Introducing tech talks
In Harbor Lab we are always interesting in learning new things and helping others do the same. We therefore decided to introduce a new event in our calendars: tech talks!
Tech talks take place every second Friday and in each tech talk a member of our engineering team makes a presentation on a technical subject they find interesting. It can be a new technology, a development methodology, a programming language or paradigm, anything really that catches our attention and makes us want to discuss more with our peers. The presenters rotate between tech talks so that each member of our team has the opportunity to present, while we also keep a list of proposed subjects that everyone can vote on so that each presenter can get inspired and pick a subject that the rest of the team finds interesting. Of course the most valuable part of the tech talk is not the presentation itself, but the discussion that follows, where we have the opportunity to discuss applications of the subject presented, exchange ideas or even plan for a proof of concept in case of new technologies we feel could add value to our platform.
After every tech talk the presenter will also write a post on the subject for our blog, so stay tuned…