Harmonious News Release

OgreAbroad - MindGames.io
Harmony Weekly News
5 min readMay 23, 2020

May 23, 2020

Created by the Harmony Community Node, OgreAbroad has committed to producing this News Release weekly, to help keep the community informed, as we know that many of you are busy. Even though you may not be able to make every call, or hang out in chat enough to catch everything… we will strive to keep you informed!

It has been an amazing week for The Harmony Project! Can you say Open Staking!!! That’s right, the moment we have been long awaiting has come, and those rewards… wow! Not everything has been, “Like a warm bath” as some in our community might say, but that is to be expected. Another fantastic weekly call with Harmony’s CTO, Rongjian Lan as our guest, to talk about the current state of our beloved network, and to answer any technical questions that the community had. Even though we just launched, we are already attracting large multichain staking partners, as well as some really innovative products from Exchanges! We also have an active group of community developers already creating awesome Websites, Telegram bots, and phone Apps for the community to utilize both on the Validating side of the house, as well as the staking side for the larger community. There’s even one clever dev who set their bot apart with a fun little game you can play! So much to be excited about… let’s get into it!

Did you say Steeeeak? Open Staking has arrived!

We have to start with the Big Deal — Open Staking is LIVE!!! The Harmony team has managed to build out and successfully launch the very first, fully sharded, open staking blockchain network. Yeah, go ahead… try to say that five times fast! Now imagine building it… Among a tough crowd of various blockchain projects attempting to do the same thing, Harmony has set themselves ahead of the pack, being the first to market with an amazing product. As anyone in the software industry knows, there will always be a few bugs when you launch. When is the last time your computer, phone, or video game worked perfectly? The important part, is that the Team is still improving on the code and tweaking it to make it more stable as well as speed up finality. Reference the coincodecap link below after you finish reading to see for yourself that the Harmony team is yet again, the most active blockchain in the space, as far as development goes.

Historical Graph created by G.Crypto. For current data, see the link below!

If you missed the call this week, it was another great one. The recording of this week’s video is linked at the bottom so that you can watch it if you are interested. Rongjian answered several of the community’s most pressing questions, to include explaining the Shard 0 issues, the complexity involved, and that the backlog of cross shard transactions which were taxing the servers on Shard 0 have been completely processed! IMPORTANT NOTE — If you are running a validator it is highly recommended that you run a backup node, in a different location. The result of ignoring this could be significant missed blocks, and you could possibly fall out of election due to a low percentage of signed blocks — Don’t say you haven’t been warned!!!

Another fantastic piece of news, is that the Team has heard our developer community, and is in the process of preparing a testnet for use. In the future, it will be up to the community to run the testnet, or create their own. Due to the feedback of our many community developers, the team has already stood up a test network, and are working on documentation. Rongjian stated that the testnet and documentation should be ready for the developers to play on within two weeks! Great news for everyone, as the sooner the developers can test their products on the testnet, the sooner they can push complex dApps into our ecosystem!

The team has heard the requests from our development community, and will be supporting a testet!

There was an amazing AMA with BitMax, a very promising exchange, just before this week’s call. Ti happened in our community chat, as well as in the BitMax community chat. They unveiled some incredible news… The exchanges are listening, and now asking the community to lock up their ONE in various financial products, to allow the exchanges to delegate on their user’s behalf. This trend on its own, is incredible news! We have seen this trend coming from both Binance and BitMax thus far, each with their own financial products for us to choose from. BitMax’s offering is definitely my favorite, (link below) as you will be staking directly through their exchange-based interface, and have the ability to IMMEDIATELY undelegate your tokens, for a small fee. If you choose to allow the full 7 epochs to undelegate, it is free. The exchange is offering a nice bonus on returns right now, through June 19th, and will be running a Validator, on which they will stake the community’s tokens. This is a fantastic option for you traders out there, you get the best of both worlds! As always… you take the risk of losing everything should an exchange get hacked. Not your keys, not your crypto.

Speaking of our vibrant developer community who are practically popping out of the woodwork to build on Harmony, there are too many projects to put in this article… for risk of making it TLDR. (Too Long, Didn’t Read) I would like to highlight a few though, who have already stood out from the pack. If you are a developer, building something on Harmony, please reach out to me on telegram. We are building a directory of everyone who is currently building, or has built on the network, to better inform the community of the amazing things you are building, and help them find your page, bot, or app!

If you enjoyed the content, we would love your support! Please consider heading on over to The Harmony Community Node and delegate to us! Thank you in advance!

- Delegate Here!

Links: In the future, all of these links will be hosted on the website. Harmony.SmartStake.IO has teamed up with the Harmony Community Node, and will be hosting this directory with us.

Coincodecap’s Top Cryptocurrencies based on Github activity

BitMax Staking Initiative — HURRY, ENDS JUNE 19!

Recording of the Weekly Call with Nick White!

Ogre’s Picks of the Week:

Phone App:

- Satish’s Phone App — Search for “ONE Validator” in the Apple Play store or Google Play sore, and look for the Harmony Logo.


- Robert’s Staking Calculator

- Robert’s Website — Link will be updated shortly. Site is migrating to a new server

Telegram Bots — I couldn’t pick one here, because they are both awesome, in their own way!

- Shez’s Bot — @Wallet4AllBot

- Shez’s Website

- Chainnode Tech’s bot — @HarmonyStakingMngBot

- Chainnode Tech’s Website

