Summary of Nodes Operator Survey

Published in
2 min readOct 19, 2019

Last week, we sent out a survey to our nodes operators that allowed them to give us inputs on what they want to see in Harmony’s future.

The goal of this survey is to find node runners’ common requests and problems. It was to also see in what ways our community wanted to contribute.

First off, we were absolutely awestruck to see so many of you confident in Harmony’s future. We know that our community is a big reason for our growth and success.

To quote a few, “Keep up the great work. Your vision is massive; break the vision into many small goals/objectives, succeed with each one, and you’ll be unstoppable” and “Great work from the team and I am glad to be part of the FN runner.” These comments from our community pushes us forward to do more.

Common Requests and Problems

To summarize, some common requests included:

  • Quick automated alert when there’s a node problem (i.e. Offline nodes; low disk space; earning below average, etc).
  • Token Swaps.
  • Full statically linked binary.
  • Games for rewards and depicting the potential of blockchain.
  • Dapps.
  • Auto restarts.

Some common problems:

  • Occasional stalls when the node is active, but not earning
  • Time to sync.
  • Disk space.
  • DNS resolution issues.

We assure you we’ve read every single one of your requests and problems. We’ll be addressing what our users said and respond to it on another medium.

Data and Information

Users’ disk space (out of 58 responses)

We noticed that many of you run with a 100GB space, and a few run with even less. Storage do fill up quick, so by December, we advise users to increase disk space in order to run your node smoothly.

Type of cloud used by users (out of 55 responses)

We also saw that a lot of our cloud users run using Vultr High Frequency.

Our activities have already increased around 10%, and we’re not stopping until we achieve 99.99% uptime! If you didn’t get the chance to voice your opinion, make sure you fill out our Nodes Operator Survey.

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