Israel Trek Photo Blog ❤

Jenn Greiner
Harvard Israel Trek 2019
2 min readMay 1, 2019
First day arriving in Israel to a beautiful view of Jerusalem! (that we’re blocking in this pic lol)
Fun fountain find on a run with Lauren!
I was amazed by the intricate detailing on the Dome of the Rock! The tile work is absolutely incredible and the gold dome stands out in the city of limestone.
Graffiti on the wall separating the West Bank. One thing I was surprised by was that most of the graffiti was done in English. This is likely because either tourist do the graffiti to show solidarity, or Palestinians do so to get their message out to tourists.
Stop, camel time! ft. Naomi
Beautiful sunset over the desert. I was fully in awe of how diverse the landscape of Israel is.
Hiking in the Judaean Desert! One of my favorite parts of the trip as I love hiking and seeing the rock formations. Ft. Sammy & Umut
The hike was well worth if for fun in the waterfall! (had to post a tattoo pic for Shlomo)
I was genuinely surprised/impressed by how much the Dead Sea actually helped you float. I opted out of the mud on my body which seemed like a good choice given others scrapes the next day!
In the end, I absolutely loved my time in Israel. I am so thankful for the opportunity I got to come to this land, learn of its history and its people, to see first hand the monuments, and most importantly to meet and have fantastic conversations with all of you.

