Harmony’s $1 Million Hackathon — Time to BUILD

Harmony is excited to kick-off the $1 Million “Bridging TradFi to DeFi” hackathon

Sahil Dewan
6 min readAug 10, 2021


This hackathon is an opportunity for web3 and web2 developers to get together and build exciting apps, protocols, and tools. Our tracks and themes give guidance on some of the ideas relevant and needed in crypto today. Check out the tracks, timelines, prizes and schedule below.

2021 has been about driving adoption of the Harmony ecosystem. We recently celebrated the 2 years anniversary of our mainnet. We’ve learnt to adapt to the remarkable growth and changing needs of the crypto space. Since early this year, our mandate has been to help scale Ethereum applications. We put all of our efforts in ensuring Harmony is fully EVM and Ethereum tooling compatible. “Developers should face zero-friction while deploying apps on Harmony” was our mantra.

With the growth of different scalability solutions and application specific blockchains, we also started to see the possibility of a multi-chain world. Our team started to address this by building bridges with Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Terra, Polkadot and soon Bitcoin and Cosmos. We believe it’s our job to abstract away the pipes and tunnels of this multi-chain world for developers and users by enabling interoperability infrastructure.

On the developers front, we have conviction on two things.

First, existing web3 developers will need support in this multi-chain world. They would like their applications to serve users and communities across different blockchains. Their applications benefit the most, by supporting cross-chain assets and transactions. We are already seeing some of the top DeFi (i.e. Sushi on Harmony) and NFT protocols launch on multiple platforms.

Second, we need to bring more web2 developers into the web3 world. We can’t afford to just build tools and applications to serve existing crypto developers and users only. We need to increase the absolute number of developers building in crypto. This is the only way we can have a chance of going mainstream.

Our platform and tools are ready for developers

Developers can use existing web3 tools to deploy their applications on Harmony, with 2-second transaction finality and 1,000x lower fees than Ethereum. Our Horizon bridge helps developers and users to migrate assets in a permissionless manner across EVM chains.

As DeFi and NFT applications deploy on multiple scalable platforms, we’ve noticed developers feeling the pain with end-points (APIs/RPCs) reliability. To support exponential transaction growth, Harmony is working with partners to provide dedicated infrastructure support for application developers so that they don’t have to worry about running their own infrastructure.

Recently when SushiSwap deployed on Harmony, we battle tested deployment and support tooling for web3 developers. They were easily able to i) deploy the original SushiSwap contracts as is, ii) deploy the swap frontend, iii) deploy the subgraph on Harmony to support analytics, iv) use the Gnosis multisig for rewarder contract, v) use the horizon bridge to bring initial liquidity (SUSHI/xSHUSHI ERC20) to kick start farming, and vi) leverage our upgraded etherscan-like explorer to track transactions and draw insights.

Our traction over the past 6 months

We experienced an exciting phase of adoption over the last 6 months. Some metrics below

  • 135k wallets
  • Over 85 million mainnet transactions
  • Over 17,000 delegators and 115 validators, staking 4.6 billion ONEs ($375m staked)
  • 2,000 creators and $500k sales on DaVinci NFT marketplace
  • 50+ active Dapps
  • $85 million TVL on Harmony’s bridge to Ethereum and BSC
  • $80 million TVL on Sushi on Harmony, and $100 million combined with other community DEXes

We’re excited about the upcoming tooling and protocol integrations that will unlock the growth stage for NFTs, DeFI and DAOs on Harmony. We’re not shying away from inviting existing mature projects to deploy and unlock new users and communities on Harmony.

DaVinci, the community-led NFT marketplace on Harmony recently launched its governance process and the VINCI token. With the growth of creator communities, marketplaces and collector DAOs, this is a great time to innovate.

We are also seeing some great experiments with DAOs on Harmony. Our community and validator DAOs are working on mandates to continue to grow the community and decentralize the network. Each DAO works on executing 3 mandates, elects 9 governors, and manages a budget with self-assessed pay. We believe that for DAOs to scale to become the coordination mechanism for millions of people, Harmony can provide the infrastructure and the tools (DAOHaus, Snapshot, Gnosis Safe, etc.) for DAOs to scale to country size scale.

Here’s an update on last month’s progress at Harmony.

Come Build with us

We’ve picked these themes and tracks to help developers explore the most interesting problems to solve in the crypto space today. Check out Stephen’s detailed explanation of the Hackathon themes in his recent post.

One example of a key innovation that needs to scale in the crypto space today is Social wallets with Keyless security. “Wallets are becoming the Web3 portals as a DeFi dashboard for asset swaps and investments, a NFT gallery for collectible editorials and auctions, or a DAO townsquare for governance votes or payrolls. Our hackathon encourages seamless onboarding and incentivized education for smart contract wallets; builders can start from our audited prototypes featuring authenticator-based security and on-chain account recovery.”

Check out two audited prototypes for smart contract wallets that developers can use:

1Wallet: https://talk.harmony.one/t/1wallet-an-unconventional-keyless-wallet/1958

SmartVault: https://talk.harmony.one/t/smartvault-smart-contract-wallet-with-worry-free-recovery-and-dapps/1933

The guidelines on all the tracks and prizes can be found here: https://talk.harmony.one/t/1-million-hackathon-prize-and-grant-guidelines/1949

We believe that the hackathon is a great launchpad for you to build the next valuable DeFi protocol, middleware tool, NFT platform, and DAO. We will be supporting the participants with follow-on grants and funding.

Venture Introductions and Seed Funding

For certain projects and winners, we are happy to make introductions to our keiretsu of venture relationships for additional funding.

With our partner Dorahacks, projects will receive community matching and potentially also venture capital investor interest from their 60+ investor community.


In addition to the hackathon, we will have a series of workshops, fireside chats, panel interviews, office hours, and check-ins. The schedule is TBD but will be announced soon. In the meantime, here are the key dates:

  • July 15, Open Registration
  • August 16, Hackathon begins, Opening Ceremonies
  • August 17, Team Formation (details TBD)
  • August 20, Submit Team names and team members
  • September 15, Mid-point Demo Day (optional, depending on interest)
  • September 30, Submission Deadline, Hackathon ends, Closing Ceremonies
  • September 30-October 5, Judging
  • October 6, Winners Announced
  • October 11, Payouts Completed

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Sahil Dewan

Startup guy. Blockchain entrepreneur. Never shy of dreaming big.