Harmony is Integrating with Injective

Growing the Harmony Defi Ecosystem by adding cross-chain derivatives and Access to New Assets for Users

Peter Abilla
Published in
2 min readApr 12, 2021


We’re excited to announce our integration with Injective Protocol, an innovative Layer-2 decentralized exchange, offering a wide array of financial derivatives.

This integration with Injective will bring tremendous value to both Harmony and Injective users. For Harmony users, they can find new channels for native Harmony assets, such as the ONE token with hedging features or trading across other layer-1 protocols. For Injective users, they will have access to a whole new set of assets with which to trade and use them to form indices or cross-chain financial products.

Last week, we announced our partnership with Benchmark Protocol and the deployment of Sushi on Harmony. This partnership with Injective Protocol continues on that goal of growing the Harmony Defi ecosystem on behalf of its users and community.

AMA with Injective

We will be hosting an AMA with Injective on the Harmony Reddit channel. Watch out for that date by following us on twitter and by joining our telegram.

About Harmony

Harmony is a sharding protocol with a trustless Ethereum bridge. Harmony developers can use Ethereum tooling such as Solidity and Ether.js. Users can also seamlessly swap Harmony and Ethereum assets. Harmony is able to achieve 2-second finality for fast transactions and is able to support 1000 delegating stakers for secure shards. Similar to layer 2 protocols, Harmony is now fully interoperable with the Ethereum ecosystem.

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About Injective Protocol

Injective Protocol is the first layer-2 decentralized exchange protocol that unlocks the full potential of decentralized derivatives and borderless DeFi. Injective Protocol enables fully decentralized trading without any restrictions, allowing individuals to trade on any derivative market of their choosing. Injective Protocol is backed by a prominent group of stakeholders including Pantera Capital, one of the most renowned venture capital firms in the world, and the leading cryptocurrency exchange, Binance.

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Peter Abilla

Hardest worker in the room and a constant work in progress. Blockchain. University of Chicago, BYU.