Natural anxiety remedies that actually work

Nature provides everything we need to fight anxiety and stress.

Andra Picincu
3 min readMay 3, 2017


Adaptogenic herbs, magnesium-rich foods, herbal teas, and spices can relieve anxiety naturally.

Anxiety can take a toll on your life and be a debilitating state that hold you back from enjoying life. People struggling with this disorder tend to isolate themselves, experience intense fear, and have trouble focusing at work. Panic attacks, chest pain, migraines, muscle tension, poor sleep, and shortness of breath are common anxiety symptoms. These problems can last for months or even years.

How to beat anxiety naturally

Many don’t know that anxiety medication can carry potential side effects that can alter your condition even more. Weight gain, sleepiness, blurred vision, nightmares, and rashes are just a few to mention. Fortunately, nature provides everything we need to fight anxiety and stress. Whether you’re suffering from anxiety attacks or simply going through a tough time in your life, natural remedies can complement your current treatments and help.

Incorporating regular exercise and outdoor activities into your lifestyle is one small change that makes a big difference on your overall mood. A study conducted on 3,000 people found that anxiety symptoms decreased by up to 20 percent in those who exercised regularly. Some experts suggest that physical activity may turn out to be the best medicine for anxiety and depression. When combined with a balanced diet, its benefits are tremendous.

Nutritional remedies have also proven to be helpful for those that suffer from anxiety.

Chamomile tea

When anxiety strikes, treat yourself to some chamomile tea. This powerful remedy has been used for centuries to calm the nerves and relieve stress. In a clinical trial conducted on 57 patients, those who took chamomile capsules reported a greater reduction in anxiety symptoms compared to the placebo group, one of the strongest scientific studies supporting its use.


This adaptogenic herb improves your body’s ability to cope with stress. The flavonoids in ashwagandha protect your brain from oxidative damage and help reduce anxiety. Researchers have found that this plant works best for people with social anxiety and agoraphobia as well as for those struggling with thyroid disorders, which increase cortisol levels in the body.

Valerian tea

Valerian root is best known for its ability to induce sleep and calm the mind. This healing plant increases the neurotransmitter GABA levels in the brain, which helps lift your mood and promotes relaxation. If you’re stressed or anxious, have a cup of valerian tea. It’s one of the most powerful natural remedies for insomnia caused by stress.

Bacopa Monnieri

Brahmi or bacopa monnieri has a long history of use in Ayurvedic and naturopathic medicine. Its name comes from the word Brahman, which can be translated as “the energy of universal consciousness.” This rejuvenating herb helps ease anxiety, fatigue, insomnia, depression, and memory problems. It has been also shown to boost brain power and increase longevity.

Passion flower

This humble plant is just as effective for treating anxiety as the prescription drug Oxazepam but without the side effects. Even though it takes longer to work, it’s safer and produces less impairment on job performance. Passion flower is available as a liquid extract, tincture, tea, and infusion. When ingested, it elevates GABA levels in the brain and balances your mood.


Tryptophan is an amino acid that helps reduce anxiety and stress. The human body converts it into 5-HTP and then into serotonin. The higher your serotonin levels, the happier and more relaxed you feel. You can also take tryptophan supplements for PMS, depression, insomnia, and enhanced sports performance. This amino acid also occurs naturally in turkey, chia seeds, sunflower seeds, soybeans, cheese, rabbit, beef, veal, chicken, halibut, and salmon.

Fish Oil

Rich in omega-3 essential fats, fish oil elevates your mood and relieves anxiety. This natural remedy works by lowering cortisol levels in the body. When consumed regularly, it may improve depression symptoms and reduce inflammation. According to health experts, depression and anxiety are linked to an increase in the pro-inflammatory cytokines TNF-alpha and IL-6. These chemicals affect glutamate levels in the brain, causing overexcitement. Thus, it’s essential to keep inflammation under control, especially if you’re prone to anxiety.

As a rule of thumb, steer clear of alcohol, caffeine, sugar, and processed foods as they cause insulin spikes and worsen anxiety.

Have you found any natural anxiety remedies that work best for you? Leave a comment.



Andra Picincu
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