The Harmony Survey: Make your voice heard

Robin Schmidt
Published in
2 min readJul 25, 2019

Knowledge is Power.

TLDR: Harmony is launching a survey to gather feedback and learn more about what’s important to our community. Two prizes of $100 worth of ONE tokens will be raffled to survey takers. Take the survey here!

In all the noise and fury of our IEO on Binance and the subsequent launch of our Day ONE Mainnet, we were forced to hunker down as a team and work on problems from the inside out. This is classic tech startup behaviour. However we consider ourselves a lean, mean startup and this requires lifting our heads from the keyboard and taking stock of where we are, what we’re doing and most importantly taking feedback, good or bad, from those connected to the project.

One of our community members has run some very successful community surveys in the past for projects like Vechain. His survey project, Cryptolyze, offered to put up a small reward in the form of entry into a raffle for $100 worth of ONE tokens for those who complete the survey. Any chance to gain more insight and feed that into building better products or staking models is one we cannot afford to pass up. So we obviously jumped on the offer and agreed to match his offer meaning there will be two raffle prize winners.

The final question of the survey will ask you to input either a Telegram ID, Twitter handle or an email address. This is entirely voluntary but you need to input this in order to enter the raffle prize draw. Don’t worry, all answers will be anonymized. We will be giving two prizes of $100 worth of ONE tokens each as a thank you.

Knowledge is most definitely power, so thank you in advance for taking part. We will publish the results and some insights in a future post.

Stay classy, Robin

Join the survey here!



Robin Schmidt
Writer for

Creative Director at — filmmaking and brand baloney a specialty