Part of Journey is the End

Harshil Kapadia
Published in
3 min readDec 22, 2019

It always astonishes me that things have to end the way they do; all of a sudden. It is not so easy to assemble things in the way you want. Having everything sorted just the way you like, in a manner that is most perfect for you but anyone else is effortful. It would have taken you ages to get accustomed to this routine and just when you get comfortable with it, would come the time to bid it adieu. All the work you did; its effect is going to vanish, as come to the end. Doesn’t it distress you? You think you have your favorites around and then you realize that it was all momentary. A few seconds past the end, all of this is not going to matter; neither to you nor to all that was with you before. Strange, isn’t it? All that is dear to you was around you but you did not admire it as much as you should have. Duh! Now, you continue to crave for it unobtrusively.

Things will change and you will too. You will have to tune everything once again starting from square one. Initially, you would be hurting. Then, just to go on with the show, as it always must, you will forget what you had. It would no longer matter to you how important it was to you then. All those talks that you did not want to end then, would not even be pondered upon for a long time. The promises lapsed too soon to keep them for eternity. Ah! Everything would stay the same and plain-sailing. Little did you know that things worked in an exactly opposite manner. The universe believes in the fact that ‘Change is the only constant’, it is only better if you realize this as soon as you can.

Fighting with the emotions, stacking the memories in the attic, albeit unwilling at first, you somehow move on. And then, one fine day Google would bring flashes in front of your eyes — ‘A year ago today’. Perhaps then you would take some time out of your “new” daily schedule, which might still be under the process of being just perfect for you. You realize how grateful you should be for those things could happen, for the photos that you clicked then. You did not just capture a photo; you actually captured the events that led to the photograph and the ones that followed it. How grateful you should be for everything you had then and did not want to leave! But somehow, you left them behind and moved on to make a room for new. I guess that is how this life works or perhaps there is some other way that is beyond any one of us. Maybe it is best to leave it a mystery. Maybe not every conundrum needs to be unraveled. Maybe we will find the answers as we tread on. Like it always has, the set of events that keep happening will let you delve deep into the sea of happiness, and just when you are about to lie down and relax, in just a snap of a finger, it will make you realize that all this was just a dream you were living in. Supposedly, this is what we need to make a truce with and carry on. Like a river flows to the seas, some things happen just because they are meant to be.

Let us not cry that it has ended but be happy for something like this to have happened. Let us embrace the changes life will throw at us with time.

