Safepal x Harmony Holding Challenge

Exclusive For Harmony: Swap, Hold ONE & Earn SFP

Li Jiang
5 min readJan 14, 2021


Harmony and SafePal are partnering on a Holding Challenge campaign to kick off the new year. We are planning for more future collaboration so be on the look out for those announcements to come.

SafePal the first and only crypto hardware wallet backed and invested by Binance has launched its token (Read the official announcement). SFP, issued on the Binance Smart Chain, represents a new milestone for the SafePal team being the first tokenized hardware wallet within the crypto space. SafePal and its ecological partners invite you to join us on the brand-new journey.

In January, up to 500–1000 SFP tokens will be distributed exclusively to the early supporters who participate in the SafePal product usage and social engagement. From today to January 31st, all ONE holders can take a share from a 5,000,000 SFP reward pool by finishing the holding ONE challenge. Come get your SFP tokens today!

Swap, Hold ONE & Earn SFP

A 5,000,000 SFP reward pool is allocated to incentivize all participants who complete the Holding Challenges within the SafePal App. Users who swap and hold 20000 ONE for 7 days before January 31st are able to take an exclusive share from the total reward pool. Following is a step-by-step tutorial to teach users how to participate in the reward pool within the SafePal App. To use this feature, please kindly download the SafePal App first.

Step 1: Download And Set Up The SafePal App

Download the latest version of the SafePal App from the SafePal download page. Then set up the App settings including security password, login pattern, etc.

Step 2: Create A SafePal Software Wallet

Create and set up a SafePal Software Wallet by following the instructions via this link. Don’t forget to keep your seed phrase in secure locations!

Step 3: Swap 20,000 ONE Through SafePal Swap Feature

Click the Swap tab in the SafePal App, and create a swap order for 20000 ONE. A swap order will usually be completed in 15–30 minutes. Please wait patiently for the swap process. The holding amount of ONE depends on the quantity filled in at the time of swap. A step-by-step swap tutorial can be found here.

Step 4: Hold 20,000 ONE In SafePal Wallet For 7 Days

Once the swap order is completed, head over to the DApp Store in the App, and click the ‘Claim SFP’ DApp. Select the ONE task, and click ‘Join Now’. Once joined, you will see a countdown to the final share of the challenge reward pool.

Please note that you will not be able to claim the share if the ONE balance is below the swapped amount during the holding period. Once the balance is below the limit, you will have to wait until the countdown is refreshed on the page and start holding again.

Step 5: Take Your Share From The 5,000,000 SFP Reward Pool & Wait For Final Distribution

Congratulations holders! Now you have held 20000 ONE for 7 days, and you will be automatically credited with 1 share from the 5,000,000 SFP reward pool. Campaign data will be announced and SFP tokens will be credited to your wallet accounts on February 3rd. Follow SafePal on Twitter or Telegram for the latest announcements and updates!


When will I get my SFP?

The Holding Challenge will end on January 31st, 2021. Campaign data will be announced and SFP tokens will be credited to your wallet accounts on February 3rd. The SFP balance credited to your wallet account will be transferred to your BSC address before exchange listing.

How is my share calculated?

15–18 partners are participating in the SafePal Holding Challenge. Users can select any tasks to start holding challenges. Each task represents one share of the total SFP reward pool. The more tasks the user completes, the more shares the user can take from the total SFP reward pool.

By the time the campaign ends on February 1st, all participants who finish the ‘Swap, Hold & Earn’ tasks will share the 5,000,000 SFP reward pool. The SFP amount each participant receives is calculated based on how many participants are sharing the pool and how many tasks the participant completes. Calculation formula is as followed:

Single Participant’s SFP Reward = [5,000,000 / Number Of Total Completed Tasks] * Number Of Tasks Completed By The Participant

My swap order is stuck. What should I do?

Swap orders might take longer when the following cases happen:

1) Extreme market volatility

2) Blockchain network congestion

For the first situation, your swap order might have failed due to an extremely volatile market situation and the order slippage could have exceeded the limit. In this case, please go to your swap orders, select the order that you want to process, choose whether you want to continue the order or apply for a refund, enter the security password and confirm the execution.

For the second situation, please wait patiently for the order to get through. Rest assured that the SafePal Holding Challenge will last until January 31st, hence you have sufficient time to swap and hold the asset in the wallet.

Does SafePal Swap charge any fee?

SafePal charges 0.3% service fee upon each swap order.

Follow SafePal on Twitter ( or join the SafePal Telegram group ( for the latest updates & announcements. For product inquiries, please email

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