Harvard Israel Trek 2019
4 min readMay 3, 2019


We toured the Church of the Holy Sepulcher and it was eye-opening just how many religions cohabited the space.
Mahane Yehuda was delicious…and just incredibly aesthetically pleasing…
Our first Shabbat dinner at Adam’s house!
Views of the Old City
Sometimes words simply did not do Jerusalem justice.
Dome of the Rock — a very special place for both Jews and Muslims.
I felt very lucky to be able to cross the checkpoint into the West Bank. Getting a tour of the wall that bordered Palestine was eye-opening and the day we spent here helped contextualize the Jewish settlements alongside the various Palestinian zones.
Sunset in the West Bank
Waking up to the Masada!
When people say that you float in the Dead Sea — they’re not lying.
Visiting the Sea of Galilee was probably my favourite part of the trip — the landscapes were incredibly gorgeous and I understood how people had such a spiritual connection to the body of water.
Little pockets of Tel Aviv!

