A Smart Harrikenator: Part I

A brilliant maximizer of time and effort when it comes to eating out

Rashique Bin Nasir
Harriken Tales
Published in
3 min readSep 29, 2016


It’s finally Thursday night. It’s been a long week and you can’t wait for the weekend. Work is almost finished. A call from your friend asking if you wanna hang out is music to your ears. After fixing the time, you hit a wall — where’d you go?

The obvious answer is a restaurant of some sort. But there’s a plethora of options to choose from. So many, that it’s almost overwhelming at times, especially if you can’t decide what you want to have. Maybe you want a specific dish, say, sushi or a more filling meal, like a steak. A restaurant with a specific ambience might appeal to you; maybe a rooftop or a poolside.

The perfect solution that addresses all your dining dilemmas — Harriken.

Harriken provides a lot of nifty features. The search functionality is designed to make your life easier. So now you’re looking for a particular restaurant, food or cuisine near your office, say, Banani, but you’re not hankering for anything specific yet. As a smart Harrikenator armed with the Harriken app, you use its search function to get a list of restaurant suggestions.

Can’t decide if a restaurant is right for you? Why don’t you use the Menu feature? It’ll help you decide whether a place is the one, or if you need to keep looking. You might consider taking a peek at the reviews to get a feel for the place. Hey, maybe you’ll even find the one dish that you didn’t even know you were craving.

Now that you two have finally decided on a restaurant to chill at, you need to get him there. But he’s terrible with directions, so you resort to Harriken and its Google Maps integration, which can easily lead him to exactly where he needs to be.

But wait, is the restaurant even open? You don’t want to go through all this trouble, fight through crazy traffic only to find that the place isn’t even open!. Use the app to find out.

Ok, so it’s open, you already know what you want to order and you guys are well on your way. But being the smart Harrikenator that you are, you’re going to call ahead and make reservations just in case (it is Thursday night, after all).

When you finally make it, use the additions in the app to find out availability of Wi-Fi, smoking area, air-conditioning, whether the restaurant accepts cards or not. If you really like the place and want to bring someone special you might want to reserve a table. But does the restaurant need reservation? Find out on Harriken.

A smart Harrikenator avoids the angst that 98% of us associates with eating out in Dhaka : finding a place, blindly guessing what’s good and what’s not, having an ungodly cash outflow situation, or even finding the place, for that matter. A smart Harrikenator expends their energy on the things that matter most: beating the (never-ending) traffic, managing the best seats, having a long adda session, and last but not least, the cherry on top, the icing on the cake, ensuring with a fantastic meal to rave about all weekend. Don’t be 98% of the population. Be a smart Harrikenator.

Here’s the link to our video.



Rashique Bin Nasir
Harriken Tales

BUPian. Footballer. Movie Addict. Tech Enthusiast. Man Utd Fan. Foodie. Harrikenator.