The Harmony ONEWeekly: June 5th Edition

Matthew Barrett
Published in
6 min readJun 6, 2022


Hello and thanks for joining us on this week’s publication of the Harmony ONEweekly. We have a variety of updates to share this week ranging from a community driven effort towards network decentralization, exciting ecosystem updates from popular and developing games on Harmony, to highlights of a new bridge that will be one of the first of its kind in the blockchain ecosystem. We have some great stuff to share so let’s jump right in and begin with our General Updates.

Readers can watch our video summary for this edition.


Harmoforce is an assembly of volunteers that aim to foster Harmony’s network growth by assisting mainnet validator elections. The volunteers achieve this by voting for an unelected validator and concentrating their delegation to boost them into election; a process the Harmoforce volunteers call “diving”. Bringing the validator into election boosts their visibility, improves decentralization of the network, and further encourages the community at large to stake their ONE and earn rewards with these newly elected validators.

Harmoforce volunteers have been successful in electing new validator nodes to increase the stability and decentralization of the Harmony network. They’ve created a subreddit where you can volunteer to be part of the Harmoforce team as well as join their discord to become a part of their movement.

Crypto Arcade

Crypto Arcade is a 2D and 3D cross-chain metaverse. Utilizing the Gather.Town platform, the Crypto Arcade team is creating a virtual world for online meetings, games, and social events. The team at Crypto Arcade is always working to improve and expand the growing cross-chain metaverse and just completed a new sale of land plots which expands the metaverse and allows owners to design a building of their own within the space.

We had a quick chat with Piksel, the creator of Crypto Arcade, who shared more information on the project. Piksel described the cross-chain metaverse that is being built in both 2D and 3D. The metaverse is accessible on mobile, desktop as well as within virtual reality devices. For users who want to join, they only simply need to go to CryptoArcade.ONE and push play to jump right in. It’s free to play, free to explore and only if you wish to purchase NFT’s to build, then that’s up to the user to decide.

Join the community on Crypto Arcade and head on over for a movie night, a chat, a meeting, and more. The Harmony Community DAO hosts an open working group on Crypto Arcade where they discuss initiatives and goals every Wednesday at 7PM UTC.

Knights and Peasants

The team at Knights and Peasants is bringing their upcoming medieval themed role playing game to the Harmony blockchain. Through the blending of lore, questing, and character upgrades; the team is aiming to provide players with an ambitious story and engaging gameplay.

Using the $KNIGHT token, players will be able to upgrade stats such as Health, Attack, and Defense in addition to various other trait upgrades. Through these upgrades, the success rate of the Knight’s quests will increase as the respective difficulty rises. Quests will be randomized in order to create unique and endless possibilities for the challenges players will face.

In conjunction with the Knights, players can use their Peasant NFT’s to earn different job tokens that can be used to level up the Peasants. Peasants will be able to participate in various farms, allowing players to upgrade their peasants or exchange them for ingame items.

Speed Star

The team behind Speed Star aims to bring a work-to-earn game that is developed through the Unity engine. Players will take on the role of being a caretaker to the horse through unique career choices including Trainer, Jockey, Therapist or a Breeder. To learn more about these careers, check the job’s page on their website.

Bonuses are not always guaranteed to as horses level up, forcing players to adapt and rethink their strategy depending on their horses growth.

Players can use the three tokens within the Speed Star universe for unique utilities; the JOC token will bring about character developments for vocational skills, upgrades and restoring fatigue. The Speed token focuses on farm expansion, upgrades, care of horses, competitions as well as betting. The final token, STAR, is the governance token and can be utilized across all Starverse games.

The Graph Integration

The Graph is an indexing protocol designed to organize public blockchain data and make it accessible to developers. It allows for more efficient searches of data across different blockchains, helping the 23,000 developers in its ecosystem find data through Indexers that serve these queries. It’s a critical component of Web3, and we’re happy to announce it has integrated with Harmony. We can expect to see it launched in the near future.

ETH Trustless Bridge

This week, we are excited to inform you that our Trustless Ethereum Bridge is a priority launch for Harmony, and aim to have it released in the next quarter. With our Horizon bridge in place, we are improving upon it with our next upgrade, the trustless component. Trustless bridges are decentralized and don’t require users to trust a third party with their assets. Instead, the bridge uses decentralized, community run vaults instead of a centralized party. Centralized bridges provide malicious users with a single point of attack, but trustless bridges increase security through decentralization. Harmony’s trustless Ethereum bridge will be one of the first, if not THE first of its kind in the blockchain space allowing users to bridge their Ethereum assets using a fully decentralized platform.

Lastly, although NFT bridging is supported, bridging Harmony NFTs to Ethereum on the current bridge can be quite expensive, but Harmony’s new trustless Ethereum bridge will make gas fees nearly 5 times cheaper.

This trustless bridge is in the final stages of testing and we will keep everyone up to date as we get closer to its final release. For periodic updates, remember to subscribe to the Harmony Protocol social channels and follow Harmony Protocol on Twitter.


Once again, we want to thank each and everyone of you for being a part of the Harmony community and we hope you found this edition helpful. Stay tuned next week for more updates on all things Harmony in ONEWeekly.

About Harmony

Build on Harmony, Bridge to All Chains.

Harmony is an open and fast blockchain. Our mainnet runs Ethereum applications with 2-second transaction finality and 100 times lower fees. Our secure bridges offer cross-chain transfers with Ethereum, Binance and 3 other chains.

Build on Harmony, bridge to all chains. We are an open platform for your assets, collectibles, identity and governance.

We 💙 Developers.

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