The Harmony ONEWeekly: July 10th Edition

Matthew Barrett
Published in
5 min readJul 10, 2022


Welcome back my fellow Harmonauts and thanks for joining us for this latest edition in our ONEWeekly series. This week, our team interviewed Stephen Tse, Harmony Founder, to hear from him regarding the latest Harmony news as well as getting the latest updates for two Harmony projects.

For readers interested in seeing the full interview, look no further.

Let’s begin.

Stephen’s participation in this interview was just the latest step for him to outline and discuss four areas that Harmony is focusing their efforts at this time. These efforts do not distract from any other priorities the team is working on at this time, but are concerns that have been raised by our community members.

The interview began with the conversation discussing Harmony’s gas fees and how it scales in conjunction with user growth and demands on the network. Through network utilization and updating the minimum gas price, the team is able to prevent spam transactions that could otherwise overwhelm the network. With demand for on block space changing as well as fluctuations in the price of the ONE token, these two actions have been implemented to resolve the spam problem.

We also heard Stephen discuss the news on the security practices and current audits for our BTC bridge, our upcoming Trustless Ethereum Bridge as well the Horizon Bridge. The ongoing process for smart contract reviews, audit testing in addition to reviewing the security practices for our bridges remains a top priority. The Trustless Ethereum Bridge has been undergoing these practices for over a year and will continue to be subjected to these practices once launched. The external education for partners will focus on the risks and benefits that the bridges offer while the team breaks down the best practices for key management, monitoring as well as deploying these types of products.

Harmony’s culture and values focus on creating a community that Harmony builds around. At this time, the team is coming together to organize and identify methods for moving forward. Composed of individuals who are talented and knowledgeable; Stephen believes through this opportunity, together we will build a product that will exhibit excellency and be successful long-term.

The final question asked Stephen where he believes Harmony will have the strongest impact for our next wave of new users. Development for content creators and user communities will be the building blocks for establishing the digital economy. It falls on Harmony to enable users to use products and applications without having to worry about wallet security, the onboarding process through various fiats and gateways as well as NFT technology for user engagement. A seamless experience is critical to enable this growth and adoption; which the team believes its Quarter 3 initiatives, NFT DApps and the Game Shard will be key areas in accomplishing this feat.

Ender’s Gate

The team behind Enders Gate has been hard at work introducing new features and updates. The first one we’ll look at is “Battle Mode”, which places users in the arena where they duel opponents in a 1v1 battle. Using over 230+ unique cards, players craft decks to use when challenging enemies in their effort to attain the rank of Master Guardian.

Gameplay modifiers are described in great detail in the team’s documentation and players can look forward to six unique classes of Guardians, field effects, and reaction cards. Elements will react uniquely against their counterparts and represent a deep strategy element that will challenge players who wish to attain the rank of Master Guardian.

The second is the release of a redesigned NFT gallery for players to explore. The gallery offers users an engaging interface with filters to search for their desired card. On July 8th, Gen 0 Pack Mints went live via the NFT shop, offering users four packs of varying qualities. .

To test your skills, the playtest has launched and battling has commenced. To keep up to date with all the news coming from the Ender’s Gate team, follow them on their Twitter and Discord.

SonicSwap Pigeon Fight Club

Pigeon Fight Club presents a chess-like matchup scenario where users participate in a 4v4 pigeon roster.

We spoke to the team behind Pigeon Fight Club and learned more about the set of tools players will be able to use in their fight for survival. They believe the mechanics and strategy of the game are more complex than what players might expect. Through upgrades and stats, the meta will constantly be evolving and they’re excited to see how users will overcome their opponents.

The cost for entry to attain a full roster is expected to cost roughly $20 to mint from the start, ensuring an easy onboarding process for all newcomers. The goal of Pigeon Fight Club is to provide players with a fun and fast experience, regardless of how adept the player is at the game.


Well that wrap’s up this week’s ONEWeekly newsletter. For those who have questions, please visit the talk.harmony forum or our official social media channels on Discord, Reddit, Telegram or Twitter. We thank you for being a part of our Harmony community and look forward to next week’s article. Until then, take care.

About Harmony

Build on Harmony, Bridge to All Chains.

Harmony is an open and fast blockchain. Our mainnet runs Ethereum applications with 2-second transaction finality and 100 times lower fees. Our secure bridges offer cross-chain transfers with Ethereum, Binance and 3 other chains.

Build on Harmony, bridge to all chains. We are an open platform for your assets, collectibles, identity and governance.

We 💙 Developers.

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