Clinical evidence of the life-changing benefits of meditation

Proof that meditation heals your body and mind

Andra Picincu
5 min readMar 28, 2017


Meditating a few minutes a day might keep the doctor away.

Yoga, meditation, guided imagery, deep breathing and acupuncture have long been used for their healing benefits. These various forms of meditation are particularly popular for people struggling with various forms of anxiety and chronic stress.

The ancient practice of meditation dates back to the beginning of mankind, offering immediate and long-term benefits. In this article I will explore what meditation is, cover the various types of meditation, explain how it works, why it works, and show clinical proof of its immense power.

What is meditation?

Meditation is more than just a stress-reduction technique. It involves training your mind to reach a deep state of peace and consciousness. It can be described as a cessation of your thought process, which allows you to connect with your inner-self and acknowledge your emotions. Meditation helps develop self-confidence, love, compassion and positive thinking while improving physical health.

In the broadest sense, meditation is a mental discipline that involves training attention. Due to its healing benefits, it’s widely used in holistic medicine, integrative medicine, detox centers and health care facilities worldwide. Many physicians recommend meditation to those struggling with chronic stress, fatigue, cardiovascular problems, back pain, sleep disorders, anxiety, and even cancer.

Types of meditation

There are many ways to meditate depending on your goals and techniques. Mantra meditation, kundalini meditation, chakra meditation, zazen, Pranayama, Vipassana, and mindfulness meditation have been around for centuries. Some involve focusing your attention on a single object, such as a candle, mantra, or your own breath, and others require being fully present in the moment and opening yourself to whatever arises in awareness.

Find a quiet place, be present and focus on your breathing.

The healing power of meditation

The health benefits of meditation have been subject to over 3,000 studies. This practice triggers positive changes in the brain structure and improves overall health. It not only relieves stress, but also boosts cognitive function, slows down aging, and lifts your mood. Statistics show that more than 18 million Americans (8 percent of adults) rely on meditation each year as a way to relax, fight loneliness, and enjoy a more fulfilling life.

Meditating has been proven to reduce the body’s stress response by lowering cortisol levels and slowing down brain waves. Moreover, it triggers positive changes in the brain areas responsible for attention, focus, behavior and physical sensations. The inner peace and improved mood that occur as a result of meditation appear to be related to these chains in brain structure. Meditation also shuts down the sympathetic nervous system, which activates the GABA receptors and promotes relaxation. GABA, which is as the body’s natural tranquilizer, plays a key role in problem solving, communication and mental focus.

The benefits of meditation go beyond stress relief. This centuries-old practice may improve quality of life in cancer patients, relieve chronic pain and ease menopausal symptoms. Regular meditation reduces the perception of pain and boosts your natural defense mechanisms.

Meditation boosts serotonin levels in the brain and reduces the harmful effects of stress.

Clinical evidence of meditation

Although meditation isn’t a replacement for prescription drugs or standard medical treatment, a growing body of research indicates that meditation can vastly improve physical and mental health.

In a recent study conducted at Harvard, subjects who joined a mind-body relaxation program based on meditation, yoga, and mindfulness used 43 percent fewer medical services than they did in the previous year and saved as much as $25,500 on hospital bills.

In another study published in Psychological Science, meditating for just 15 minutes can boost decision-making skills and open the way to more rational thinking. When you meditate, you focus more on the present moment, and less on the past and future. This psychological shift to positive thinking and counteracts negative emotions.

Additional research showed that regular practice of meditation can reduce mortality from stroke and heart attack by a staggering 48 percent in Africa-American men and women.

In a clinical trial conducted on people over 55 and suffering from high blood pressure, meditation decreased their risk of death by 30 percent.

It also appears to be effective in the treatment of ulcerative colitis, fibromyalgia, high blood pressure, irritable bowel syndrome, and insomnia. Thousands of people suffering from IBS and IBS have reported fewer flare-ups after embracing meditation. For people battling multiple sclerosis, patients reported greater energy and improved quality of life.

Why meditation works

One of the many reasons meditation works is that it boosts serotonin levels on the brain and reduces the harmful effects of stress. Due to its ability to lower the stress hormone cortisol levels, it helps prevent inflammation and hormonal imbalances. Elevated cortisol production has been linked to weight gain, insulin resistance, stroke, cardiovascular disease, and early death. By incorporating meditation into your daily routine, you can prevent these problems and keep your cortisol levels down.

Researchers have also found that meditation activates disease-fighting genes in the body, leading to a stronger immune system. People who meditate regularly are more resistant to viruses and infections, have a more positive attitude towards life, and report increased work performance. This practice helps balance your left and right brain hemispheres, which in turn, boosts your creativity, learning abilities, and emotional health.

Deep meditation activates up to 10 key brain areas responsible for memory, sleep and problem solving skills. Once you start to meditate, you will notice an increased supply of insightful thoughts and cope better with your emotions. When your brain hemispheres work in sync, you can achieve peak mental performance.

So give meditation a try, even for a few minutes. You owe it to yourself.



Andra Picincu

Digital Marketing Specialist & Copywriter Passionate about Healthy Living — Founder of