Harmony Transparency 2019 July 23

Marianne Sørensen
Published in
4 min readJul 24, 2019

Dear Community,

Today is our second Transparency Tuesday where we will share our weekly updates on engineering, business, and marketing.

We strongly believe in being fully open source since Jan 2019. That is why we are taking this next step to share our live documents each week showing full transparency in what the team is doing. We are the first project to do this and hope to become leaders in transparency through our live document updates.

AnyONE in the world can also comment on this document. Our team will see your feedback live and provide answers. It is a unique opportunity to dig into what Harmony is doing week by week.

You can see our weekly highlights in this post, starting off with our top 4 tech updates from our top-tier engineering team (3 PhDs, 7 Apple / Google / Amazon alums).


Additional Tech Updates

  • We wrote an article on our consensus protocol FBFT (fast byzantine fault tolerance), specifically on leader change protocol. Dr. Chao Ma shared key points at our weekly tech & founders meetup event.
  • Successfully launched a testnet with 400 nodes in 1 shard. Previously our max nodes per shard was 200. This is significant as we plan to ramp up from 600 nodes (4 shards x 150 nodes per shard) to 1,600 nodes (4 shards x 400 nodes per shard) in August.
  • We finished resharding which allows us to add new nodes onto the Mainnet without a fork.
  • We are researching and designing our staking mechanism including rewards, slashing, and bidding.
  • Working on further P2P network optimization as networking is a potential bottleneck for throughput in blockchains.
  • Here’s our high level outline of projects that need to be executed for Mainnet Phase 2 and Phase 3.

ONE Click Deploy Prototype

  • We started working on an easier-to-use node deployment system for validators. We want to make running a node accessible and easy for a broader audience in order to create a decentralized economy that touches 10B people.
  • Currently a prototype for Amazon Web Service is available.
  • With Mainnet Phase 2 Beta Net we will soon offer a place for node operators to try out validating on the network, and you can now join our waitlist.

Business & Community


  • Robin Schmidt, Oxford educated film director, joined our team as Creative Director.
  • Hosted an AMA on the Filipino Binance community channel.
  • Onboarding new marketing company to scale awareness.
  • We did an audit of our team’s social media accounts to improve our company image.
  • Created a content campaign for the Chinese public community, 26 writers participated, 10 won and went on to publish articles on Harmony.
  • Chinese speaker gave a presentation on Binance Hackathon and introduced Harmony FBFT to developers.
  • Tencent tech reported Harmony in their July 17 headline describing Harmony as the pioneer in Blockchain.
  • We were ranked in Crunchdex’s Top 10 Fastest Growing Startups in June.
  • Celebration of Binance’s second anniversary.

Events July 14–19

  • CryptoMondays speaker with facebook advisor.
  • Hosted Korea meetup with Binance ecosystem companies.
  • Korea Harmony channel grew to over 1,100 on Kakao Talk.
  • Recorded a video with Matic to discuss layer 1 + layer 2 collaboration.
  • We were invited to Tim Draper incubator demo day.
  • Ran Harmony Staking Content Competition for best infographics and memes on staking and nodes.
  • Dorahacks and Binance Hackathon in Beijing.

At Harmony we are always working on growing our community and you will, therefore, start seeing more of us and be able to attend our meetups. Our first meetup will be in London on the 24 of July, and below you can see the upcoming events where you can meet us.

Also, don’t forget we have a Harmony community Meetup Every Saturday in our office in Mountain View in Silicon Valley. If you are in the area then don’t miss out, send us a mail on hello@harmony.one to join.

To learn more about Harmony’s latest developments visit:

