Introducing Notional Finance Farms

Harvest Finance
Published in
3 min readAug 17, 2022

On top of the yield earned with Notional, farmers utilizing these farms can enjoy auto-harvested $NOTE and $iFARM emissions.

Good morning Farmers,

We’re excited to announce that 4 fresh farms powered by Notional Finance are now live on Harvest, Mainnet.

The following farms: nDAI, nETH, nUSDC & nWBTC are now available to all farmers.

Each farm auto-harvests $NOTE tokens, which superchargers the yield earned by liquidity providers at Notional. Under the hood, harvested $NOTE is being sold on the market for more underlying, e.g. $USDC or $WBTC.

How to get started?

First, head over to Notional’s Lend page and provide liquidity to one of the vaults of your choice: DAI, ETH, USDC, and WTBC. In return for your liquidity, the Notional platform will mint nTokens (e.g. nUSDC ) as proof of your deposit.

Where to find Notional farms?

Next, head over to Harvest and deposit the nToken in the corresponding vault.

You can easily filter for all Notional vaults by clicking the tag ‘Notional’ on top of the farm’s list.


On top of the yield earned with Notional, farmers utilizing these farms can enjoy auto-harvested $NOTE and $iFARM emissions.

Note: As the farms are fresh with low deposits, APYs displayed on Harvest’s Dapp can be really high until sizeable deposits roll in.

A word on $NOTE liquidity incentives

nToken holders accrue $NOTE rewards proportional to their share of the total nTokens outstanding and the annual NOTE emission rate for that currency type:

USDC: 6,750,000
DAI: 6,250,000
ETH: 750,00
wBTC: 700,000


About Notional Finance📈

Notional is the first decentralized, Ethereum-based protocol for borrowing and lending at fixed rates and fixed terms. With variable-rate lending, DeFi can only serve a small segment of the crypto lending market because variable interest rates don’t provide the certainty that lenders and borrowers require. Notional fixes this by creating a true market for lenders and borrowers that empowers individual investors, business owners and institutional investors.

After raising a $10 million Series A in May 2021 from some of the top VC firms, including Coinbase Ventures, Notional’s protocol was relaunched on 11/1 with a host of new features as well as the $NOTE governance token. Notional is now a top 10 DeFi lending protocol with more than $500M in total lending volume.

To find out more, follow Notional on Twitter @NotionalFinance, subscribe to the newsletter, join Discord, or check out the website to learn more.

About Harvest Finance

Harvest is an asset management platform that maximizes yield for assets deposited by users. Harvest reduces gas costs and develops cutting-edge strategies to become the stop-shop of yield farming in DeFi.

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