Harmonious News Release

OgreAbroad - MindGames.io
Harmony Weekly News
4 min readJun 8, 2020

2020 06-07

Not a week into its second year of life, and already, Harmony is turning heads. At the end of the article, please be sure to check out the link to none other than CZ from Binance's tweet, promoting Harmony, Our video, and BUSD. If you're not familiar with Binance… welcome to crypto! Please continue to learn, and come find me in Telegram if you have any questions! Assuming the you know who Binance is, and know what a stable coin is… check out Robin's latest video which does a FANTASTIC job of explaining BUSD, stable coins, and some facts that I bet you didn't know! Definitely worth 5 minutes of your life, plus a few seconds to mash that like and Follow button !!!

Courtesy of Harmony's Video producer, Robin Schmidt. Check Harmony 's YouTube link below for more excellent videos!

For those of you who have been asking what's going on with Harmony's marketing… well, see above. We just got one of the most well known personalities in Cryptocurrency to generate at tweet thanking Harmony, and promoting one of our videos !!! Huuuuuuuge! In addition to that, Harmony has made it into no less than 5 articles, at separate blockchain news outlets this week! See the end of this update to find links to the articles!

As if that wasn't enough, the team has launched a $ 7 Million bounty / grant system to attract some of the builders in the DeFi sector, as well as zk-SNARK development. Looking forward, the team is definitely trying to drive up both use case as well as ensure that the technical level of the chain itself, continues to be superior to our competitors.

Two more wallets have joined up with Harmony to provide as many options as possible in a decentralized way! Courtesy of Harmony Twitter Feed

Two more wallets have committed themselves to building on Harmony this week, and there are those within the community who are also continuing to build. HRC20 tokens are already a thing, launched by our very own Sesameseed. (Link to Sesameseed at the bottom) The block explorer will no doubt be updated soon to reflect them… and I may or may not be working on something also. Stay tuned for the next weekly Harmonious News Release!

In governance news, the team asked the community about the thought of doubling the number of seats available for bidding by the community. In the initial proposal, no additional funds would be available to support an increase in cost of operation by larger nodes. While these large nodes my not be seen as desirable, having some is necessary, as it forms the core of the data network, and are vital for a stable and secure network. Without them, latency would be higher, and the network as a whole could be less stable. Adding the seats will lower the EMS (Effective Median Stake), allowing projects and individuals to start new nodes with a lower initial investment threshold, and the plan would not alter the rewards of delegators, directly. There is a possibility though, that Fees could rise as a side effect, causing a loss in some delegators rewards. The conversation was heated, as you can imagine… and continued for several days, to include the weekly call. The team is deliberating on the input that the community has provided, and has yet to make a public statement about what their current plan is. No doubt, they are weighing both what is best for the community, as well as what is best for the network. My personal bias is that I think we definitely need to open up more seats, though I caution restraint, to ensure that we do it at the right time.

See how some of the pins have lots of strings? That's how the larger nodes work in our network, having lots of connections to ensure fast and reliable delivery of data. Courtesy of “optimarc” at Stocksnap.io

All in all, a very busy week, for Year ONE, Week ONE! Between Binance investing so heavily in our success, the community effort to build on the chain, The teams dedication to excellence, and the fact that people are starting to notice us and write articles… Ogre's Crystal Ball says happy times are ahead friends.

If you appreciate the content of this article, please remember to mash that clap button! Holding it for just a few seconds to give us the max 50 claps will help us spread the word, and reach a larger audience… and hopefully help people who haven't even heard of Harmony, come find us!

Come find out more about the project below, and be sure to look for me, OgreAbroad on telegram & Discord to say hi!

Harmony's Website , Telegram , Discord , Forum , Reddit , Github

To Delegate with us, at the Harmony Community Node:

- Delegate Here! Please and Thank you!

Sesameseed's Validator and website

CZ's Tweet Thanking Harmony !!! Make sure you give this a like and a retweet, lets get max participation on this !!! Por favor!!!

Team's Wallet tweet Link

Links to Harmony articles this week: (Special thanks to community member Yudi for finding these!)

Crowdfund Insider Article

NameCoin News

Cryptodaily UK

AI Thority

BitBoy Crypto

