Harmony’s Invincible Summer in Asia

Garlam Won
Published in
2 min readJul 3, 2019

Harmony is coming to Asia!

Dates and Countries

Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh): July 9 — 12

Korea (Seoul): July 12 – 18

China (Beijing): July 18 – 22

We really want to meet the community so we’re flying across the pacific to see you guys!

Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh)

July 11th: Event in Ho Chi Minh in collaboration with Contentos and Tomochain! Details will be announced soon on our twitter

Korea (Seoul)

July 17: Event with Binance and the launch pad portfolio companies (Fetch.io, Celer, Matic)

China (Beijing)

July 19–21: Dorahacks Hackathon with Binance and Celer! Details are here — https://dorahacks.com/4thindustrialrevolution/

We’ll announce more details as we get closer to each dates!

Why Invincible Summer?

Crypto Winter & Invincible Summer

“In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer.”

We echo the optimism from Whittemore’s market narratives, Coinbase’s Future of Money video, and Visions of Ether. Despite the crypto winter (competitive pessimism, detokenization, exchange manipulation, dex skepticism, stablecoin mania, state power crypto), our journey is energized by many fundamental impacts decentralization already make. — From Harmony 2019 Roadmap

It’s going to be a fun summer — We can’t wait!

If you are in the area don’t hesitate to reach out to us and come to those events. Would love to see every one of you there!

