Pangaea Phase-1 started — 700 nodes are up!

Gizem Cakil
Published in
4 min readAug 16, 2019

It’s been less than a week since we started receiving sign-ups in collaboration with Binance on 8th Aug. We are incredibly happy with the great interest all around the world. Now we feel more responsible than ever to provide an exciting experience for all participants.

Pangaea is Harmony’s experimental network for thousands of people around the world to join our blockchain network and test the limits of our technology (Read 1st blog post here).

The Pangaea competition launched on 15th Aug 00:00:00 UTC and to date more than 700 individuals have connected to Pangaea network. The Harmony team and all the new Pangaeans have enjoyed a hectic week getting set-up and trouble-shooting. It was certainly very exciting for us to personally interact with most of the Pangaeans, and we hope you all had fun as well!

The most heartening takeout from last week was the scale of the collaboration among the Pangaeans. We have participants from many different technical experience levels but everyone jumped right in to learn and then pass on what they’d learned to those just joining. This is the power of community when it’s working properly.

Highlights of the Pangaea warm-up week:

  • Pangaea Phase-1 officially started on 15th Aug 00:00:00 UTC. The nodes which were spun up from the start until 29th Aug will be eligible to win $50 in ONE tokens for the Phase-1
  • Phase-2 of Pangaea will start on 29th Aug. We are also working very hard to open up more seats for Phase-2 (more details on this coming soon)
  • ~150 nodes connected to Pangaea network within the first 3 hours of receiving their keys
  • By 15th Aug, more than 700 nodes were connected to Pangaea network
We asked all 700 nodes about their experiences. We’re very happy with the spread!
  • 24% of the nodes used our ‘One-click setup’ process
  • 61% of them set up their nodes following the instructions in our Pangaea guide
  • Pangaea nodes have already been put under pressure. All four shards experienced some downtime in the last few days and Pangaeans worked hard with us to trouble-shoot

~250 Pangaea nodes revealed their cities, so we lit them on the world map!

Take a look around the map here and see if your town is ON!

Europe, Russia
North America

Community effort

This week we were reminded of just how powerful a community can be when given the chance: “This is what a blockchain community can do!”

Pangaea community members were overwhelmingly supportive of each other right from the first day. Even the first timers immediately began supporting other first timers! We are touched by the good-will of the community, it’s a great reminder of how much we can draw from you and we wanted to share some of these blurbs here.

First timers helping other first timers :)

Hats off to the Pangaea Ambassadors

We have a growing community of people who signed up to help out for Pangaea. We started this initiative with 5 core members from our Foundational Nodes, a group which quickly grew to 15. These members are actively helping all Pangaeans in our Telegram and Discord channels by providing technical support. We would like to thank you for the incredible effort and the long hours you’ve put this week.

What’s next?

First things first — Pangaeans keep your nodes alive!

The rewards and other details on Phase-2 will be shared in the following announcement. We are working very hard to include as many of you as possible.

If you haven’t signed up yet, hurry up and get in line here.

Join the conversation at Harmony-Pangaeans telegram chat and #Pangaea Discord channel!

Full set-up videos for AWS, Google Cloud, Vultr and One-click can be found on our YouTube channel.

Thank you again for your great interest, see you soon :)



Gizem Cakil

MBA Candidate at Harvard Business School, former management consultant at McKinsey & Company, blockchain enthusiast