Building a Better Blockchain: The Implementation of External Leader Rotation on Harmony

Casey Gardiner
Published in
24 min readFeb 10, 2023

The Harmony Network is a fast, secure, and scalable blockchain platform designed to meet the demands of decentralized applications and the growing blockchain ecosystem. As a proof-of-stake blockchain, Harmony utilizes a consensus mechanism to validate transactions and maintain network security. One crucial component of this consensus mechanism is the role of leaders, who play a critical role in the block production process.

The leader rotation update is a significant step forward in the evolution of the Harmony Network, bringing new levels of fairness and security to the network. By allowing external producers to participate in the leader rotation process, the network can benefit from a broader range of network participants, improving overall network health and resilience.

This paper aims to provide a detailed technical overview of the upcoming leader rotation update for the Harmony Network. The paper will begin by providing background on the current consensus mechanism and the role of leaders in the network. The update itself will be described in detail, including the technical specifications of the new leader rotation mechanism and the benefits of incorporating external producers into the process. The paper will also compare the Harmony Network’s leader rotation mechanism with those of other blockchain networks, highlighting the strengths of the Harmony Network in this area. Finally, the paper will summarize the significance of the leader rotation update for the Harmony Network and its participants.

The Current Consensus Mechanism on Harmony Network

Overview of the role of leaders in the consensus mechanism

In the consensus mechanism used by the Harmony Network, leaders play a crucial role in maintaining network stability and processing transactions. Leaders are responsible for proposing new blocks to the network, and validators must validate their proposals before they are added to the blockchain.

The role of leaders is to ensure that the network operates smoothly and efficiently. In order to achieve this, leaders are elected through a voting process that considers various factors, including their stake, reputation, and performance.

The Harmony Network employs an Effective Proof of Stake (EPoS) consensus mechanism which divides validators into groups and assigns each group to different shards. Each shard is led by its designated leader, and these leaders collaborate to ensure the stability and security of the network.

The leader also plays a crucial role in resolving disputes within the network and maintaining network consensus. Once elected, the leader creates new blocks and proposes them to the network. The block is added to the blockchain if the other validators validate the proposal.

Overall, the role of leaders in the Harmony Network is to ensure the network operates efficiently and effectively, allowing for the smooth processing of transactions and the maintenance of network stability.

Explanation of the consensus algorithm and its components

The consensus algorithm is a critical component of any blockchain network, as it ensures the integrity and consistency of the network by allowing nodes to agree on a shared version of the truth. In the context of Harmony, the consensus algorithm is based on a combination of Proof of Stake (PoS) and Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) mechanisms.

BFT refers to a class of consensus algorithms that allow nodes to reach an agreement in the presence of malicious actors who may be attempting to compromise the network. BFT algorithms are designed to provide strong consistency guarantees, even if some nodes are faulty or trying to act maliciously.

On the other hand, Proof of Stake is a mechanism for selecting network participants to produce new blocks and validate transactions based on the amount of cryptocurrency they hold and are willing to “stake” as collateral. This process replaces the energy-intensive process of Proof of Work (PoW) used by other networks like Bitcoin.

The selection of validators in the Harmony consensus algorithm is currently performed through a rotation of leaders chosen from a static list of BLS keys. The process does not take into account the stake size of the validators at this time. In the future, it may be possible to incorporate a combination of randomness and stake size in the selection process, however, this would raise concerns about centralization as validators with larger stakes may have a higher likelihood of being selected.

When a validator is selected to produce a new block, they are referred to as the “leader.” The leader is responsible for proposing a new block and collecting signatures from other validators to reach a consensus on the contents of the block.

The consensus algorithm is designed to provide robust security guarantees and ensure the network’s consistency, even in malicious actors’ presence. Additionally, using PoS helps ensure the network is energy-efficient and sustainable, as validators are incentivized to act in the network’s best interests to maintain the value of their staked assets.

Discussion of the current limitations of the consensus mechanism and the need for improvement

In any blockchain network, the consensus mechanism is a crucial component that ensures the reliability and security of the network. The consensus algorithm determines how transactions are validated and how new blocks are added to the blockchain.

The current consensus mechanism used by Harmony is a modified version of the Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (PBFT) algorithm. While PBFT has been proven effective in terms of security and reliability, it has several limitations that need to be addressed to improve the network’s overall performance.

One of the main limitations of PBFT is its high latency. PBFT requires multiple rounds of communication between nodes to reach a consensus, which can result in a slow processing time for transactions. This can be a problem for large-scale blockchain networks where thousands of transactions are processed per second.

Another limitation of PBFT is its limited scalability. As the size of the network grows, the number of messages required for consensus also increases, leading to an exponential increase in communication overhead. This can lead to network congestion and decreased performance.

Additionally, PBFT is vulnerable to various forms of attacks, such as Sybil attacks and malicious node attacks, which can compromise the network’s security. In order to improve the security of the network, it is essential to find ways to address these weaknesses in the consensus mechanism.

In conclusion, the current consensus mechanism used by Harmony has several limitations that need to be addressed to improve the network’s performance and security. This includes reducing latency, improving scalability, and addressing vulnerabilities to attacks. By continuously improving the consensus mechanism, Harmony can ensure the network’s long-term success.

The External Leader Rotation Update

Overview of the goals and objectives of the update

The leader rotation update is a proposed change to the consensus mechanism in the Harmony protocol that aims to address several limitations of the current consensus mechanism. The main goals and objectives of this update are to:

  1. Improve scalability and performance: The leader rotation update is designed to potentially allow for more transactions to be processed per second, potentially improving the overall scalability and performance of the network.
  2. Increase network decentralization: The leader rotation update is intended to increase the network’s decentralization by allowing a more significant number of participants to have a role in the consensus mechanism. This can reduce the centralization of the network, which is a concern with the current consensus mechanism.
  3. Enhance network security: The leader rotation update is expected to enhance the network’s security by reducing the risk of a single participant having too much control over the consensus mechanism. This can help prevent malicious actors from taking control of the network and potentially compromising the security of user funds.
  4. Foster network consensus: The Harmony Network currently uses a consensus mechanism known as “Effective Proof of Stake” (EPOS), which aims to achieve equal power distribution among network participants. The leader rotation update builds upon this mechanism by enabling external validators to participate in the leader rotation process and propose blocks. This helps to further ensure consensus and stability within the network by promoting an even distribution of power and reducing the risk of conflicts and disagreements.

Overall, the leader rotation update aims to improve the efficiency, decentralization, security, and consensus of the Harmony protocol by addressing several of the current limitations of the consensus mechanism.

Scalability and Performance Improvement through Leader Rotation Update

The leader rotation update in the Harmony network aims to improve the scalability and performance of the network by enabling the processing of more transactions per second. The increased transaction processing capacity is a result of two key factors: the introduction of more shard and the optimization of gas utilization within each block.

Shard introduction: By increasing the number of shards in the network, the leader rotation update aims to distribute the transaction processing workload across multiple groups. This distribution of work across multiple groups results in a reduction of the processing time per transaction, leading to a higher overall transaction processing capacity.

Gas utilization optimization: Additionally, the leader rotation update aims to optimize the gas utilization within each block. Gas refers to the fee charged by the network for executing a transaction on the network. By optimizing the gas utilization, the network aims to maximize the number of transactions that can be processed within a single block, thereby increasing the overall transaction processing capacity of the network.

In conclusion, the leader rotation update in the Harmony network aims to improve the scalability and performance of the network by enabling the processing of more transactions per second through the introduction of more shards and optimization of gas utilization within each block.

Explanation of external producers and their role in block creation

External producers play a crucial role in block creation in a consensus algorithm. These producers are responsible for validating transactions, collecting them into blocks, and adding those blocks to the blockchain. Their role is to validate transactions, ensure they are legitimate and create new blocks to be added to the blockchain.

In a consensus mechanism such as Harmony, external producers are elected to become block producers for a specific period. During this time, they are responsible for securely and efficiently processing transactions and adding them to the blockchain securely and efficiently. They compete to create blocks, and the one that wins is rewarded with the block rewards.

In addition to validating transactions, external producers also play a role in maintaining the network’s security by participating in consensus mechanisms, such as voting and participating in the decision-making process for network updates.

The role of external producers in block creation is essential to the success and stability of a blockchain network. Their ability to process transactions quickly and efficiently while also maintaining the network’s security and integrity allows the network to scale and achieve its goals.

Discussion of the benefits of including external producers in the leader rotation process

In the consensus mechanism of the Harmony blockchain, external producers play an important role in block creation and the overall security and stability of the network. By including external producers in the leader rotation process, the network can reap several key benefits:

  1. Increased Decentralization: The integration of external validators into the leader rotation process can contribute to a more decentralized network by promoting a more balanced distribution of power among network participants. This helps to reduce the influence of any single entity and promote a more equitable system, in line with the principles of the EPOS consensus algorithm, which aims to distribute power equally among network participants.
  2. Increased security: External producers provide an extra layer of security to the network, helping to prevent centralization and 67% attacks. By including them in the leader rotation process, the network can better ensure that the blocks produced are secure and free from malicious actors.
  3. Improved scalability: The inclusion of external producers can improve the scalability of the network, allowing for more significant number of transactions to be processed per second. The presence of external producers can help increase the network’s overall capacity and reduce bottlenecks.
  4. Better network performance: By including external producers in the leader rotation, the network can improve its overall performance by reducing the time it takes to process transactions. This is because external producers can help spread the load evenly across the network, reducing congestion and increasing efficiency.

Overall, including external producers in the leader rotation process is crucial to improving the Harmony network’s security, scalability, and decentralization. By leveraging the strengths of both internal and external producers, the network can continue to evolve and meet the ever-increasing demands of its users.

Technical details of how the leader rotation mechanism will be updated

The update to the leader rotation mechanism in the Harmony consensus algorithm will introduce changes to accommodate external validators and enable their secure and efficient participation in the block creation process. The update will involve the introduction of new BLS public keys that correspond to external validators and will modify the leader selection algorithm to include these new keys.

The technical details of the update include updating the Harmony protocol code and modifying the consensus and leader selection algorithms. The leader selection process will be updated to include external validators by incorporating their new BLS public keys into the algorithm.

The external validators will be elected as leaders through a combination of randomness and their stake size, similar to the current mechanism for selecting internal validators. The frequency of leader rotation will be determined by the specific implementation and design of the updated algorithm.

In the event that an external validator is not available, the network will continue to function and make decisions based on the remaining validators. If a large number of external validators are unavailable, it may trigger a view change mechanism to ensure the continued operation and security of the network. The design and implementation of this view change mechanism will require careful consideration and will be an ongoing process as the network evolves and new security threats emerge.

Interaction between Light Nodes and Full Nodes

Overview of the relationship between light nodes and full nodes

In a blockchain network, there are two types of nodes: light nodes and full nodes. Light nodes have only a portion of the blockchain data and rely on other nodes in the network to retrieve the necessary data when needed. On the other hand, full nodes store the entire blockchain data locally and can validate transactions and blocks independently.

Light nodes are typically used by clients or users who want to participate in the network but need more resources to store the entire blockchain. This allows them to reduce the storage requirements and minimize the computational power needed to participate in the network. Light nodes are also helpful for individuals not interested in maintaining a complete copy of the blockchain data.

Full nodes play a crucial role in maintaining the integrity of the blockchain, as they are responsible for validating transactions and blocks. They receive transactions from other nodes in the network and ensure that they are valid by verifying their compliance with the network’s consensus rules. Full nodes also participate in block creation and broadcast blocks to the network. In contrast, full nodes are typically used by validators which want to ensure the security and reliability of the network.

It is important to note that the relationship between light and full nodes is crucial for the security and stability of the blockchain network. Light nodes rely on full nodes to provide accurate data, while full nodes rely on light nodes to help disseminate information to the network. By working together, the network can maintain its integrity and ensure that transactions are processed securely and efficiently.

Discussion of the methods for communication between the two node types

In a blockchain network like Harmony, light nodes and full nodes play different roles in terms of the data they store and their level of involvement in the network. Light nodes only store a portion of the blockchain data, while full nodes store the entire blockchain data and are responsible for validating transactions and blocks.

In order for light nodes to access and retrieve information from the network, they must communicate with full nodes. There are several methods for communication between light and full nodes, including:

  1. gRPC: gRPC is a high-performance, open-source framework for building remote procedure call (RPC) APIs. It uses the Protocol Buffers data format and supports a variety of programming languages. gRPC allows for efficient and fast communication between light nodes and full nodes in a network. With features like bi-directional streaming and flow control, gRPC can be a useful tool for facilitating communication in decentralized networks like Harmony.
  2. JSON-RPC: This is a Remote Procedure Call (RPC) protocol encoded in JSON. It is a widely used communication protocol that allows light nodes to access information from full nodes.
  3. BitTorrent: This peer-to-peer file-sharing protocol allows light nodes to download a portion of the blockchain data from full nodes. This is especially useful for light nodes that need to access the latest blocks quickly and efficiently.
  4. Interledger Protocol (ILP): This protocol exchanges value between ledgers. It can be used to communicate between light and full nodes, allowing light nodes to access information from full nodes and enabling inter-ledger transactions.

Each method has its advantages and disadvantages, and the choice of communication method depends on the network’s specific requirements. For example, JSON-RPC is simple to implement and widely used, while BitTorrent is more efficient for quickly downloading large amounts of data.

Regardless of the method chosen, the critical requirement is that communication between light and full nodes must be fast, reliable, and secure to ensure the smooth functioning of the network.

Explanation of the challenges of implementing external leader rotation for view change in light node networks

In a blockchain network, view change refers to switching from one leader to another. This process helps maintain the stability and security of the network by ensuring that any one leader cannot make decisions unilaterally. In a light node network, external leaders can be rotated to participate in block creation and make decisions on behalf of the network.

However, implementing external leader rotation in a light node network presents several challenges. One challenge is ensuring that the light nodes can trust the external leaders since they have a different network access level than full nodes. This can be addressed through secure communication channels and consensus mechanisms that require external leaders to prove their authenticity.

Another challenge is ensuring that light nodes can participate in view change processes in a timely and efficient manner. Since light nodes have limited resources and computing power, they may only be able to process some of the information necessary for view change as quickly as full nodes. This can lead to slower view change times and potentially compromise the stability of the network.

Finally, there is the challenge of ensuring that light nodes can communicate with external leaders securely and reliably. This requires using secure communication protocols and implementing proper encryption and authentication measures to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive information.

In order to address these challenges and successfully implement external leader rotation in light node networks, it is necessary to carefully design and implement a consensus mechanism that considers the limitations and capabilities of light nodes. This may involve using new algorithms, protocols, and technologies and will require ongoing monitoring and improvement to ensure that the network remains secure and efficient.

Discussion of potential solutions for these challenges

In order to implement external leader rotation for view change in light node networks, the following steps will be taken using RPC Geth infrastructure:

  1. Identification of light node infrastructure requirements: The first step would be to identify the specific requirements of the light node infrastructure, including the communication protocol, data structure, and storage requirements.
  2. Integration of RPC Geth infrastructure: The next step would be to integrate the existing RPC Geth infrastructure with the light node network. This will involve setting up a communication channel between the light nodes and the full nodes and ensuring that the necessary data structures and storage mechanisms are in place to support the external leader rotation process.
  3. Development of external leader rotation mechanism: The third step would be to develop the external leader rotation mechanism, allowing external validators to propose blocks and participate in the view change process. This will involve the implementation of algorithms and protocols to ensure that the external leaders are selected fairly and transparently and have the necessary permissions to propose blocks and participate in the view change process.
  4. Testing and deployment: The final step would be to thoroughly test the implementation to ensure that it meets the light node network’s requirements and deploy it in a production environment. /This will involve conducting rigorous testing and monitoring of the external leader rotation mechanism to identify and address any issues or bugs that may arise.

The implementation of external leader rotation for view change in light node networks using RPC Geth infrastructure will allow for a more decentralized and secure network. It will also provide greater scalability and efficiency for the processing of transactions.

The inclusion of external validators in the leader rotation process presents several challenges, one of which is the advertisement of the last voting power to the network. Currently, the voting power can be obtained through a JSON RPC call to the leader, as the leader’s IP is known. However, with the implementation of external leader rotation, the IP of the leader may not be readily available, which may hinder the ability to query for the voting power.

To address this challenge, it will be necessary to implement a solution for advertising the last voting power to the network that does not rely on the availability of the leader’s IP. This solution could potentially involve broadcasting the last voting power through a decentralized network or using a more sophisticated data retrieval method. It is important to consider the security and reliability of any solution implemented to ensure that the voting power information remains accurate and secure.

Additionally, there may be concerns around the leader not allowing the necessary port for JSON RPC requests, which could pose a risk to the correct functioning of the network. A solution to this challenge will require careful consideration and design to ensure that the information can be retrieved and used accurately and securely.

Dealing with Bad Leaders

Explanation of what constitutes a bad leader

In the Harmony consensus mechanism context, a bad leader refers to a node that deviates from the expected behavior during the leader election or block proposal process. The following are examples of scenarios that can cause a node to be considered a bad leader:

  1. Double Proposal: A leader proposes two blocks of the same height.
  2. Proposing Invalid Blocks: A leader proposing blocks that violate the consensus rules, such as having an invalid block header or an invalid transaction list.
  3. View Change Timeout: A leader failing to initiate a view change within the specified timeout period.
  4. Unresponsive Leader: A leader failing to respond to other nodes’ requests, such as pings or status requests.
  5. Invalid Message Broadcasting: A leader broadcasting an invalid message, such as a message with an incorrect signature.

In order to mitigate the impact of bad leaders, the Harmony consensus mechanism includes mechanisms for detecting and penalizing bad leaders. These mechanisms help to ensure that the network remains secure and that blocks are proposed promptly. The implementation of these mechanisms can be found in the Harmony consensus code and includes checks such as verifying the validity of messages and blocks and monitoring leaders’ responsiveness.

Overview of the mechanisms for detecting and mitigating the effects of bad leaders

Detecting and mitigating bad leaders is a crucial aspect of the Harmony consensus mechanism. A bad leader can be defined as one that behaves unexpectedly or maliciously, such as by proposing invalid blocks, censoring transactions, or violating the consensus protocol. To address this issue, Harmony employs several mechanisms to detect and mitigate bad leaders’ effects.

One such mechanism is the consensus protocol, which requires that other nodes in the network validate blocks before being added to the blockchain. This ensures that any blocks proposed by a bad leader will be rejected if they violate the consensus rules.

Another mechanism is the use of cryptographic signatures, which are used to verify the identity of leaders and ensure that authorized parties propose blocks. If a leader’s signature is invalid, the network can reject the block and prevent it from being added to the blockchain.

In addition, the network employs a system of slashing conditions that can be used to penalize bad leaders, although this feature is not yet activated. This system incentivizes leaders to behave honestly and punishes those who violate the consensus rules. If a leader is found to be behaving maliciously in the future, the network will be able to apply a slash to their stake, effectively reducing their influence in the network.

Finally, the network also employs a view change mechanism, which allows the network to switch to a new leader if the current leader becomes unavailable or behaves maliciously. The view change mechanism ensures that the network can continue operating even in a bad leader’s presence.

These mechanisms work together to provide a robust system for detecting and mitigating the effects of bad leaders in the Harmony network.

Discussion of the trade-offs involved in supporting or not supporting bad leaders

In the context of a consensus mechanism in a blockchain network, the decision to support or not support bad leaders involves weighing the benefits and drawbacks of each approach. On the one hand, supporting bad leaders may provide the network with fault tolerance and resiliency, as the network will continue to function even if one or more leaders are behaving maliciously. On the other hand, allowing bad leaders to persist may also decrease the overall security and stability of the network, as they may propose blocks that are not in line with the consensus rules or even engage in malicious activities such as censorship or double-spending.

The trade-off between supporting and not supporting bad leaders ultimately depends on the network’s specific requirements and goals and the methods in place for detecting and mitigating their effects. For example, the network is designed to prioritize decentralization and security. In that case, it may opt not to support bad leaders and instead focus on implementing robust mechanisms to detect and punish them. Conversely, suppose the network is focused on maintaining high availability and reliability. In that case, it may support bad leaders as long as the measures in place for mitigating their impact are adequate.

Comparison with Other Networks

Overview of leader rotation mechanisms in other networks

In decentralized networks, leader rotation is a vital component of the consensus mechanism and helps to ensure fairness, security, and stability. Different networks implement leader rotation in various ways, each with its trade-offs and limitations. Here, we will provide a technical overview of decentralized networks’ most common leader rotation mechanisms.

  1. Round Robin: In a Round Robin leader rotation mechanism, leaders are selected in sequential order, with each leader being selected only once before the process repeats. This method is simple and easy to implement, but it can result in leaders becoming heavily overloaded and can lead to imbalances in the network.
  2. Random Selection: Random selection is another popular method of leader rotation in decentralized networks. In this mechanism, leaders are selected randomly, with each leader having an equal chance of being selected. The random selection process helps to ensure fairness, but it can be vulnerable to malicious actors who can manipulate the selection process.
  3. Proof of Stake (PoS): In a Proof of Stake (PoS) leader rotation mechanism, leaders are selected based on the amount of stake they hold in the network. The more stake a leader holds, the higher their chances of being selected as the next leader. PoS leader rotation is commonly used in networks such as Proof-of-Stake Ethereum and is considered more secure and resistant to malicious actors.
  4. Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS): Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) is another popular leader rotation mechanism in decentralized networks. In DPoS, network participants vote for a set of leaders who are then responsible for producing blocks. The leader selection process is democratic and allows for a more decentralized and fairer selection process.
  5. Hybrid: Hybrid leader rotation mechanisms combine elements of the other methods to balance security, efficiency, and fairness. For example, a network may use a combination of random selection and proof of stake to ensure fairness and security.

In conclusion, the leader rotation mechanism choice depends on the network’s specific goals and objectives. Networks that prioritize security and resistance to malicious actors may opt for PoS or DPoS leader rotation, while networks that prioritize efficiency may opt for Round Robin or random selection.

Discussion of the similarities and differences between the leader rotation mechanisms on different networks

In blockchain networks, various leader rotation mechanisms are used to secure the network and reach a consensus. Some common leader rotation mechanisms include random leader selection, round-robin leader selection, and voting-based leader selection.

Random leader selection is a mechanism in which a leader is randomly selected from a pool of validators to propose the next block. This mechanism is used in networks such as Proof-of-Stake Ethereum.

Round-robin leader selection is a mechanism where leaders are selected cyclically, with each validator taking turns to propose a block. This mechanism is used in networks such as Tendermint.

Voting-based leader selection is a mechanism where the network participants vote on which validator should be the next leader. This mechanism is used in networks such as EOS.

Although these leader rotation mechanisms have similar goals, they differ in implementation and the methods used to select the next leader. For example, random leader selection is based purely on chance, while voting-based leader selection involves the participation of network participants. In terms of security, random leader selection may be less secure, as it depends on the randomness of the leader selection process. In contrast, voting-based leader selection may be more secure as it involves the participation of multiple network participants.

Explanation of how the Harmony Network’s leader rotation mechanism stands out in terms of fairness and security

The Harmony Network’s leader rotation mechanism stands out in fairness and security due to several key features. Firstly, the mechanism uses a consensus-based process to determine the next leader rather than relying on a predetermined schedule or a single entity to control the rotation. This ensures that the selection of leaders is made transparently and impartially.

The leader selection mechanism in the Harmony Network leverages Verifiable Random Function (VRF) for a fair and secure selection process. VRF generates a random number through a cryptographic process, ensuring that no single entity has an unfair advantage in the leader selection process. The use of VRF is strengthened through the implementation of secure multi-party computation (MPC) techniques, which prevent any malicious party from manipulating the outcome of the VRF process.

The mechanism also includes a view change mechanism that allows for a seamless transition between leaders in case of malfunctions or security breaches. This helps to ensure that the network remains secure and resilient even in the face of unexpected events.

Furthermore, the leader rotation mechanism is integrated with the consensus algorithm, allowing for a flexible and adaptive approach to leader selection. This helps to ensure that the network remains secure and efficient even as new security threats emerge or as the network evolves.

Overall, the combination of these features provides a robust and secure leader rotation mechanism that helps to ensure the long-term stability and security of the Harmony Network.


Summary of the leader rotation update and its significance for the Harmony Network

The leader rotation update on the Harmony Network has been designed to benefit the network and its participants. Firstly, the update aims to increase the overall security and fairness of the network by allowing for a wider pool of validators to participate in block creation and consensus. By including external validators in the leader rotation mechanism, the network can reduce its dependence on a small group of internal validators, making it more resilient against malicious actors.

Additionally, the update will enhance the network’s performance, particularly in terms of speed and scalability. With a more significant number of validators participating in block creation and consensus, the network will be able to handle a higher volume of transactions per second, improving its overall efficiency.

Moreover, the update brings new opportunities for decentralization and community engagement. By allowing external validators to participate in the leader rotation mechanism, the network will open up new avenues for users and organizations to contribute to its growth and development, fostering greater trust and transparency in the network.

In conclusion, the leader rotation update is a significant step forward for the Harmony Network, bringing several benefits in terms of security, performance, decentralization, and community engagement. With its focus on fairness, security, and scalability, the update has the potential to solidify the Harmony Network’s position as a leading blockchain platform in the years to come.

Discussion of the potential benefits of the update for network participants and users

The leader rotation update has the potential to bring numerous benefits to network participants and users of the Harmony Network. One of the primary benefits of the update is improved decentralization and security. With the introduction of external validators, the network will rely less on a small group of internal leaders to produce blocks and validate transactions. This reduces the risk of centralization and makes it more difficult for malicious actors to compromise the network.

Additionally, the leader rotation update has the potential to increase the efficiency of block production and validation. By allowing external validators to participate in the leader rotation process, the network can better use its resources and increase the number of transactions that can be processed per second.

The update also has the potential to increase user confidence in the network. By making it more secure and efficient, users can be more confident that their assets are protected and that their transactions will be processed promptly. This can lead to increased adoption and usage of the network, which can ultimately benefit all participants.

Overall, the leader rotation update has the potential to significantly improve the Harmony Network, making it more secure, efficient, and user-friendly.

Final thoughts and outlook for the future of the Harmony Network

The leader rotation update for the Harmony Network can potentially improve the network’s fairness and security significantly. By introducing external validators into the leader rotation process, the network can benefit from a more diverse set of participants and a reduced risk of centralization. Additionally, the update helps mitigate bad leaders’ effects by detecting and mitigating malicious behavior promptly.

The inclusion of external validators in the leader rotation process also has the potential to increase the overall efficiency and scalability of the network. By having a more diverse set of participants, the network can benefit from increased competition and better distribution of resources, leading to improved performance.

Regarding the future of the Harmony Network, the leader rotation update represents a significant step forward in the network’s development. The update demonstrates the network’s commitment to providing a secure and fair platform for users and its continued focus on innovation and development. The update sets the foundation for future improvements and optimizations and lays the groundwork for further advancements in the network’s consensus mechanism.

Overall, the leader rotation update is a significant development for the Harmony Network and represents a step towards a more secure, fair, and efficient network. The network’s continued focus on innovation and development will ensure its long-term success and growth.


Here are some potential references for a whitepaper or dissertation on the topic of the leader rotation mechanism and its implementation on the Harmony Network:

  1. Buterin, V. (2014). A Next-Generation Smart Contract and Decentralized Application Platform.
  2. Zamfir, G. (2018). Casper the Friendly Finality Gadget. Ethereum Research.
  3. Sompolinsky, Y. & Zohar, A. (2015). Secure High-Rate Transaction Processing in Bitcoin.
  4. Pass, R., Seeman, L., & Shelat, A. (2017). Analysis of the Blockchain Protocol in Asynchronous Networks.
  5. Eyal, I. & Sirer, E. G. (2014). Majority is not Enough: Bitcoin Mining is Vulnerable.
  6. Garay, J. A., Kiayias, A., & Leonardos, N. (2015). The Bitcoin Backbone Protocol: Analysis and Applications.
  7. Poelstra, A. (2017). Simplicity: A New Language for Blockchains.
  8. Bentov, I., Gabizon, A., & Rosenfeld, M. (2016). Proofs of Activity: Extending Bitcoin’s Proof of Work via Proof of Stake.
  9. Poon, J. & Dryja, T. (2016). The Bitcoin Lightning Network: Scalable Off-Chain Instant Payments.
  10. Kosba, A., Miller, A., Shi, E., Wen, Z., & Papamanthou, C. (2016). Hawk: The Blockchain Model of Cryptography and Privacy-Preserving Smart Contracts.

Note: These references are a starting point, and more specific references could be used depending on the focus and direction of the whitepaper or dissertation.

