10 Things You Should Know About Applying for an Internship

Mikhael Simmonds
Harlem Focus
Published in
3 min readNov 17, 2015
Icon by Creative Stall from the Noun Project.

(Written on my phone… don’t judge me.)

As an internship coordinator, my job is to pour over tons of applications every semester. Let me tell you something. It’s like Game of Thrones out there. The competition is stiff and nothing is ever promised. No internship or application is ever a sure thing. That said, here are a few things I think you should know that just may put you ahead of the rest.

1) There is such a thing as being ‘over-qualified’ for an internship.
I know, I know. I never thought I’d say that. It’s true, but…

2) …do not confuse being ‘over-qualified’ with wrongly qualified. Just because you’re a novelist doesn’t mean you’re a journalist. That said…

3) …shoot for the stars. Be bold. We’re sometimes willing to hire wild cards and help build their resumes. Plus, ‘no’ never killed anyone… well, unless you’re under a guillotine. Also…

4) …don’t confuse being bold with being a douche. You are not better than HR, cleaners, lowly interns — or intern coordinators. But remember…

5) …internship coordinators aren’t perfect either. Cut them some slack for late/lost emails, reschedules and typos. They are just like you. And…

6) …because they’re just like you, you may have the same friends (school, music, career etc.). They will ask about you and ignore your well manicured tailored references all together. First, 2nd and 3rd degrees of separation can kill your chances. So can…

7) social media. I mean really, a journalist’s job is to investigate stuff. We can find your secret ratchet @fitpookietwerkingb!@$ha$$69 Instagram profile on our lack-of-a-lunch break while sipping bourbon-infused cheap triple shots of espresso. We might not look for it but we could find it if we wanted to. Oh and

7.5) cussing on your profile is sometimes frowned upon. I mean, unless it’s Vice. While I’m at it, wit is welcomed but funny is a tight rope few can walk with confidence.

8) Sexy resumes do exist! I saw a resume the other day. OH! Its body was banging, it had personality plus when I stuck around and got to know it better I had to put a ring on it. So, after you finish adding content to your resume, step back and make sure it’s visually pleasing, especially if you have ‘design’ under the skills section. But…

9) …don’t over do the design. It’s a resume, not impressionist art. Everything must be readable. Plus, we can tell when you change the font size and margins. We have Microsoft Word too! Changing it is not necessarily a bad thing but use it wisely.

10) Lastly, when you hand over a physical resume please, please put it in a nice folder. It’s professional, it adds a touch of class, it stands out in a crowd and it makes the recruiters life a lot easier. Think of it as a professional burrito!

11) A possible intern candidate may or may not have mailed us a handwritten ‘thank you’ card enveloped in organic paper. Guess who went to the top of the pile and may see an acceptance letter in her inbox when she wakes up in the morning? ‪#‎ILikeNiceThings‬ ‪#‎DontJudgeMe‬ ‪#‎HatersGonnaHate‬

What else do you think I should add to this list? What did I miss? Got any questions? Let me know in the comments section.



Mikhael Simmonds
Harlem Focus

Trinbagonian | Multimedia Journalist | Consultant. @SolJourno Ex: @HarlemFOCUS @CUNYJschool @DemocracyNow @UNdpingo @NYAmNews