had been doing research. It also impressed me that they were willing to spend time with HARA and discuss more about the possibilities this new technology has.

2. I am happy that BI and HARA both recognize that there is actually a real need for the collection of valid agricultural data, using new and innovative solutions. For example, the HARA data exchange could be a tool with which we can collaborate to supply BI with accurate data on the agricultural production process. With our data, we hope BI could have an easier time monitoring and managing the inflation of the Rupiah. I look forward to realize the three C’s of the Executive Director’s motto; connect, collaborate, and change.

3. I look forward to having more open discussions with BI. During our meeting, I was asked as a blockchain industry player, “What do you need?” My answer was simple: more and more open discussions with BI to explore new possibilities.

Once again, I would like to thank Pak Dwi Pranoto for the invitation. It really shows how open-minded and progressive the Bank of Indonesia is! Hopefully, this meeting will trigger many more productive discussions with BI and other regulatory bodies.

Together, I am sure we will be able to create a real social impact in Indonesia and beyond, and help improve the lives of billions of people.


Regi Wahyu, CEO of HARA

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HARA AgriTech

HARA is an agriculture blockchain company which empowering farmers to digitize the unseen become visible.