How to use the “XD to Flutter” plugin?

Emine İNAN
Published in
3 min readSep 1, 2020

XD to Flutter plugin generate code for building apps with Flutter based on your designs in Adobe XD. Thanks to the XD to Flutter plugin, you can easily transfer the design you create in Adobe XD to widgets and save time.

Let’s see how we can use “XD to Flutter” plugin in an existing Flutter project.

Step 1

Open Adobe XD, choose Plugins then go Browse section and install the plugin called XD to Flutter.

Finding the plugin
Installing the plugin

Step 2

Go to and find the package by typing XD to Flutter in the search field.


To learn how to install the package go to the installation section.


Step 3

Open Adobe XD and create your design. After completing your design, choose XD to Flutter and choose Export All Widgets. Then select the Flutter project you created and press the Open button.

testingPlugin design

Step 4

Open your Flutter project in your IDE(Here used VS Code as IDE). You can see that your design has been added to your flutter project as İPhoneXXS11Pro1.dart.


Open Main.dart, import the dart file and change the code home: MyHomePage(title: 'Flutter Demo Home Page'), to home: iPhoneXXS11Pro1(),.

Step 5

Run the application.

xd_to_flutter project output

To access the finished project on GitHub:



Emine İNAN

Android Developer by day, Android Developer by night. @Huawei