Harmony sets the Stage for San Francisco Blockchain Week

Nikolaos Kostopoulos
Published in
6 min readOct 25, 2019


SF Blockchain Week is where blockchain startups, enterprise companies, academics, developers, and investors from around the world come together to define the future of blockchain and cryptocurrencies.

The organizers of the SFBW19 have set the expectations high and invited participants to come in San Francisco to Learn and Stay Curious!

At Harmony, we call the Bay area our home and are hosting numerous events and initiatives for a whole week to introduce our global friends and partners who are travelling from all over the globe to attend #SFBW19!

Our agenda is packed, so please consult this blog post which will be updated continuously with the events we are organizing, speaking, attending, and sponsoring! If you wish to secure a meeting with our team please text our Community Manager to facilitate a meeting with the most relevant team member.

We got a series of exciting events and fun activities lined up for you!
Check below our full agenda! The document will be dynamic and updated frequently since many last-minute events are populating!

Highlights include the following events, analytical agenda, the full list of events, and RSVP forms are available below:

October 26

Hashkey & Harmony TGI

We invite you to one of the most anticipated events during San Francisco Blockchain Week! We host at our premises Hashkey Capital, one of the most influential blockchain/fintech fund based in Hong Kong, with an ecosystem support from Hashkey Digital Asset Group which offers services including Digital Wallet (Hashkey Hub), crypto exchange (Hashkey Pro), staking (Hashquark), etc.

Hashkey is backed by Wanxiang Group, the first corporate investor of Ethereum, the founding member of multiple permission chains in Asia, and the organizer of Shanghai International Blockchain Week in the past 5 years.

Together with Wanxiang group and affiliated funds, Hashkey Capital has invested into over 200 projects, including Harmony, PlatOn, Cosmos, Dfinity, Tezos, Blockstack, Ethereum, etc.

For those who may be interested in one to one meeting with Hashkey Capital, please do not hesitate leaving your information via the link: https://bit.ly/2J5MHeF

RSVP here: harmony.one/tgi-hashkey

October 28

Crypto Economics Security Conference

CESC will explore the economic security aspects of blockchain protocols, including game theory, incentive design, mechanism design and market design along with other topics related to crypto-economics security, and to foster collaborations among researchers and practitioners working on these topics.

RSVP: https://cesc.io/

October 29

Fenwick & Harmony Blockchain Week Happy Hour

Fenwick & West has helped some of the world’s most recognized companies become, and remain, market leaders. From emerging enterprises to large public corporations, Fenwick clients are leaders in the technology and life sciences sectors and are fundamentally changing the world through rapid innovation.

RSVP here: https://pages.fenwick.com/EVFW-2019-10-29-SFBlockchainWeekHH_LP-RSVP-Yes.html

October 30

Layer 1 Blockchain Architecture (SFBW)

Join us at the Solana HQ on the first evening of SFBW! This event will feature 15-minute presentations from each project followed by a panel discussion diving into blockchain Layer 1 architecture. This event is free to attend. Drinks and food will be provided.

The event will feature some of the brightest minds from each project.

Harmony: Rongjian Lan, Chief Technical Officer
Solana: Stephen Akridge, Principal Engineer & co-founder
Near: Alexander Skidanov, Founder
Coda: Evan Shapiro, CEO & co-founder
Nervos: Jan Xie, Chief Architect

RSVP here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/layer-1-blockchain-architecture-sfbw-tickets-76799355941

Hashed Outliers Growth Awards

#OUTLIERS is hosting the Outliers Hashed Conference 2019 on October 30 in San Francisco during the SF Blockchain Week. #OUTLIERS is one of the newest startup accelerators launched in the Bay Area in 2019 that focuses on decentralized technology and collective intelligence. It is known for being extremely community-driven and research-oriented.

We are excited to be among the finalists of the #OUTLIERS Growth Award, which aims to recognize the startups that can prove their growth potential & scale exponentially with solid numbers to show! In this category, Harmony, Contents Protocol, and Flow will pitch their products, share their growth!

RSVP: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/outliers-hashed-tickets-73412363355

October 31

Harmony’s CEO Stephen TSE-STSE Live Interview during SFBW with DLive!

The interview is taking place at San Francisco Marriott Marquis, Salon 8 DLive Booth 41

The video will be broadcasted live (We will update the info as we approach the interview time)

Harmony TGI in San Francisco

After successful organizing TGI events in Silicon Valley we move for this weekend our weekly meetup in the epicenter of San Francisco Blockchain Week! We will welcome our global partners and friends who are visiting San Francisco for all over the globe to present our progress so far and our upcoming milestones!

RSVP here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/harmony-tgi-in-sf-tickets-77728805951?aff=ebdssbdestsearch

November 1

SFBW Built to Scale with Harmony, HashGraph, and Matic [SF Blockchain Week]

Blockchain Scalability discussing the adoption, approaches to building compelling ecosystem for dapps, growth and scaling.

Scalability: The Challenges, Solutions and Outlook for 2020.

This is a community event for Hashgraph, Matic, and Harmony during SFBW19

Lightning Talks: 15mins talks

  1. Cooper Kunz, Developer Evangelist Hedera Hashgraph
  2. Lymp.io

Panel Talks: (40mins)

  1. Harmony
  2. Hashgraph — w/ Cooper Kunz, Developer Evangelist
  3. Matic Network

RSVP here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sfbw-built-to-scale-w-hashgraph-harmony-and-matic-sf-blockchain-week-tickets-78293639383

Sperax and Friends Meetup

This is a SFBW exclusive event for crypto projects and investors.

Invitations are limited, RSVP here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sperax-and-friends-meetup-tickets-77750898029

SF Blockchain Defi Hackathon

The Decentralized Finance (“DeFi”) Hackathon event is a three-day event that leverages open source software and decentralized networks to transform traditional financial products into trustless and transparent solutions without intermediaries.

Register here: https://hackathon.sfblockchainweek.io/#about

November 2


ABC Blockchain Community is hosting the Annual CTO Party during San Francisco Blockchain Week 2019.

CTOs from the most respected blockchain projects will participate, including Harmony, OKEX, Nervos Network, Celer Network, Quarkchain and more!

RSVP now and get FREE access code: http://bit.ly/2MsFOoA

Harmony, Binance Labs & Draper U TGI

One of the most anticipated events that will take place during the San Francisco Blockchain Week: A meetup organized at Harmony HQ in Mountain View hosting Binance Labs and Draper University!

The meetup will take place on the last day of San Francisco Blockchain Week, discussing the USA blockchain space, including innovations, trends and future outlook.

Join us in an engaging conversation about San Francisco’s vibrant blockchain/crypto community, and learn directly from our leaders!

RSVP here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/harmony-binance-labs-draper-u-tgi-tickets-77657001181?aff=ebdssbdestsearch

Looking forward to meeting you all in San Francisco!



Nikolaos Kostopoulos

Advising governments & interest groups on cryptocurrency & FinTech regulation in the European Union.