Harmony Kickstarts the Community DAO

Samuel Harrison
Published in
4 min readJun 11, 2021


Over the past several weeks, members of the Harmony community have been hard at work putting together the opening chapter of the Community DAO.

It is with great excitement that we announce that these members have come together on a Mandate for the Community DAO and have proposed a timeline for the elections of their first Initial Council. (A great debt of gratitude go out to the community team that helped crystalize these details. It isn’t easy pulling order from chaos — but this fine team did it with aplomb. My thanks to: WellnessOne, RockTheBlockchain, HarmonyDragon, StrongMindsHold, Wolf, Colin, ElbowMelonHands, and OgreAbroad)

The Harmony Community DAO Mandate

The Harmony Community DAO will be tasked with the dual goals of representing the Harmony community and expanding and strengthening that community. To accomplish these goals, the Community DAO will utilize its unique position among Harmony DAOs as well as the Harmony DAO Fund (deposited into a public multi-sig wallet) and any revenue from dedicated projects. Other initiatives — e.g. the advocacy program, community communication channels such as Reddit, Telegram and Discord, or subsidiary DAOs — will serve as additional dedicated tools to accomplish the remit of the Community DAO.

Transparency and Engagement will be cornerstone concepts of the Community DAO. The mechanisms of such transparency and community engagement shall be left to the Initial Council of the Community DAO to determine, but it is expected that no question should emerge regarding why a decision was made nor what initiatives the Community DAO is pursuing. The Community DAO is expected to interface and coordinate with other Harmony-centric DAOs as well as DAOs from other projects.

The Initial Council of the Community DAO shall determine the guidelines bracketing the use of the DAOs funds. Self-dealing and violations of fiduciary duty will not be tolerated. Additionally, the Initial Council will be responsible for establishing the operational parameters of the DAO including how Council members are elected, what their responsibilities are, how the DAO interacts with the community at large, how proposals are made and voted upon. Ultimately, this DAO represents an enfranchisement of the Harmony community to contribute to the direction and growth of the Harmony blockchain project

General Harmony DAO Guidelines

Harmony has been encouraging decentralized autonomous organizations to stand up to assume some of the responsibilities of the decentralized network. Not a hard and fast rule, but in general we have seen value in electing an Initial Council of active participants from the population that has the most interest in the subject matter of the DAO. That Initial Council would serve for no more than 3 months establishing the basic operational parameters of the DAO. This would include such things as the DAOs multi-sig wallet, voting mechanisms and principles, and — as we have seen above — a clear mandate as to what the DAO would focus on and the guiding philosophies of that DAO. Once those items are accomplished, it is expected that the Initial Council step down from their positions and hold an election for the “Persistent Council” who will serve for a specified term. Initial Council members may run for election to the Persistent Council. Having kickstarted both the Validator DAO and the Community DAO, a “Lessons Learned” blog post will be forthcoming in the near future.

Election for the Community DAO Initial Council

It is vital that members of the community interested in directing the course of the Harmony project get engaged in the governance of the project. We encourage all who are interested to submit their candidacy for the Initial Council. The dates regarding the election process are as follows:

MONDAY, June 14th, 2021: Submit Your Candidacy — To submit your candidacy, go to https://talk.harmony.one/c/community and make a new topic with the title: Community DAO Council Candidate: [XXXX] as the subject line (replacing “XXXX” with your name, of course). See StrongMindsHold example from the Validator DAO here. Fill out any details you believe are important for the community to know about you in order to win their vote.

NOTE: The pool for candidates CLOSE at Midnight, June 20th. No candidates will be considered who enter AFTER that time.

MONDAY, June 21st, 2021: The Field is Closed — Once a candidate has submitted their candidacy to talk.harmony.one, they are free to campaign. Visit reddit, visit telegram, post to twitter, discuss in discord, start topics and threads on talk.harmony.one. Convince the world that you should be chosen to sit on the Initial Council.

If you are interested in setting up a debate, a conversation about the Community DAO Mandate or anything related to it — please contact myself or Crypto’s Wolf of All Streets on Telegram.

The weeks between June 14th and June 28th will be dedicated to conversations and communications about what Harmony means to you, what should and shouldn’t the Community DAO do and asking the members of the community to vote for you.

MONDAY, June 28th, 2021: Elections — Using a new feature of the ONE token, holders of the token will go to governance.harmony.one and vote on their candidates for Initial Council. The voting will take place over several days ending at midnight on June 30th, 2021. PLEASE NOTE: Native ONE token voting is still being finalized — as a result, some of the “How to” is subject to change. We will update you as soon as that information is available.

Off to the races….

And that’s it. Once the election closes at Midnight on June 30th, 2021, we will know who our Initial Council for the Community DAO is. They will self-organize (much like the Validator DAO did), and start communicating their efforts and plans with the community. By the end of September, voting for the Persistent Council of the Community DAO will be taking place.

