Production Release Highlights : September 28 2023

Harness release updates
12 min readSep 28, 2023

An overview of what went into our latest production release.


  • make getResetPasswordUrl as NG only #53311
  • Fix inline secret decryption — hashicorp vault #53325
  • Added new metric to record heartBeat data #53252
  • Remove NotifyEventConsumerCg thread #53275
  • Removed stale FFs from SMP #53168
  • Fixing json provider and mapping provider for JsonPath #53177
  • Adds serviceId and event type information in outbox_event_processing_time metrics #53103
  • Fixing delegate communication with proxy #53007
  • Remove the FF DO_NOT_RENEW_APPROLE_TOKEN #51829
  • Increases query time out for removing disabled/redundant acls #53042
  • Added taskId in the secretManager validation task #52973
  • Fixing delegate communication with proxy #53005
  • Stop creating redundant ACLs and delete existing ones #52668
  • remove FF PL_ADD_ACL_CHECKS_NG_SCIM_API from BE #52996
  • suppress the error with pagination, in cases when old logic works #52959
  • fixed msTeam identifier #52902
  • Move account based files to their own packages #52390
  • Move execution based files to separate package #52391
  • Remove parked and aborted tasks count from per account default limit #52939
  • Fix issue of wrong error message on abort task #52880
  • List api to accept a set of entity types for referredByEntityType filter #52746
  • Adds support to read json secret from hashicorp vault with jsonpath #52490
  • load certificate from a common source of truth #51054
  • ECS delegate registration missing heartbeat on existing delegate check #52466
  • changed log from error to warn #52925
  • added feature flag PL_ALLOW_TO_SET_PUBLIC_ACCESS #52865
  • Remove updation of ip and delegateName #52561
  • update default cron expression to 1 hour #52159
  • Added lockConfig redis in charts config.yml for template service #52859
  • Added search term filter for entity activity #52743
  • Handling null user metadata response for user sync #52729
  • add AIDA FF #52800
  • dummy commit #52827
  • Do not mask the smtp password if the password is not set #52801
  • Add an api to disable public access on resource #52726
  • Set codec in the redisConfig before creating the redissonClient #52765
  • Sanitize delegate log printing jwt #52197
  • update build numberupdate build number
  • update build numberupdate build number
  • fix project api #52522
  • Add API to check if resource is public or not #52333
  • Changing runtime env to java 17 for core services #52518
  • Fixed queries in Audit sync job #52566
  • added Conenctor AwsKms as an input along with other SecretManagers while creating a Secret #18151
  • support bot ux hotfix #18008
  • add RBAC support to copy token in delegates #17911
  • change welcome message #17971
  • all-in-one multistage dockerfile #17511
  • upgrade tooltip version #17919
  • support multiline input for chat #17946
  • make default account viewer deletable #17805
  • update EULA content #17880
  • update EULA content #17875
  • add filters for Notifications in Default Settings #17719
  • cycling placeholders for chat #17848
  • update default cron expression to 1 hour in UI #17613
  • show Use as default SM field with both types of Credentials #17786
  • ListView for Roles #17762
  • Updated the build numberUpdated the build number
  • Updated build numberUpdated build number

Continuous deployment (CD)

  • Changed cache config and fix NPE #53335
  • support harness non managed images #53305
  • Fixing null check for stepToExcludeKeys from planCreators #53332
  • Fixed CI step group pod cleanup event #53265
  • Enhancements in ECS Blue Green around auto scaling #53194
  • Fix override v1 to v2 api calls #53192
  • dummy commit #53122
  • Add null check for config file content before rendering during deployment #53101
  • support metadata only GET for Service entities #52836
  • handle binaryResponseData #53025
  • Move observer to stepInputsUpdate call rather than… #52979
  • Fixing AmbianceUtils.testGetEnabledFeatureFlags unit-test in develop #53071
  • Expression Support for script input variable #52899
  • asg variables migration #53035
  • create api to get deploy count from start date for cg #52477
  • escape service env for ssh bash execution #52809
  • Add harness release entity to service configuration & outcome #53028
  • adding support for replace expression #53027
  • fix for ElastiGroup JSON migration #53033
  • Fix ordering of updates causing NPE #52894
  • fixing logs issue in print env command for command step. #52999
  • support json with spaces in input and default value #52954
  • Moving the planExecutionSummary status updates to graphGenerationService instead of doing via observer and some refactoring for pipeline chaining #52950
  • fetch templateType for stage with no templateInputs #53009
  • Add FF and clean option for slot deployment #52868
  • AmbianceUtilsTest Coverage Improvement #52972
  • modifies the call to get default values passed to response #52715
  • Make rollback stage to always run instead of depending on status of pipeline #52947
  • adds support to update multiples change task on serviceNow #51736
  • Status not updated correctly for pipeline rollback #52909
  • Saving the service and env identifiers in the pipeline list filters for deployment module instead of service/env names #52910
  • Add support for adding information to post prod ro… #52945
  • Added the validation if the stage is in progress #52926
  • enabled provisioner for baseAsg #52963
  • Disable escaping WinRm environment variables reserved symbols #52667
  • add INFRA_KEY_SHORT_ID alias #52958
  • Added Error handling for create flow for gitlab and bitbucket #52957
  • Refactor getResolvedFieldValue method #52702
  • Fixed PodCleanupDetails to ContainerCleanupDetails ClassCastException #52756
  • Adding more jexl words support in concatenation #52921
  • FeatureFlag Additon for logKey simplification #52948
  • update reconciliation API to set is_deleted true instead of deleting entities from timescale #52928
  • fix list service api #52949
  • remove ff from feature name file #52942
  • Adopting different api for liveness check for pipeline-service #52936
  • CleanUpFiles for Winrm Execution #52245
  • Added support for env.type CG equivalent #52613
  • Remove progressData delegate task update in Approval flow #52852
  • added base deployment support for ASG #52867
  • Changing error logs to warn logs as they are occuring very frequently on prod #52931
  • Added delegate selector for container step from connector and step #52598
  • Adding FF required by UI on harness core #52922
  • improve TAS exception logging #52857
  • Changes in list infra api and list service api to support scope infra to services #52430
  • Supporting folder path for SCM git file fetch #52572
  • Fix null ptr in skipNodeSkipper in case parent edgeList #52895
  • Create a new envVariable map for every command unit #52893
  • refactoring jira user flow to optimize jira calls #52786
  • optimize Jira Approvals to fetch filtered fields #52049
  • Feature flag for Navigation 2.0 #51548
  • Adding a new collection for chaos API #52657
  • SPG_SEND_TRIGGER_PIPELINE_FOR_WEBHOOKS_ASYNC uses a different trigger flow #52881
  • update with deploymentType and gitOpsEnabled #52892
  • Add user principal to pipeline start event #52738
  • Add trigger types and trigger identifier in pipeline execution filter properties #52848
  • Using reference false kryo serializer in cacheEntities #52855
  • Use the individual template schema from the parsed individual schemas to serve the UI/BE requests and added ttl for parsed schemas #52463
  • Adding cross account role arn and external id in environment variables #52281
  • Fixing the Inputs merge flow for the updated YAML structure for V1 YAML #52842
  • Fixing the executing a pipeline does not open the execution page and shows the error #52875
  • Make GitOps steps work without OPTIMIZED_GIT_FETCH_FILES #52883
  • support update for remote services #52536
  • Added Some unit test #52643
  • support for readonly fields for servicenow standard templates #52419
  • Rename PmsGraphDetailsService to NodeExecutionInfoService #52847
  • Move the errors to warnings as we have done in commons module for the same #52828
  • Addition of env step to custom stage #52719
  • yaml changes for service, infra, rolling and BG steps #52063
  • UI issues for Timespent beside steps showing wrong … #52627
  • Removing executionUuid field usage of execution_metadata.proto #52761
  • Update GitOps App Step #52292
  • Passed the actual expression used by user in custom trigger. #52565
  • Code changes to implement the gitx webhook events added #52792
  • Mask secrets data to a base64 value for dry run #52785
  • Changes for incorporating the YAML changes in CRUD and Executing the V1 pipeline as per new YAML structure #52626
  • Adding Env variable AWS_STS_REGIONAL_ENDPOINTS=regional for EKS kube config behind FF CDS_EKS_ADD_REGIONAL_PARAM #52775
  • Adding unit-tests and removing ignore after fixing some tests to increase coverage of IdentityNodeExecutionStrategy #52798
  • Dummy commit for CDS-79062 #52823
  • Set Identifier of principal as identifier of triggerByInfo in-case of null email. #52751
  • Store stepinputs as deflated bytes #52772
  • added ingress for dev space #52795
  • #52398
  • Make GitOps steps work without OPTIMIZED_GIT_FETCH_… #52656
  • fix for monitor service template scoping #52773
  • adding connector migration on verification steps #52769
  • Added the setting control deleting execution #52424
  • Changed the type of start and end event times for event listing api #52766
  • UT added #52753
  • Added a new listener for GitXWebhook push event #52623
  • Resolve provisioner expressions before infra validations #52606
  • Store strategyMetadata in db #52542
  • Add ReadConverter and WriteConverter for retryInfo #52625
  • Addition of custom stage to ng-manager #52601
  • Increasing batching size for nodeExecutions delete during pipeline delete event #52644
  • Move Jenkins & Nexus3Registry artifact trigger out of CD_TRIGGER_V2 FF for Trigger Catalog API #52735
  • Removing fabric8 from kubernetes connector validation #51836
  • Disable webhooks endpoint using FF #52670
  • Fix NPE when service selection is missing when saving a freeze window #52721
  • remove JENKINS_BUILD from feature restriction #52690
  • Refractoring for Schema Parser, Moving parsers to individual services and removing factory #52628
  • Added GitX events listing api contract #52631
  • removing usages of allArgsConstructor of JiraIssueNG in CCM #52689
  • fixing develop branch #52692
  • Add support for when and failure strategies for Shellscript step #52650
  • Add levelRuntimeIdx and skipExpressionChain as fir… #52520
  • Add ability to filter pipeline execution by trigger identifier and trigger type #52611
  • removing unecessary changes for skip condition #52660
  • Add retry for JiraClient when too many requests is detected #52482
  • Improve Helm Deployment Tracking [Delegate Side] #52481
  • Render json array type of variables without parser #52621
  • Add exception when one is missing inside the error response data #52271
  • Update failure strategies POJOs as per new yaml structure #52521
  • UT added #52640
  • return dynamic provisioning yaml snippet, small fixes #52546
  • JEXL condition expression recommendation #52574
  • Reducing idle time for threads related to pipeline-service #52629
  • Fetch Helm Chart Version for OCI Helm ECR config type. #52227
  • Remove expression resolution from step Inputs for each nodeExecution #52573
  • handle asking for state migration error #52595
  • Unable to see the artifact details in NG #52153
  • added tests for #52484
  • Pass unsorted flag if set for all queries #52551
  • add adviser for retry step group failure strategy #52564
  • remove schema from overlay input set modal as it always showed invalid #18135
  • fix validation schema for Jenkins step preventing pipelines to run #18127
  • fix validation schema for Jenkins step preventing pipelines to run #18126
  • feedback UI for AIDA #18124
  • Do not show message while loading — release 0.363.x hf #18115
  • Nav 2 changes Qa hotfix #18099
  • initialise the template-sdk and use individual schema api call for templates #18104
  • support sameAsAlreadyRunningInstances and enableAutoScalingInSwapStep as checkbox fields in ECS BG CS step #18089
  • Remove override v2 setting from UI to facilitate customer migration QA HF #18060
  • added changeRequest number field for change Task #18055
  • Nav 2 misc fixes #18047
  • Added triggerTypes and triggerIdentifiers in PipelineExecution filter #18046
  • Call useCheckIfPipelineUsingV1Stage & useCheckIfTemplateUsingV1Stage only for edit flow #18031
  • pipeline filter bugs #17999
  • Remove override v2 setting from UI to facilitate customer migration #17987
  • fix CI link in Get Started page and stage links in execution details #18014
  • nav 2 misc fixes #18000
  • Nav 2 base hotfix prod #18009
  • adding support of universal package type in azure triggers #17954
  • Misc fixes and enhancements in the gitX webhooks account entity #17992
  • Fix an issue causing YamlBuilder to use incorrect schema #17996
  • retain artifact filter values in pipeline filter form #17916
  • Updated ng-tooltip version to 1.21.174 #17986
  • Env and Infra Propagation fixes for delete/reorder and env inputs #17716
  • remove yaml view support in create service modal #17897
  • added UI validations for add webhook modal #17985
  • Show stagesToExecute as list in trigger details page #17959
  • Nav 2 fixes #17976
  • Navigation 2.0 #17345
  • Show warning in Run Pipeline dialog if pipeline is out of sync #17955
  • added includeAllServicesAccessibleAtScope query param to filter pipeline list using account and org level services #17961
  • native-helm-post-rollback-option #17958
  • page crash fix for formikVariables not being an array type #17957
  • Removal of UI usages of GITOPS FFs #17950
  • expand feature added in approval steps jexl field #17928
  • page crash fix for formikVariables not being an array type #17941
  • FormInput.MultiSelect showing different placeholders on select and empty state #17925
  • implement web-hook details page #17845
  • Usability improvements for File store name popover #17939
  • add runtime support for tanzu command script #17921
  • adding checks in UI to support null progressData #17932
  • implement webhooks events page #17789
  • adding checks in UI to support null progressData #17931
  • added new feature flag OPA_AIDA_WIDGET #17924
  • warning message on artifact source template to acknowledge that template inputs might have changed #17890
  • cdk-fixes #17922
  • manifest details helm deployment qa #17920
  • added new feature flag OPA_AIDA_WIDGET #17908
  • Fixed rendering of primary artifact sources on service change in runtime form for multiservices #17884
  • Add command line options for terragrunt #17820
  • Git clone step supporting commitSha #17891
  • dynamic-aws-cdk #17900
  • cdk-diff-app-path #17892
  • handled safety check for terraform encryptOutput field #17882
  • Adds support to show artifact location for artifact source template #17846
  • Added support for quicker way of template version change #17464
  • add support for allow simultaneous deployment in SSHWinRmAws infrastructure #17563
  • show BE error msg in Snow create/update when searching for template #17765
  • enabled abort button when pipeline/stage status is queued #17842
  • Service header CSS fix #17853
  • safety check for terraform encryptOutput field #17833
  • Added support for remoteService in list and details page #17826
  • Updating CDNG services for new API contracts #17827
  • Adds support for multi service propagation #17169
  • Using better types and fixed cleanData utility #17681
  • Unable to add timeout to Manual Intervention Action of Failure Strategy #17737
  • helm-details #17814
  • display matrix label name rather than name if present in metadata #17807
  • changed default tab to stepGroup configuration in stepGroup template #17809
  • Replacing text when OAuth token is not found #17804
  • changed default tab to stepGroup configuration in stepGroup template #17808
  • preQA — added delegate selector for container step #17810
  • Adding project and jiraIssueType fields in the jira update step #17375
  • added delegate selector for container step #17802

Continuous Cost Management (CCM)

  • Misc fixes #53058
  • S3 Sync Job Fix With HTTPS_PROXY Support #53049
  • Helm charts changes for moving Proxy and Endpoint to Global #53043
  • Support for Proxy for IAM #53040
  • Support for AWS services via Endpoint Url #53014
  • Added instance usage fields in billing and cluster tables #52483
  • Enabling flattening for United #52944
  • Fixed query to calculate total rule executions per resource #52930
  • ECS Data Sync job errors to warnings #52905
  • Helm charts changes for Proxy Support #52886
  • Support Proxy Config for aws sdk client for ce-nextgen and batch-processing #52835
  • Anomaly detection for new entities #52839
  • Set the dataset and projectid correctly for non us region #52737
  • Updated build number #52714
  • Updated ce-nextgen build number for SMP release #52705
  • Added support of filter by resourceType in rule list api #52309
  • Removed import causing vulnerability #52175
  • Perspective Preferences in SMP #52615
  • Anomaly detection for K8s including Harness Services #52325
  • CCM trial page fixes #17995

Service Reliability Management (SRM)

  • Handeling usecase when dependencyMetadataNode is missing #52988
  • Fixed breaking of listing page in case of failure o… #52829
  • Improve latency of SLO listing API by moving to th… #52970
  • Add slo health to slo health indicator timescale db #52678
  • Adding notification support in SRM terraform #52887
  • Implemented environment based and composite SLO base… #52879
  • Added additional field to InternalCh… #52750
  • adding deserelizer for backward compatibility of Kubernetes edgecase #52812
  • Fix SLO target percentage in timescale #52805
  • Updating slo history iterator time so that it … #52648
  • handled the scenario when there are no SLOs configured for MS while sending firehydrant notifications #52673
  • Added debug api for registering SRM analysis step e… #52455
  • Account level composite SLOs insertion in tables is… #52682
  • Added fixed to pagination of license API #52641
  • SLO Creation, deletion and update should be atomic #52554
  • Add testId for SLO listing page #17979
  • removing feature flag for monitored services for new side nav. #17993
  • fix ChangeEventDetailsLink overlapping the actual link #17906
  • removing the feature flag for SRM common monitored services #17709
  • Updated page size of metric API #17889

Continuous integration (CI)

  • json secret in ci plugin #52706
  • Fix initialise retry strategy #53078
  • ci plugins go version upgrade #53002
  • Fix LE version for cbp logurl #53006
  • Support for log url from delegate #52758
  • Update lite engine and addon #52937
  • Fix TI for Manual Executions #52934
  • Add retry on initialise for hosted flow #52927
  • removed images from ci_built telemetry event #52833
  • handling null values in parameter field #52906
  • make build args optional #52877
  • don’t add logger if user provided an argument #52732
  • added support of imagePullPolicy for LE and AddOn #52862
  • Fix unescaped URLs #52757
  • CI manager changes to support distributed dlite #52778
  • Handling NPE for stage node #52825
  • Added support for imagePullPolicy #52445
  • azure trigger changed file #52616
  • Integrated SLSA external parameters #52569
  • considering queuing while running build #52701
  • check build count before queuing #52636
  • scm service helm version update #52624
  • ubi image upgrades #52597
  • Fix formatting for call graph error mssg #18006
  • CI new side nav changes #17983
  • show AIDA for stage level errors if no step inside stage #17929
  • EULA for CI/CD/CCM #17975
  • EULA changes for CI/CD/CCM #17973
  • Enable runtime view for Cache Intelligence section in CI #17877
  • gitness CI integration #17656
  • Add ruby in run step #17790

Feature flags management (FFM)

  • Fix flag casing hotfix #18023
  • Fix flag casing #18021
  • Removing Archive FF Dependency in FE #17967
  • Changes changes v2 and Set Flag Switch #17748
  • Hotfix #17964
  • update cf services and bump MFE version #17952
  • Add Active Environment to SectionToggle Routing #17940
  • Remove monaco diff editor #17835

Observability Integrations Platform (OIP)

  • Cleanup redundant parentheses in Prometheus queries #52718
  • While filtering out cvconfigs for deployment, cv configs with only metric packs should also be included. #52639
  • Fix for breaking UI in monitored service templates #17734
  • Remove SignalFX feature flag #17729

