Harmony Staking Musketeers

Garlam Won
5 min readApr 20, 2020


All for ONE and ONE for All

We’re inviting you and your friends to earn ONE on Harmony!

TLDR: 25% of block reward earned on P2 staking testnet will be converted mainnet token.

Create your team, set up a node and earn tokens from staking!


When you create a team, you become the leader and you are responsible to add new members as well as set goals and distribute rewards within your team. Here’s how to get started:

  1. Find people you want to team up with (or go solo, completely up to you!) and create your team by filling out the “Create Team Form” (You can only have up to 10 people per team)
  2. Or join one of the existing teams by looking at the sheet and letting @garlamw on telegram know (we’ll connect you with the right team leads)
  3. Join the channel https://t.me/PangaeaVolunteers where our team will be available to assist you 24/7 with anything regarding setting up your nodes.
  4. Follow the step by step node setup instructions on https://docs.harmony.one/home/validators for a simple setup
  5. Once you’ve set up your node, we’ll fund your node with 5 million ONE tokens that you can immediately stake to start earning block rewards with
  6. To earn more tokens, we’ll be sending various challenges/activities throughout the week for your team to participate in.
  7. At the end of the campaign, 25% of the block rewards you earned will be staked on your mainnet nodes.
  8. Remember only the block rewards will be converted to mainnet tokens so do not leave any token unstaked!


  • 25% of all earned rewards in this phase will be staked with each team upon mainnet launch
  • The portion that will be converted to mainnet tokens will only be the earned rewards from staking. Not the principal amount (ex. If you staked 10 million tokens and earned 100,000 tokens, 25% of 100,000 or 25,000 will be converted to mainnet tokens)
  • Earned tokens will be distributed immediately upon mainnet launch
  • Currently for P2 nodes running on Ankr are not eligible for this campaign at the moment (We will have rewards for Ankr nodes starting in P3)
  • Limited 3 validators per team/individual. One individual will be limited to creating 1 team.
  • When distributing rewards, participants will be required to complete KYC in order to be counted as a valid team member and to receive any rewards.
  • For participants of the Staking Musketeer Campaign, using Harmony faucet will be strictly forbidden. Also for users that are already in the network, the only tokens that can be staked will be the ones that are distributed by the Harmony team (not existing tokens from previously). We’ll be keeping close track of the tokens and violating these terms on purpose may disqualify you from the campaign.

Team Leads

Team leads are the ones who will set up harmony nodes (validators), ensure nodes are running and elected to earn block rewards, and participate in weekly challenges to increase the amount of token staked on team validator.

Responsibilities of Team-Leads

1. Node setup

Follow the simple step by step node setup instructions on https://docs.harmony.one/home/validators and join the channel https://t.me/PangaeaVolunteers for 1:1 help by our ops team.

The whole setup should be done in less than 20 minutes

2. Maintenance

Everyday (~1 Epoch) the nodes that are elected to earn block reward will change based on how many tokens have been staked by other nodes on the network (more details on our Definitive Guide to Open Staking). Also as P2 is Phase 2 of our staking testnet there might be some resets happening on the network at which you’ll need to restart your node again (it will take less than 5 minutes). It will be your responsibility as a team-lead to ensure that the nodes are online and elected.

3. Reward Distribution

As the team-lead, you will determine how the reward gets distributed between you and your team members (delegators).

You can set a specific percentage for the leader and a percentage for your team members, or distribute equally within everyone on your team.

Here are some possible reward breakdowns you might use:

  • 100% Distributed to all the members
  • 20% Leaders, 30% within a core group, 50% equally to all remaining members
  • 30% Leaders, 70% equally distributed to teammates

4. Communication

Set up a clear communication channel using telegram group so that you can easily participate in weekly challenges and communicate logistics to your team members

5. Weekly Challenges

Since you won’t be able to buy tokens to stake on our test net, we will be sending weekly challenges that will reward you with additional tokens upon completion.

Challenges will vary from testing our staking tools that make life easier for validators to tweeting about your new Harmony node.

At the end of this post, we’ll post 3 challenges that you can complete immediately to earn more tokens.

Team Members

1. Choose the Right Team

Whether you are forming a team with someone you know or joining an existing team, make sure that the team reward distribution are fair and you are excited to go on this journey with your team! Most likely the teams that get created here will stay together even after the mainnet launch so it should be a team that you feel comfortable with.

2. Participate in Challenges

Many of the weekly challenges will incentivize the whole team to participate (Ex. all team members tweeting about the newly setup nodes). Your participation will be crucial to increasing the staking amount and the number of block rewards.

3. Maintenance

Sometimes your team-leads might miss the news about the upcoming network reset or not realize that the validator isn’t elected due to the increase in median stake in the network.

It will be incredibly helpful to the team-leads if you check https://staking.harmony.one/validators to ensure that your team’s validator is running and earning!

Weekly Challenge

Here are 3 immediate challenges you could do this week to add more tokens to your validator.

  • Set up your validator and tweet it using #HarmonyMusketeers
    100,000 $ONE (1/team)
  • Reach 5 members in your team
    50,000 $ONE (1/team)
  • Run Harmony Auto-Node to your validator so your node automatically comes back online after a network reset
    100,000 $ONE (1/team)

Free Cloud Credits for Validators Using Digital Ocean, Vultr or Google Cloud

For people who want to give it a try, we have referral links that will cover your first cloud costs.

Digital Ocean ($100 for 2 Month — Setup difficulty: Easy) — https://m.do.co/c/a2c4c02a60b2

Vultr ($100 for 1 Month — Setup difficulty: Easy) — https://www.vultr.com/?ref=8547845-6G

Google Cloud ($300 for 12 Month — Setup difficulty: Medium) —https://cloud.google.com/free/

To get you started with Harmony’s Open Staking please consult our Definitive Guide to Harmony’s Open Staking: https://medium.com/harmony-one/the-definitive-guide-to-harmony-open-staking-6c78976a7d63

