Harmony bridge now supports ERC20→BEP2 swap functionality

Nikolaos Kostopoulos
Published in
3 min readNov 22, 2019

Earlier during October, we have launched our swap gateway between BEP2 to ERC20 $ONE to facilitate exchanges that didn’t yet support Binance Chain to provide liquidity to our ecosystem token benefiting from the flourishing Ethereum ecosystem!

Already numerous wallets, along with the leading Chinese exchange Huobi have listed our ERC20 version of $ONE.

In the first version, we were supporting only the conversion from BEP2 $ONE to ERC20 $ONE, now we are excited to announce the reserve bridge!

As of this moment, the bridge will also support the swap the other way around, which will allow our users to freely swap between BEP2 and ERC20 token standards without any worry of being stuck on one side or the other.

Please follow the steps very carefully as a mistake could result in loss of funds.

You can access the bridge here: https://bnbridge.harmony.one/

Let’s follow now the process step by step (This process is relevant only to those who own the ERC20 $ONE tokens and wish to swap to BEP2 $ONE)

From a wallet client that is supporting Ethereum Blockchain such as MyEthereWallet.com or MyCrypto.com make sure to add the custom ERC20 $ONE token if you haven’t done it already.

Our contract address is the following:


Token Symbol: ONE (since there might be a few other you might need to name it as Harmony in order to proceed)

Decimals: 18

When you will add the token successfully, you will be able to transact your ERC20 $ONE tokens.

In the first step of Harmony Bridge you will be requested to submit your BEP2 $ONE address that you will need to receive the swapped tokens.

You can swap here: https://bnbridge.harmony.one/

As soon you will complete the address that you wish to receive your tokens, a unique deposit address will appear that you need to send your ERC20 $ONE!

In the last step, you will see a Transaction Pending message! That’s all, as soon our smart contract will confirm your transaction we will send you the swapped BEP2 $ONE tokens!

Here you can find the links to the transactions that have been used for our demo:

Ethereum Deposit: https://etherscan.io/tx/0x322e037edf89589acdeeae8a1efaf92b57c0862110688420ad1dd1a75c566b8e

BEP2 Receipt:

In case you need any support, feel free to ask for support from our friendly community managers 24/7!



Nikolaos Kostopoulos

Advising governments & interest groups on cryptocurrency & FinTech regulation in the European Union.