Harvard Business School of 2020

Ellen Chisa
7 min readDec 1, 2015

One of the nice things about taking a leave from HBS is that you don’t just get one year — you get five. Five years is a long time, even at HBS. For instance: five years ago the FIELD method didn’t exist.

I’ve already covered what I learned at HBS.

As I step away, I thought I’d share my predictions and hopes about how the MBA program will change by the time I get back (and if not in the next five years, in the next twenty).

I’ve ranked them from least to most surprising. I think each of these items will be essential if the MBA is to be a relevant and important degree fifty years from now.

Cases for Breadth & Immediacy

This is a transformation that has already started to happen.

Information and actions will be happening much faster during the careers of current HBS students than they were fifty years ago.

A case discussion enables students to examine a problem from all sides. It doesn’t present an “answer” of what to do. Cases usually cover a company over a long chunk of history and then focus in on a specific decision.

Last year, we studied an Uber case that was still focused on “ride-sharing.” The real conversation around Uber is far larger. Uber as a delivery platform. Uber’s role in the transition to self-driving cars. Uber’s role in the regulation of employees vs. contractors.

Problems that leaders face in the future will not appear with a neat bow — or an HBS case archetype. Uber is about much more than barriers to entry in the “Taxi Industry.” Cases will need to be written more quickly for students to see all the dynamics involved, and how the world is shifting under their feet. The classroom conversation will be able to go in more different directions based on what students key in on.

Even as this complexity increases, there will also be less historical data. There will be more data about what’s happening right now — which plays into the complexity. There will be more debate about “which data should we collect?” and “what data matters?”

Even with that, there won’t be thirty years of data to analyze for many companies. For industries being disrupted, the last thirty years of data may not matter. Decisions will need to be made with less historical information. Without this rigorous past analysis, the decisions will rely on instilled values in the organization, and on using creative logic to analyze the data of what’s happening right now.

There are some older cases that already exhibit this (Tylenol is a great one), but they will become more prevalent.

1) In five years, HBS cases will include more complexity and less historical data.

Digital Classroom Experience

HBS is one of the few places in the world that still relies heavily on paper. I have paper textbooks, paper books, paper cases.

I was shocked when I had to buy a printer. I am not thrilled about the twelve binders in my closet that are stuffed with notes. I am reluctant to lose that content and ability to flip through them. I already sold my textbooks on Chegg (using only my phone!)

While the case method is solid, packets of paper aren’t information of the future. Content is not about linear stories — it’s about a barrage of information from different sources. It’s full of rich content — videos, images, tweets, and reactions. To sound good in class now, you need to remember specific figures from the paper case (or at least what page they’re on). Remembering the facts can be almost as important as the synthesis.

Things are still on paper because of the desire to have students fully present in the classroom. My college operated under the same principle, but it was a conscious choice and a way to show respect. The laptops weren’t necessary because students were listening to short pieces of information and then actively working on projects.

During the case method, it’s hard to keep students engaged and off of technology. Especially when they only get to speak one out of every three classes. Better integration of technology could help students have their classroom experience mirror the real world. Facts will be easily searchable, and more discussion time can be spent on synthesis. Technology will also enable students to better organize the information to be easily referenced during the rest of their career.

HBS must figure out a way to use the benefits of modern information tools without losing presence in the classroom. If the first prediction comes true, and conversations are broader and allowed to wander more, they will be more interesting.

2) In five years, HBS will allow and encourage digital tools in the classroom — without compromising the presence of students.

Bias Towards Action

HBS is a formal environment that was designed to educate people in how to get things done in large organizations. The school operates that way. Students are viewed as the customer, and aren’t allowed to see “under the hood” of how things get done.

This results in many activities happen via clubs and the Student Association (SA) rather than individuals. Each organization has 10–20 officers responsible for different aspects. There are formal titles and hierarchies for how things get done. Things are driven by consensus, or by top-down. This looks good on resumes, but isn’t practical for the future.

The world is shifting. Workplaces will value independent action more. Organizations that empower individual employees to take action will succeed. At HBS now, things rarely happen “bottom-up.” It’s easy to bow out of organizing if it isn’t your job — so there isn’t a bias towards action in most on-campus organizations.

This sentiment transfers to small group projects. In the ones I worked on, it was important to have buy in from every group member. We worked on a project for FIELD3, and it wasn’t uncommon to have an email discussion about how we should reply to a client email.

It’s even present in casual experiences. It’s not uncommon to send an email “could someone send a calendar invite?” instead of just sending a calendar invite.

To produce employees that will be valued in workplaces of the future, HBS will need to reinforce that behavior of “getting shit done” instead of waiting for a hierarchy or a system.

3) In five years, each HBS student will feel empowered to take individual, independent action to improve the experience.

Making things

The biggest piece of culture shock to me at HBS was that not everyone takes an inherent joy in making things. For me, the best sort of day is sitting alone and creating something that didn’t used to exist in the world.

Our economy is shifting — many roles that don’t involve creating are being automated or replaced. Making new stuff will be a core functionality in every business. I use stuff loosely — organizing a new supply chain counts as “making stuff” in my book.

In order to motivate people who make stuff, HBS students will need to learn to empathize with the people who do it now. Not everyone needs to learn to code — but everyone will need to understand the inherent joy in creating and the creation process. Managers need to understand the difference between maker and manager time.

FIELD does not achieve this goal. The current FIELD experiences are all in a “team” process. It’s about getting people together to make decisions, not about execution. That allows students to learn about team dynamics, but not about the solitary joy of the maker.

4) In five years, HBS students will all go through the process of making something that did not exist before.

One or Two

It is hard to convince the best talent to take two years out of their job at a key moment. One of my biggest concerns when deciding to go to HBS was “would I get more out of two years of working?”

The MBA program is also structured in two distinct segments. The Required Curriculum is a full experience, and the Elective Curriculum is another full experience.

The RC is what people think of when they think of HBS. It’s the year you’re with your 90 section mates, in the same classroom, everyday. It’s what I needed to add core business and management skills to what I already do at work. It was deeply practical — I used tools from the RC all summer at work. “Dropping out” after RC doesn’t feel weird, because it feels like I finished something, even if I don’t have the piece of paper.

If I were to continue into the EC, I could go deeper into one area if I wanted to shift careers. Since I don’t want to make a major change, it would let me go broad and experiment with a bunch of different areas (something you don’t get much of if your undergrad was in Electrical Engineering). That would be fun, but there would be diminishing returns for how much it practically helps me on the day to day.

In the future, I think the school will take advantage of the differences between the RC and the EC. There will be separate degrees — one for completing the RC, and one for completing both years.

Lots of people will still have the traditional experience, but the school will get better talent as a result. It’s a lot easier to stomach the idea of leaving for nine months than it is for two years. Some people will expect to do two years — and realize they only needed one. Some will expect to want one, and realize they want to make a shift and need the second. There might even be a way to decide to go back later and do the second, a more formal version of the leave program.

5) In five years, HBS won’t (necessarily) be a two year experience.


None of these changes have yet come to HBS. There are inklings of movement in this direction from certain organizations, but nothing substantial.

These predictions are embedded with my assumptions of how the business world will shift. Many who share my beliefs think that the MBA will (and should) become irrelevant. I do not hope it becomes irrelevant, but instead that it changes to be useful in our future world.

Do these changes appeal to you? Consider applying to HBS. The school will not change unless the customer (the student body) asks for something different.

