4 ways to make your nonprofit website the BEST it can be

Jordan Patrick
Harness Giving
Published in
2 min readAug 1, 2017

1. Make your mission statement clear and concise:

your mission statement should be the first thing people see when they click on your nonprofit’s website. This is how possible donors’ first impressions will be formed. This is not the place to ramble on for paragraphs about every single one of your nonprofit’s accomplishments and contributions. Keep it to a paragraph at most. If they’re intrigued and interested after reading the mission statement, then they’ll continue to navigate the site and learn more.

2. Tell a STORY through your website:

This is what is going to turn random people into your donors. Bring your nonprofit to life. On your main page, add in a short and moving video or a powerful image to enhance your story. Throughout your website, work in testimonials and graphics as a reminder of your impact.

3. Have a call to action:

Your website’s call to action is what really convinces people that they want to donate. Your call to action page should be relatively simple so the eye doesn’t wander and get overwhelmed and lost. Within your website, there are plenty of other places to have longer length writing, but much like the mission statement, keep writing on this page very minimal. For example, charity: water’s call to action is: 100% of your money brings clean water to people in need. Underneath is a picture of a girl holding a bottle of water and smiling. The overall look of this page is clean and focused, but it conjures up a sense of hopefulness in the possible donor, making them want to donate.

Example: https://my.charitywater.org/donate/general

4. Use statistics and numbers:

Never underestimate the power that statistics and numbers can have on persuading people. On Water For People’s homepage, the first writing you see is “4 million people, 9 countries”. This automatically pulls people in and gets them to keep reading. Statistics and numbers put into perspective just how much help and donations are needed.

Using these four tips, your nonprofit website is sure to draw in new donors.

Originally published at https://blog.harnessgiving.com on August 1, 2017.

