Striking the Right Chord: Balancing Your Music Career and Personal Life

Tasia ♪ Mindful Maestro
Harmonic Vibes
Published in
6 min readJun 22, 2024

Ever feel like you’re stuck in a never-ending crescendo of work? 🎵

Photo by KAL VISUALS on Unsplash

Let me paint you a picture. Picture a young(ish), bright-eyed percussionist (yours truly) who thought the key to success was practicing 25 hours a day. Yes, you read that right — I was so dedicated, I bent the laws of space and time. Or so I thought.

There I was, hunched over my marimba, my personal relationships collecting dust like an old tambourine, when it hit me harder than a fortissimo cymbal crash: I was out of balance. My life had become a monotonous rhythm without any dynamic contrast. Sound familiar?

If you’re nodding along, don’t worry. You’re not alone in this symphony of struggle. Many musicians, especially those early in their careers, grapple with finding harmony between their passion and, well, everything else. But fear not! I’ve stumbled through the dissonance so you don’t have to. Let’s explore how to create beautiful harmony between work and life.

Tempo Management: Mastering Your Time

Time management for musicians is like conducting an orchestra — it requires precision, foresight, and occasionally, a really loud stick. Here’s how to keep your life in tempo:

  • Use a planner or digital calendar to schedule everything, including practice time, gigs, and personal activities
  • Break your day into focused chunks
  • Don’t forget to pencil in some rest — downtime is crucial!

Remember, even Beethoven took breaks (although, to be fair, he probably didn’t have Netflix to contend with).

Setting Boundaries: Your Personal Forte

Setting boundaries is essential, but it can feel about as comfortable as sitting on a piano bench made of cacti. Trust me, I’ve been there. I used to say yes to so many opportunities that I ended up crashing and burning.

To avoid such cacophony:

  • Learn to say no (it’s a complete sentence!)
  • Communicate your limits clearly with bandmates, managers, and clients
  • Establish specific work hours and stick to them as much as possible

Your time and energy are precious resources — guard them like a rare Stradivarius violin.

Prioritizing Personal Relationships: The Heart of Your Symphony

In the grand orchestra of life, personal relationships should be your first chair. Don’t let them become a fading diminuendo in the background.

  • Schedule regular date nights or friend hangouts (and treat them with the same importance as a paying gig)
  • Be present during personal time — put the phone away and resist the urge to hum that new melody idea
  • Share your musical world with loved ones, but also take interest in their passions

Remember, a life rich in love and friendship will only enhance your music. After all, what’s a song without heart? 💖

Nurturing Non-Musical Hobbies: Your Life’s Counterpoint

Believe it or not, having interests outside of music can make you a better musician. It’s like adding a contrasting melody to your life’s composition — it creates depth and interest.

This is why I enjoy outdoor activities like hiking, paddleboarding, and playing sand volleyball. It’s easy to draw creativity from nature into your musical craft. The song of a bird, the rhythmic lapping of waves on your board, and even the percussive sound of the ball being volleyed between players. The inspiration is there — you just need to open yourself to it.

Some ideas to explore:

  • Physical activities (yoga, hiking, sports)
  • Creative pursuits (painting, writing, photography)
  • Mindfulness practices (meditation, gardening)

These activities can refresh your mind, inspire new musical ideas, and give you a much-needed break from the pressure of constant creation.

Financial Harmony: Keeping Your Wallet in Tune

Let’s face it — the starving artist trope is about as outdated as a harpsichord in a rock band. Financial stability is crucial for both your career and personal life.

  • Create a budget and stick to it (think of it as the time signature for your finances)
  • Consider a day job or side hustle to supplement your income
  • Save for the future — your 80-year-old self will thank you for the encore

Remember, there’s no shame in having multiple income streams. Even Mozart taught piano lessons on the side!

Mental Health: The Foundation of Your Sound

In the pursuit of musical excellence, it’s easy to neglect the most important instrument of all — your mind. But maintaining good mental health is crucial for both your career and personal life.

  • Practice self-care regularly (and no, obsessively practicing that one phrase for 8 hours straight doesn’t count)
  • Seek professional help if you’re struggling — therapy can be soothing for the soul
  • Connect with other musicians who understand your challenges

Your mental well-being is the resonance chamber that amplifies every aspect of your life. Keep it well-maintained.

The Grand Finale

Balancing your music career and personal life isn’t always easy, but it’s a skill worth mastering. Like learning a challenging piece, it takes practice, patience, and probably a few wrong notes along the way. But the result? A rich, full life that resonates with purpose and joy.

Remember, you’re not just a musician — you’re a whole person with diverse needs and interests. By nurturing all aspects of your life, you’ll not only be happier, but you’ll also have more experiences and emotions to pour into your music.

So go ahead, conduct your life with intention. Create a symphony of experiences that blend work and play, solitude and connection, discipline and spontaneity. And if you hit a wrong note? Well, as we say in jazz, there are no mistakes — only opportunities for improvisation. 🎷

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a date with my couch, a good book, and maybe, just maybe, I’ll resist the urge to tap out rhythms on my knee. But no promises — old habits die hard! 😉

The free HARMONY™ 7-day Email Course

Are you thriving or just surviving?

It’s time to tend to the fundamental force that breathes life into all your creative work — an inspired, resilient and unshakeable mindset. Step into your most courageous, creatively liberated self with my FREE 7-day HARMONY email course.

Over 7 thought-provoking emails, we’ll dive deeper into cultivating the essential mindset traits that allow truly resilient artists to flourish amid the inevitable creative ebbs and flows.

Each insight-packed email will share potent mindset shifts, psychology hacks and habits to transform how you approach your creative process and artistic career from the inside-out.

You’ll walk away with a refreshed appreciation for your singular gifts, actionable tools for igniting productivity and innovative inspiration, and the mindset mastery to embrace every up and stumbling block as fuel for your fullest expression.

Plus, each email includes simple “Take Action” prompts to make these artistic mindset principles immediately applicable and sustainable for your life.

Sign up now for this free 7-part email masterclass to rekindle your artistic fire.

👋🏼 Tasia is a classically trained percussionist turned Notion Certified Consultant at Rhythm Productive, where she helps the creative arts streamline their digital operations with Notion and supporting tools.

Tasia shares her love of music through her sound healing studio, Harmonic Vibes. 🎶💜🎶

She’s also passionate about teaching musicians and creatives how to embrace productivity for a better work-life-art balance through her newsletter, YouTube channel, and community.



Tasia ♪ Mindful Maestro
Harmonic Vibes

Sound Healing Artist ♪ Digital Ops Maestro ♪ Notion Certified Consultant ♪