Road to Empowerment 5: Value Added Services

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3 min readAug 16, 2018

Value added services enrich the raw data that the data providers add to the HARA Ecosystem. For example, they might compile the data from all the data providers in a certain area or of a certain profession, and publish structured reports of their findings. Thus the contributions of these actors will add extra value to the data that is already available on the HARA Data Exchange.

In the final part of the Road to Empowerment series the focus will be on the services that add value to the data exchange.

Enriching Data

Value added services enrich the data that is already provided on the HARA Data Exchange. These services could for example be academic institutions, data analytics companies, or credit bureaus. Based on the available data, these value added services will create reports and contribute their insights to the data exchange. Think of recommendations on supply chain optimization, market predictions, reports on the pricing on different commodities, or risk profiling.

BOI Research is one of the companies that will enrich the data that is derived from the HARA platform. BOI Research is a market research agency that focuses on customer research, feasibility studies, and research support. One of the services they will provide is that they will analyse the raw and unstructured data from the HARA platform and turn it into valuable research reports for the whole sector.

Value Added Services Flow

To start enriching data, value added services first need to buy the raw data that is already uploaded to the HARA Data Exchange by the data providers. In this sense, they function as a typical data buyer. The value added service then processes and enriches the data, after which the refined data is uploaded onto the HARA Data Exchange. Data buyers will then be able to acquire the refined data, for which the value added services will be rewarded.

The value added services play an important role in the HARA Ecosystem. The enriched data they produce will be incredibly valuable and attract more data buyers, which is to the benefit of the overall health of the ecosystem. Furthermore, a part of the proceeds of the data sets will trickle back down to the original data providers.

HARA Ecosystem

This series explained the roles of the different stakeholders of the HARA Ecosystem. The work of these stakeholders, from data provider to value added service, will create a healthy and robust ecosystem in which all parties benefit.

The virtuous cycle that characterizes the HARA Ecosystem will have the biggest impact on improving the lives of those that need it most. Through data, HARA will empower millions of smallholder farmers and other players in the food and agriculture sector around the globe.

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HARA is a global & open blockchain-based data exchange enabling everyone to make better data-driven decisions.