October Updates: Welcoming Aragon, Liscon Highlights and The DAO Takeover

PJ Conley
Published in
8 min readNov 1, 2021

As October comes to a close we are reviewing all that Harmony has done this month. From launches to DAOs to events, October has helped Harmony on its path to reaching 10 billion users.

We want to thank our amazing community for helping us grow and supporting us on this mission. The massive ecosystem growth is an entire team and community effort.

We hope you enjoy reading all of the October highlights.

Key Accomplishments

Aragon joins Harmony: Aragon joined the Harmony ecosystem this month! Aragon is a leading platform for decentralized governance and DAOs. It is a suite of applications and services that enable new forms of global communities. Their goal is to provide the tools for people to turn a community, cause, or even a meme into its own economy.

Harmony DAOs will now be able to facilitate their operations using Aragon via client.aragon.org. Our Aragon instance is still in “beta”, so some functionalities are not yet live and some are not yet added. Aragon has a robust app store where you can discover tools to bring down the cost of financial & temporal coordination, found here.

Our Aragon instance will immediately be able to power governance for @OneCommunityDAO, @DaoHarmony, @IncubatorDao, @harmony_dev_dao, @DaoDavinci and any other DAO running on Harmony!

We will let our community select the best tools for their purpose!

Curve Launched on Harmony Mainnet: Harmony’s proposal for Curve to launch on Harmony was passed in September and on October 12th Curve officially launched on our mainnet. Harmony is providing $2 million in ONE tokens to bootstrap the initial usage.

POKT Decentralizes RPC Traffic: Pocket Network is now decentralizing Harmony’s RPC network traffic. The Harmony network does approximately 100 million API calls daily and now dApps can use our Pocket endpoint to migrate their traffic to the POKT decentralized solution. Developers are now able to mint Harmony RPC endpoints from the POKT front-end API portal to use in their applications.

Messari Report: Harmony was featured in the Messari Report this month. Messari goes in depth about Harmony’s competing power, they said, “Harmony has the potential to compete with both L1s and L2s using its low fee, fast, and trustless bridge.” Read the full document to find out more about Harmony and how our tech, ecosystem, incentives, and community are helping us rise to the top.

Liscon in Lisbon: Harmony made its way to Lisbon, Portugal to collaborate with the brightest minds in blockchain. Each day brought new friends, innovative talks, and good food. Harmony even threw the ONE World conference, where the community gathered together. We even had our very own community DJ that kicked off this great event! Our COO, Li Jiang, spoke to the community about open development on Harmony and bringing builders into this ecosystem. Come build on Harmony 🧰 You can learn how you can join at harmony.one/300. We are grateful for everyONE that came and we missed those that were not there. #ONEstrong

Li Jiang will be staying in Lisbon for ONE more month. If you live in the area or are visiting, please reach out to Li! He is staying to help projects and people receive grants from launching on Harmony from our $300M Ecosystem Fund.

100 DAOs: Our goal is to help fund and bring 100 new DAOs to this Harmony ecosystem. Harmony helps define 3 broad mandates, recruit 9 governors, define the deliverables and metrics for the first 3 months, and fund at maximum $1M. Since our announcement in August, Harmony has already dozens of DAOs. Learn more about them here or keep reading for more info.

Basic DAO: Harmony argues that DAOs can provide “basic income” or “minimum pay” for builders and creatives. At-will contributions, rather than single-company employment or year-long committment, are the core of decentralized economy. Our Basic DAO tracks timesheets, setup payrolls, and manage performance.

Developer DAO: With “Builder-First and Friendly” as its tagline the Developer DAO is aiming for the success of the broader community for technical or application work. The DAO’s top mandates are to support development, manage bounties, and advocate with marketing. This DAO will be the first but not the only to boost our technical and application ecosystem.

Matching DAO: The Matching DAO “All For One With Love” brings together creators and users with a community-focused spotlight. When a user appreciates a creator and offers a tip, the Matching DAO matches the amount for the artist. Moreover, the DAO will promote artists by putting them in the spotlight with an aim to help them amass tips, testimonials and more.

Liquidity DAO: The Liquidity DAO, with “Organic Market-Making” as its tagline, is an open collective with our partner HummingBot. It solves a critical need of any incentivized market: Traditional market makers are isolated and opaque — and, worst of all, not necessarily aligned with the interests of token traders or holders in the ecosystem.

Scholar DAO: The purpose of the Scholar DAO is to give back to the next generation by giving them the funds they need to attend their first Web 3 conference. Harmony is offering $1,000 to 50 recipients to complete this goal.

Read about all of the DAOs and their exact role in the ecosystem here.

DAO Global Hackathon: The DAO Global Hackathon is a virtual sprint to build governance primitives, sponsored by leading DAO Infrastructure providers. Resolve technical limitations of the existing DAO tooling (Hackathon Part 1) and be free to build the next frontier of coordination primitives (Hackathon Part 2). The Hackathon lasts from October 25th until December 10th.

A combined prize pool in value of +$100k, will be distributed among selected winners across each track. The available tracks are:

Community & NFTs: Empower cross-platform, cohesive, token-based social platforms: token-gated content and communities, NFT-based proposal formations and notification systems.

Core DAO Tech: Enable core DAO functionalities such as a decentralized code base, smart contract treasuries, voting tech (e.g., delegated, anonymous, quadratic voting, etc.).

Finance & Operations: Formalize DAO operations (KPI options, on-off ramps, streaming payments, salaries & invoicing, etc.), legal wrappers & compliance, payments tech.

Multi-chain: Empower DAOs to embrace a multi-chain world with cross-chain DA tooling and scaling solutions.

$1 Million Hackathon: Harmony has officially closed the hackathon. This Hackathon was an opportunity for web3 and web2 developers to get together and build exciting apps, protocols, and tools. We want to thank all of those who participated in this hackathon and our amazing prize partners.

Congratulations to each of the winners of our $1 Million Hackathon! The winners of each track were announced and can be found in this Tweet thread:

$300 Million Ecosystem Fund: Just last month we released our announcement on the $300 million Ecosystem Fund incentivizing ALL to build on Harmony! There has already been 50 projects approved for funding through this fund. Congratulations to all those that have been accepted! For those looking to secure a grant, take a look at harmony.one/300 to determine if you qualify for a grant from our $300M Ecosystem fund. You can then apply here on our forum by clicking “+ New Topic” and following the post outline.

CoinsTelegram interviewed Stephen Tse, Founder of Harmony, on our $300M ecosystem fund while in Lisbon. Stephen urges developers to take advantage of the $300 million by building on Harmony.

Mainnet 4.3.0 Update: This was a major release with a mandatory upgrade from mainnet epoch 725, which encompassed the following:

  • #3890 — SHA3–256 hard fork activation block on mainnet/testnet
  • #3886 — HIP6 (reduce the internal voting power from 60% to 49%) and HIP 8 (increase external nodes from 800 to 900) hard fork
  • #3801 — Implementation of SHA3–256 FIPS 202 hash precompile to integrate with ICON blockchain feature
  • #3885 — Pending txn subscription support
  • #3876 — gas price suggestion logic modified (min of 10 or based on recent blocks)
  • #3874 — Optimization of getAllValidatorInformation rpc method

Ecosystem Growth

Defi Kingdoms reaches 23K users: Defi Kingdoms becomes the number 1 new dapp on Harmony as it reaches 23,000 users. This dapp has seen more than $207 million in transactional volume. Users will need to stake valuable items and perform other actions to earn from this GameFi dapp, resulting in 711.340 transactions over the past 30 days. Read more below about Defi Kingdoms from DappRadar 👇

Grant Recipients: Harmony has already accepted 50+ applicants to receive grants from the $300M Ecosystem Fund. Congratulations to all of the grant recipients! If you haven’t applied yet, please go here to apply for a grant. This will help bring in new developers and new adopters to grow the Harmony ecosystem.


NFT.NYC: Harmony is headed to New York City from October 30th to November 4th for the NFT.NYC event. NFTs are on the rise and we are excited to join the movement! Come meet us in New York and say hello to anyone wearing the Harmony blue shirts 👕 You can learn more about NFTs on Harmony at davinci.gallery.

Telegram Groups for Events

Harmony is going to be hosting events in many major cities around you! To get connected and stay on top of these events please join the following links for the city nearest you (more will soon be added):

San Francisco | Miami | Salt Lake | Los Angeles | New York | Denver | Lisbon

We are still looking to expand to every major city and everywhere that has a presence in the crypto space. Let’s build this community to reach 10 billion people 🌍 If you want to host a Harmony event, please review the guidelines on harmony.one/300 for events and you can send in your proposal at https://talk.harmony.one/c/funding-proposals/42.

About Harmony

Build on Harmony, run on all chains.

Harmony is your open platform for assets, collectibles, identity, governance. Be the ONE to bridge to all blockchains.

Harmony is an open and fast blockchain. Our mainnet runs Ethereum applications with 2-second transaction finality and 100 times lower fees. Harmony’s secure bridges offer cross-chain asset transfers with Ethereum, Binance and other chains. https://www.harmony.one/

We ❤️ Developers.

Got an idea? Build it on Harmony and Apply for a Grant.

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