The Train Emergency Help Point 1

In which an emergency help point is misused.

Phillip Kapeleris
Hard Corn
3 min readJun 22, 2020


Ext. train platform. pre-dawn.

The platform is littered with cigarette butts and garbage. LUCIA is sitting on a bench alone, clutching her phone.

A group of drunken, rowdy guys walks towards her. She shifts uncomfortably on the seat, holding her phone tighter, looking side to side. They all stare as they pass.

LUCIA looks towards the group, then at her phone. The group point at her and talk among themselves. She walks along the platform to the emergency help point and presses it. A sleepy voice answers.


Mmmmorning, what’s your emergency?

LUCIA looks at the group. She’s about to cry.


I think my boyfriend is cheating on me with my sister!

LUCIA begins to sob, and there’s a long pause from the Help Point.


That’s ah…you know, kinda heavy to just lay on me this early.


(Stifling a sob) Oh..yea, of course you’re -


No, no, sorry, I shouldn’t —

They both talk over each other apologetically.


It’s OK. What’s your name?




OK, Lucia, and what makes you think that he’s cheating on you?

LUCIA takes a seat on the ground next to the help point, talking between sobs.


Well, it’s lots of little things, mostly, you know, like — I dunno, being secretive with his phone, or I’ll find him at my place before I get home, and I don’t expect him. I don’t know!


Hey, hey, shh, it’s going to be OK. OK? What else?

2. ext. train platform. dawn.

LUCIA is curled up by the Help Point. The Sun begins to rise. They have been talking for some time.


Hmm, that’s pretty low. It makes sense why you’d feel like that. My take? He doesn’t appreciate your depth, Lucia. And you can do so much better than an art-school dropout.






Wow, yea, maybe you’re right. Shit, we’ve been talking for ages, thankyou so much for listening!


Hey, you are so welcome.

LUCIA smiles at herself as the Sun kisses her face.


Tell you what, my manager just came in; I’m gonna grab her for you. She can give you a female point of view on it. I’ll just be one sec, Lucia.

We hear the OPERATOR’s receding footsteps. He forgot to mute the microphone.


Hey, Sean — Sean! Bro, about time you got here, you won’t believe it! OK, ready? There’s this chick on the help point, and she’s like “My boyfriend is banging my sister”, and she’s crying and everything — and this guy totally boned both of them in the same day!


Oh-ho, no fucking way, bro! (laughs) I gotta do the night shift more. Is she hot?


Yea bro, she sounds pretty hot.


Mmm but what if she’s one of those gross chicks with a hot voice?


Nah, I’m like… 85% sure she’s hot.


Dude, she’s probably gross - that’s why her boyfriend is banging her hot sister.

3. int. control room. dawn.

Amongst the machinery, the two men are laughing. Over the sound system, we hear a sudden burst of loud, heaving sobs.


(Yelling) You ASSHOLES!

Both men look at one another. They laugh even harder, and SEAN hangs up the call.

