Harmony Strategy Update — War Mode ON

Garlam Won
Published in
3 min readJun 14, 2019

The last few weeks have been both incredible and hectic.

The launch of our token on Binance Launchpad put us in the spotlight of the blockchain community, which was both exciting and humbling at the same time.

As much as we’d love to let some tension go and relax, we still have a long way to go to achieve our missionto scale trust for billions of people & create a radically fair economy.”

Hence why we want to take time to reflect and share some of our strategic thinking today.

Harmony is about accessibility:

  • Accessibility to opportunities that weren’t possible before.
  • Accessibility to infrastructure that was owned by private companies before.
  • Accessibility to finance that only a few were able to take advantage of before.

In the coming weeks we want to obsess on accessibility and to do so here are the things we are focusing on.

  1. Liquidity of $ONE — We want to make $ONE available to everyone in the world, regardless of their country, race or gender. One of our top focus is on expanding our liquidity platform of $ONE so that our supporters have the option to access $ONE from anywhere in the world.
  2. Decentralized $ONE Makers — We believe the project is only as strong as its community. The decentralized market making initiative is a brand new phenomenon where instead of leaving the liquidity strength of $ONE solely in the hands of centralized parties, we make it accessible to all our community and reward them for bringing us strength.
  3. Foundational Nodes — Fact: Our initial Mainnet will only be as strong as our foundational nodes. We are coordinating with all our nodes to make sure that we have 4 shards and 800 nodes by the time we launch mainnet on June 30.
  4. Mainnet — It’s War mode at Harmony. We are working around the clock, having intense daily sync-ups, canceling all outside meetings, sleeping in server rooms, working Saturdays and Sundays to make sure we adhere to our throttled mainnet deadline of June 30th. Our mission of anyone being able to come in and run a node still burns strong and our throttled mainnet will be a great showcase to the world on what this future will look like.

Just because we are heads down building our mainnet does not mean we are oblivious to what’s happening outside. Accessibility is one of our core principles at Harmony and we are working tirelessly to make that happen (proof of work below).

Every day we are humbled and grateful for our community’s patience and faith in us and knowing that keeps us accountable to deliver back to the community.

War Mode On.

Our daily mainnet progress check at 11 am
Saturday night past 12 am
Stephen, Eugene, Minh, Alok (From furthest to closest)

